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Iowa News from across the
- 1923 -
New York Times
New York, New York
January 10, 1923
Conroy-Bunn. The marriage of Miss Helen Mabel Bunn, daughter of
Mrs. James R.M. Bunn of this city, and Jim Wycoff Conroy, son of
Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Conroy of Mason City, Iowa, took place
yesterday afternoon in the studio of Professor James O. Boone at
Carnegie Hall. The Rev. Dr. Jacob E. Price officiated. The bride
was attended by Miss Edna F. Vreeland, and Elliott Bunn was best
man. Little Louise Boone was flower girl. After spending their
honeymoon at Miami, Fla. the couple will live in Mason City,
where the father of the bridegroom is the owner of The Mason
City Globe Gazette.
[transcribed by S.F., March 2010]
Caldwell, Noble co. Ohio
Wednesday, January 10, 1923
Sheldon PRINGLE, of Des Moines, Iowa, who is visiting his father
and other relatives in Caldwell, was the guest of his uncle,
Arthur WHARTON, recently.
[transcribed by J.F., Sept. 2003]
Winona Daily Republican
Winona, Minnesota
March 9, 1923
Slayer of Houston County Girl Dies on Scaffold in Iowa, Calm and
Unregretful -- Girl Rejected his Attentions
Fort Madison, Ia., March 9. (By The Associated Press) -- Calm and
composed to the last, and without a word of regret on his lips
for the crime he had committed, Earl Throst, young Allamakee
county farmer, mounted the gallows in the prison yard here this
morning with a steady stride and was hanged for the murder of
Inga Magnusson, the country school teacher who "turned him
Sheriff Ben A. Davis of Allamakee county pulled the lever at
exactly &:30 a.m.
Throst indirectly confessed to the murder shortly before he was
hanged this morning, according to prison officials. "Take
this shirt and tear it up," Throst told a deputy sheriff, as
he was dressing to go to the gallows. "But why should I tear
up the shirt?" asked the deputy. "Because it is the
shirt I wore the day I killed her," replied the condemned
Love Affair Denied.
Waukon, Ia., March 9 -- Earl Throst, 26 years old, who died on
the gallows at the state penitentiary at Fort madison today,
confessed to the murder of Miss Inga Magnusson, 22 year old
Allamakee county schoool teacher, on Dec 12, 1921. Execution of
sentence was delayed for more than a year to permit due
consideration of all angles of the case. His victim resided at
Bee, in Houston county, Minnesota, just across the state line
from the Iowa rural school where she taught.
Another shadow than that of the gallows hung over Throst since he
entered the prison late in 1921. In confessing to the murder he
declared Miss Magnusson was his former fiancee and he killed her
in a quarrel. Hero worship flourishes in the penitentiary, and
Fort Madison inmates, who derived thrills from association with
Orrie Cross and other darling gunmen who were put to death in
recent years, have snubbed the young north Iowa farmer who killed
his sweetheart "because she turned him down flat."
No love affair existed between Miss Magnusson and Throst, however
an engagement ring presented to her by Otto Deters of Eitzen,
minn., was on her finger when she was murdered, and they had
chosen a day in February 1922, for their marriage.
Murder Most Brutal.
Prison officials say Throst has been a model prisoner. The crime
for which Throst paid the supreme penalty was most brutal. Miss
Magnusson's parents becamse alarmed when she failed to come home
for the evening meal on Dec 12, 1921. Her father went to the
schoolhouse, which stands in a desolate ravine a mile from the
Magnusson home. The door was locked and he found, by peering
through a window, that the schoolroom was in order. Believing
that the girl had returned home by another route, Mr. Magnusson
went to the house only to find that she had not appeared.
Telephone calls to neighbors failed to throw any light on the
Accompanied by his son and several other men, Mr. Magnusson
returned to the schoolhouse. They broke open the basement door
and the father entered first. His daughter's hat was on the floor
near the furnace. Then he found the girl. She was lying face
downward behind a stone pillar in a dark corner. Her skull had
been crushed. A piece of firewood, 30 inches long and 3 inches in
diameter, wrapped in a blue bandanna handkerchief, was lying a
few feet away. It was covered with blood.
Hounds Trail Slayer.
Bloodhounds, summoned from Waterloo, arrived early the next
morning. After getting the scent from the club, one of the dogs
led the way to Throst's home. Earl's parents were in Caledonia,
Minn., and the door was forced open. The dog followed the trail
through the rooms on the lower floor, went up the stairway,
entered young Throst's bedroom and laid down on the bed.
