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Iowa News from across the
- 1922 -
New York Times
New York, New York
January 12, 1922
Wasser-Wertheim. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wertheim of Belle Plains, Iowa,
announce the marriage of their daughter, Genevieve, to Edwin
Wasser, Jan. 10, 1922.
[transcribed by S.F., April 2011]
Thomson Review
Thomson, Caroll co. Illinois
February 8, 1922
Obituary of Hannah Pearcy Potter
The following obituary was taken from the Republican of
Harlan, Iowa, of a former Thomson resident.
Hannah Pearcy Potter was born in Eaton, Yorkshire, England, June
20, 1840, died in Santa Barbara, Calif., Jan. 16, 1922 aged 81
years, 7 months and 27 days. She was united in marriage to John
Potter, Feb. 28, 1863, in their native country. Immediately after
the marriage they came to America and settled in Thomson, Carroll
county, Illinois. After living there six years they moved to
Montgomery county Iowa, and lived there six years. In March,
1875, they came to their farm in Shelby county where they resided
until 1894 when they moved to Irwin where they have since made
their home.
To this union four children were born, Thomas H. of Harlan, Miss
Libbie Fogarty of Irwin, James R. of Omaha, Neb., and John A. of
Santa Barbara, Cal. at whose home she passed away.
The husband and father passed on in 1916 and she has since lived
in the home with the daughter Mrs. T.N. Fogarty, spending a part
of the time visiting her sons.
Mrs. Potter was a devoted christian having united with the
Methodist church in her early life. She was a faithful attendant
until she was unable to do so and was a Sunday school teacher for
a number of years. She was a loving and devoted mother, a kind
and thoughtful neighbor and friend, finding great pleasure and
happiness in helping those around her.
Three sons, one daughter, three grand-children and a host of
friends are left to mourn her death.
Funeral services were held at the M.E. church here Saturday
afternoon conducted by Rev. McEldowney and the body laid to rest
by the side of her husband. The children were all present at the
[transcribed by S.F., June 2004]
Anaconda Standard
Anaconda, Montana
February 26, 1922
The funeral for the late Patrick McKenna will be held from the
residence of Mrs. Larry Keegan, 1018 East Third street, Tuesday
morning at 9:30 o'clock, with services at St. Peter's church at
10 o'clock. The date was postponed to Tuesday from Monday to give
time for the arrival of a brother-in-law, Harry McCramer of
Hampton, Iowa.
[transcribed by S.F., Jan 2012]
Appleton Post
Appleton, Wisconsin
April 7, 1922
Telegraph Tabloids
Calamus, Iowa [Clinton county] - "Jail the bootlegger and
save our girls from cigarets and booze" is the battle cry of
Mrs. H.P. Strong, newly elected mayor. Her first official act was
to buy a new lock for the jail.
[transcribed by S.F., June 2004]
New York Times
New York, New York
April 15, 1922
Chicago, April 14 -- Adrian C. "Pop" Anson, "the
Grand Old Man of Baseball," died this afternoon, in St.
Luke's Hospital, two days before his seventieth birthday.
Stricken Sunday with a glandular ailment while out walking, he
was rushed to the hospital and operated on the next day. For a
time it was believed he would recover, but a relapse set in this
morning and the end came quickly. The news spread rapidly
throughout the city, causing grief to thousands of followers of
baseball. Baseball Commissioner Landis, when informed of Anson's
death, exclaimed: "Not 'Pop' Anson! You don't mean my old
friend 'Pop' is dead! Oh, I just can't say anything!"
One of the great figures of baseball history, Anson grew up with
the national game, for when he first began to swing his bat
against a ball the game was just emerging from the old
"rounders" stage. The first team he played on was a
sort of family affair, his own father, tradition has it, being
one of the nine. This was in his birthplace, Marshalltown, Iowa,
and the lanky youngster showed enough to be sought in 1871 by the
Forest City team of Rockford, Ill., a semi-professional
In 1873 Anson obtained his first full-fledged professional
engagement with the Philadelphia Athletics of the National
Association. At this time he formed a close friendship with
Boston's star pitcher, A.G. Spalding, and it was largely through
the latter's influence that Anson left Philadelphia and signed in
1876 with Chicago in the newly-formed National League. Playing
third base that season, he was a large factor in bringing the
first National League pennant to Chicago.
The make-up of that team will recall pleasant memories to the
older fans. Spalding pitched and "Deacon Jim" White
caught. McVey and Barnes were on the bases with Anson. Peters was
at shortstop. Glenn, Hines, Eddy and Bielaski cared for the
outfield positions. Experts say that few stronger nines have ever
been put together. Spalding was the leader, but he retired soon
and anson took his place. He won five pennants, those of 1880,
1881, 1882, 1885 and 1886. During this period Anson's fame and
popularity were at their height. when Chicago dropped in the
league standing and "Pop's" play fell off, he learned
the fickleness of baseball crowds. Some of his friends thought he
would have remained popular and the team successful several years
longer if he had left first base for the bench. But he hated to
quit the diamond and continued to play for twenty-one of the
twenty-two years he was with chicago. then, when his contract
ended in 1897, it was not renewed.