Bloodstained overalls and underclothing were found under the bed.
The dog then led the posse to two other houses where it was
learned a pony and a saddle had been stolen in the night. Here
the dog lost the trail. At Eitzen, Minn., the man hunters were
informed that Throst had purchased overalls and a sheeplined coat
at 10 o'clock the night before.
In the meantime, the superintendent of the county poor farm
telephoned to Waukon the description of a certain
"Whalen" who ate breakfast at the institution,
declaring he was a horse buyer traveling to Missouri from
Montana. His description tallied with throst's.
The net then spread over three counties. Descriptions of Throst
were sent over all rural telephone lines and officials in nearby
towns were instructed to watch for him. He was arrested that
afternoon as he rode into Postville, 30 miles southwest of
Waukon. After four hours of questioning in the county jail here,
during which he denied knowledge of the murder, Throst confessed.
Gov. Kendall recently denied the appeal of L.L. Duxbury of
Caledonia, attorney for Throst. The execution was the tenth
hanging under the Iowa law.
[transcribed by S.F., March 2006]
Chronicle Telegram
Elyria, Ohio
March 9, 1923
Slayer Demands Noose Be Right Around Neck; Ends
Murderer's Feast.
Fort Madison, Ia., Mar. 9 -- The feat of the "merry
murderers" came to an end here today when the body of Earle
Throst, slayer of a school teacher, slid through the gallows trap
with a dull thump in the Iowa State prison here. He died with
artificial bravado after playing host at a banquet in the death
house to four other amiable killers soon to follow him through
the trap door. Throst criticized the methods of the hanging just
before dying. He protested that the warden, T.P. Hallowell, had
placed the noose on his chin, not under it. The warden obligingly
adjusted it to suit the murderer. Immediately his body fell thru
the platform of the gibbet, three medical students from the Iowa
state university pounced upon it with stethescopes to listen to
the gradually suspending heart action "for scientific
study." They reported nothing unusual. Twelve minutes later
Throst was pronounced dead. To the last Throst remained the stoic
he had become in the last few weeks. He refused to make any
statement whatsoever. When Rev. Dr. Erskine, of Plymouth
Bretherns church, Des Moines, appeared, Throst said curtly he did
not care to accept the church. However, he prayed with the
clergyman, commenting that he had complete faith in his
salvation. Sixty persons witnessed the execution in the damp of a
chill March rain. There was no demonstration. Everything was done
with precision. The body was sent back to Allamakee county for
burial. Throst slew Igna Magnusson, pretty county teacher. Her
father visited Throst in prison Thursday and was met with
indifference when he told his daughter's slayer he forgave him.
The murderer had refused to discuss the case in any way for
weeks. He attracted attention by his gaiety and lack of fear. He
was the merriest at his banquet last night. His guests shook
hands rather stiffly just before he was led to his death today.
The reaction of one, William Olander, who is awaiting the date
for his execution for murdering Bethold Talspap, in Fort Dodge,
was that he asked after the hanging to be baptized.
[transcribed by S.F., Jan. 2004]
Beatrice Daily Sun
Beatrice, Nebraska
March 22, 1923
-Mr. and Mrs. O.O. Oliver of Des Moines, Iowa are in the city,
having been called here to attend business matters.
-Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Keenan and small son returned to Shenandoah,
Iowa, yesterday after attending the funeral of Mrs. Keenan's
father, G.A. Culver.
-Miss Lora Colver returned to Shenandoah, Iowa, yesterday
afternoon. She was called here by the death of her father, G.A.
-George Monroe has returned to Clinton, Iowa, after a visit in
this city with his family. He is operating a picture show in that
city and formerly operated the Gilbert in Beatrice.
-F.O. Gotch of Fort Dodge, Iowa, was in the city yesterday
attending to business.
[transcribed by S.F., February 2014]
Winona Daily Republican
Winona, Minnesota
June 1, 1923
Probe Reveals Train Looting on Huge Scale.
Iowa Jury Indicts 3 for Receiving Goods Stolen From Freight Cars
on Upper River -- 4 of Alleged Band Now in Prison. Bulk of
$20,000 Loot Not Found.
McGregor, Iowa, June 1 -- A story of train looting almost
unparalleled in the upper Mississippi valley is being revealed
here with the returning of indictments by the Allamakee county
grand jury as the result of investigations conducted by railroad
detectives for the last six months. More than $20,000 worth of
loot, it is
estimated, has been taken from freight trains on the Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy railroad between St. Paul and Savannah,
Ill., and on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul road between St.
Paul and Dubuque.
Four members of an alleged band of robbers now are in prison on
their pleas of guilty to stealing merchandise from trains. They
are Alexander Pendak, arrested at La Crosse, sentenced to three
years at
Waukon; Mike Ryan of Garvia, Iowa, and Henry Clay and John Jones
of McGregor, sentenced to six months each.
Three Indicted.
The grand jury has returned indictments against Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Homes and C.H. Adams, of McGregor, on charges of receiving,
buying and concealing stolen goods and additional indictments are
expected. The loot of the car robbers consisted chiefly of caps,
shoes, shirts and furlined coats. Some of the goods was found to
have been stolen from the Wabasha Mercantile company at Wabasha,
The bulk of the loot has not yet been found. Most of it,
detectives believe, is hidden in a warehouse in the hills of
northeastern Iowa. The loot generally was obtained from freight
cars on sidings, including cars in the yards below La Crescent,
[transcribed by S.F., May 2006]
The Sioux Falls
Argus Leader
Sioux Falls, Minnehaha Co., SD
June 21, 1923
Wedding - Unique Old Fashioned Wedding is Feature of June Day at
Granite, Miss Phoe (Phoebe) Swanson, of Larchwood, Married to
Joseph E. Johnson, of Tea, With Country Ceremony and Group of
Girls from Sioux Falls
What the bounty and hospitality of the old fashioned wedding used
to mean to a whole countryside was recalled last evening in the
unique ceremony held at Granite, Iowa, when Miss Phoebe C.
Swanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Swanson of Larchwood,
Iowa, and Joseph Edward Johnson of Tea were united in marriage.
(June 20, 1923)
Tent Reception
The crowds of friends and relatives from Iowa and South Dakota
who were present were almost unlimited because of the size of the
great tent where the wedding reception and program were held.
As soon as the ceremony was finished in the Mission Church of
Granite, the automobile loads of guests including many who could
not get into the church arrived at the farmhouse, sixteen miles
southeast of Sioux Falls. There, for days preparations had been
made for the feast. Great pots of coffee were boiling on the
stove and an abundance of meats, sandwiches, cakes and ice cream
in many varieties were waiting to be served.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson received their relatives and friends
as they entered the tent, and soon the long tables were filled
with guests. Following the blessing asked by Rev. R. A. Larson of
Granite, Iowa, who had performed the ceremony, congratulatory
speeches were made to the bride and groom, and those present
expressed the hope that their table might always be filled with
good things and that they might find happiness in their future
“I Love You Truly,” was sung by Miss Mabel Swanson,
sister of the bride, and Miss Edna Hegland (Haglund) of
Menominee, Michigan, played two piano solos. Rev. Larson and Rev.
E. Begland (Bergland) living north of Brandon made short
addresses. Mrs. Larson sang “Perfect Day”.
Friends from Sioux Falls
The flow of refreshments was not stopped by the program, however.
Over twenty girls who had motored from Sioux Falls for the
purpose served the crowds. Assisting were Elloa McLellan, Maude
McLellan, Frances Howlin, Esther Thompson, Gladys Brandt, Alpha
Hoyne, Athetha Meyers, Eleanor Martin, Thelma Carlberg, Martha
Bradly, Rowena Bliss, Lois Allen, Florence McGilvray, Hazel
Lundquist, Lucille Helfert, Helen Helfert, Hilda Carlson, Effie
Straight, Vera Hodgins, Ruth Krumm, Mrs. L.A. Johnson, Alma
Many went to the room filled with wedding presents for the young
people. A piano was included among the gifts. Electric lights and
candles illuminated the scene. The tables were arranged around
the bridal table as a center and were decorated with peonies,
roses of brilliant hues and pink candy baskets.
With little thought of the long distance many of those present
would have to drive before they would have to reach their homes,
the guests feasted and celebrated for hours. The little flower
girls Josephine Larson and Myrtle Carlson and the small ring
bearer Robert Larson were gay and sleepy at the same time as the
evening advanced.
Church Ceremony
In the church ceremony the bride walked slowly down the isle on
the arm of her father as the wedding march from
‘Lohengrin’ was played. She was gowned in white satin,
softly draped and trimmed with pearl medallions. Her long veil of
tulle was held in place with a band of orange blossoms. She
carried a bouquet of lillys of the valley and pink roses. Miss
Mabel Swanson, the brides sister, was maid of honor. She wore a
gown of pale yellow canton crepe and carried a bouquet of roses.
Bridesmaids were Miss Betty Long of Larchwood and Miss Hegland
After an extended trip through the east and south for their
honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will make their home on the
bridegrooms farm four miles northeast of Tea.
[note: Larchwood &
Granite are in Lyon co. IA]
[transcribed by D.J., December 2004]
Winona Daily
Winona, Minnesota
July 12, 1923
Veteran Who Shot 2 Women Escapes From Hospital for Insane
Waukon, Iowa, July 12. -- Sheriff Davis of Allamakee county has
been informed that John Kjerland, deranged ex-service man,
escaped last week from the insane hospital at Independence, where
he had been committed after he had shot and badly wounded Mrs.
Bertha Erickson and her 19-year-old daughter, his neighbors, at
their home near Quandahl last March. Kjerland's conduct had been
satisfactory since he had entered the hospital according to the
sheriff's information, and he had been allowed to go outside to
pick strawberries when he eluded his attendant and escaped. No
trace of him has been found. Kjerland had been wounded several
times while serving overseas in the World war and it was believed
that his mind had been affected,
causing him to shoot the two women from outside a window of their
home. Both Mrs. Erickson and her daughter completely recovered
from their wounds.
[transcribed by S.F., May 2006]
Thomson Review
Thomson, Caroll co. Illinois
September 20, 1923
Word was received here Tuesday that Fred Heustis had died at his
home in Lowden, Iowa. "Uncle Fred" as he was known by
the people in Thomson and York township, was for a great many
years a resident of York, in fact, he spent the greater part of
his life here. Funeral services will be held at the Baptist
church Thursday afternoon with burial in the Dunshee cemetery.
[transcribed by S.F., August 2006]
New York Times
New York, New York
December 9, 1923
Moss-Von Kokeritz. The marriage of Miss Marie Hildegarde von
Kokeritz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.G. von Kokeritz, and Ensign
Arnold E. Moss, U.S.N., son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Moss of
Charles City, Iowa, took place last evening at Arrochar, the home
of the bride's parents on Staten Island. The Rev. William H.
Potts performed the ceremony, which was followed by a reception.
[transcribed by S.F., March 2010]
Richford Gazette
Richford, Vermont
Friday, December 14, 1923
Stories From Here and There
Work of Iowa Circuit Rider in 1856
Marion, IA - A circuit rider in "the Delaware district"
of Iowa when there were fewer people in the state than there are
now in the city of Des Moines, and when Delaware county, for
which his ccircuit was named, had but one church, a little frame
shack at "Yankee Settlement," Rev. F.X. Miller of Cedar
Falls, Methodist minister in Iowa since 1856, claims to have
served more years in the ministry in this state than any other
clergyman. Rev. Mr. Miller, at the age of eighty-seven attended
his sixty-seventh consecutive session of the upper Iowa
conference of the Methodist Episcopal church recently in session
here, and the conference is this year in its sixty-eighth
The upper Iowa conerence was organized in 1856 and held its first
annual session in that year. In 1855 Mr. Miller had come West as
a boy of nineteen, fresh from a seminary at Newcastle, Pa., to
"read medicine" with his uncle at West Union, Ia.
But he decided to enter the ministry instead and in 1856 he
obtained a license to preach for the Methodist Episcopal church.
He was assigned to a circuit, which included four towns of
Delaware county - Manchester, Greeley, Earlville and Yankee
Settlement - the latter since renamed Edgewood.
The young minister had other difficulties. He had to preach at
all four towns every Sunday, and his schedule was rigorous. He
preached a sermon early Sunday morning at whichever of the four
towns he chose as his starting point. Then he mounted his saddle
horse and rode five or six miles to the next settlement, preached
his third [sic] sermon - sometimes, he admits, the same sermon
for the third time - at the next crossroads in the afternoon, and
in the evening he was due at the last of the four towns. During
the week he held religious services in the four communities as
often as he could reach them.
For this year-around ministry, through thunderstorm and blizzard,
Mr. Miller got $100 a year from the central organization of the
Methodist church. The rest of his subsistence came from the
people he served in the form of "board and keep."
[transcriber note: Yankee Settlement, now known as Edgewood
straddles the county line of Clayton and Delaware counties.
Transcribed by S.F., May 2018]