Andrew Freedman signed him to manage the Giants, but his term
here was brief. At the end of a fortnight he left, being unable
to work amicably under Freedman's dictation.
Anson's retirement from organized baseball followed. He tried
several things afterward. A billiard hall in Chicago was
successful, but a semi-professional team he organized to tour the
country was not. In politics he failed of re-election after one
term as City Clerk of Chicago. A vaudeville act did fairly well.
He kept up his athletics all the time, going in vigorously for
golf when no longer able to play ball. A few weeks ago he had
been elected manager of a new golf club.
It is dangerous to say that Anson's record as a baseball player
was unequaled or that he was the greatest player the game had
produced. Admirers of Wagner, Cobb, Ruth and other stars might
object. But here are the figures: From 1876 to 1897, with the
exception of two seasons, anson batted over .300, making his
highest average in 1887, which was .421. His grand batting
average for the twenty-two years was .348. He led the league in
batting six times, and was on several other occasions in second
or third place. And his fielding record: six times he stood at
the top among first basement, and his average ranged from .974 to
.988. To put his achievement in a slightly different way: In
8,947 times at bat he made 1,663 hits, and out of 22,945 fielding
chances he missed only 596.
[transcribed by S.F., October 2008]
New Castle News
New Castle, Pennsylvania
April 15, 1922
Chicago, April 15 -- Adrian C. Anson, for more than half a
century one of the notable figures of baseball died today at St.
Luke's hospital after a week's illness just two days before his
70th birthday. Funeral arrangements had not been definitely
completed last night but it was believed that a public funeral
downtown would be held. Mr. Anson is survived by four daughters,
Mrs. Walter H. Clough, Montclair, N.J.; Mrs. Arthur C. Dodge,
Mrs. C.E. Cherry and Mrs. A.W. Sottman, the latter three living
[transcribed by S.F., October 2008]
Thomson Review
Thomson, Caroll co. Illinois
May 3, 1922
Farewell Party.
Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Kratz entertained seventy of their neighbors
and friends. At their country home east of town, on Tuesday
evening May 2, the occasion being a farewell party and
miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Gladys Little, teacher of Parkhill
school. Mrs. Little was the recipient of many beautiful and
useful gifts, including aluminum ware, linen and silver. After a
very successful year, Mrs. Little will close her school next
Friday and leave for her new home at Monticello, Iowa, at which
place her husband is engaged in business. The evening was spent
in games and music. At a late hour delicious refreshments were
served, after which the guests departed, all wishing Mrs. Little
much happiness in her new home.
[transcribed by S.F., June 2004]
Trenton Evening
Trenton, New Jersey
June 6, 1922
Mrs. Kathryn McCroden of 16 Fairview Avenue left last Sunday for
the West, where she will spend three months on the ranch of her
daughter, Mrs. Peter Sweeney of Waukon, Iowa. While in the West,
Mrs. McCroden will visit her son, Leonard in Lafayette, Ind., and
another son, Michael in Fort Sheridan, Ill.
[transcribed by S.F., November 2011]
Milwaukee Sunday
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
June 11, 1922
Ancient Prairie du Chien Ferry Route is Busy Again.
Praire Du Chien, Wis. -- By the end of summer, it is officially
reported, eighty-one miles of Trail 19, the Wisconsin-Iowa
highway from Milwaukee to Madison and Prairie du Chien and across
Iowa from McGregor to the Missouri river and Sioux Falls, S.D.,
will be paved in Iowa. Because of the directness and shortness of
the trail across southern Wisconsin and northern Iowa it has
become very popular with motor tourists. To accommodate the
hundreds of cars which must be transported across the Mississippi
between Prairie du Chien and McGregor, two modern auto ferries
have been put on the river the last couple of years. One of the
boats, the Wanamingo, is the property of Joseph Zimmerman of
Prairie du Chien; the other, Rob Roy II, belongs to George
Freeman of McGregor. The original Rob Roy was the mule ferry
which Alexander McGregor ran from Prairie du Chien to the Iowa
shore in 1840, carrying the first settlers into northern Iowa.
After the Milwaukee-Prairie du Chien railroad was completed in
1859 three steam ferries did bonanza business between the
railroad terminus and McGregor, bringing Iowa wheat across and
transferring settlers and their household goods and supplies
bound for the lands west of the Mississippi.
[transcribed by S.F., April 2005]
New York Times
New York, New York
July 4, 1922
Dead Man's Father Found.
Police yesterday identified the man found dead at 210 West
Fifty-third Street on Saturday night as H.G. Bentley, an actor
and the son of W.H. Bentley of Minneapolis, Minn. Detective
Cooney made the identification by means of an Elk's membership
card and pin found on the body, and communicated with the elder
Bentley. A reply was received yesterday claiming the body and
asking that it be forwarded to H.G. Bentley's former home at
Waukon, Iowa.
[transcribed by S.F., October 2007]
Littleton, Arapahoe co. Colorado
July 21, 1922
J.E. Crawford, Prominent Littleton Busines Man, Dies From Heart
Jackson E. Crawford, for the past forty years identified with the
business interests of Littleton passed away at St. Lukes Hospital
in Denver Wednesday. He had been in ill health for some time
having been afflicted with heart trouble. "Jack" as he
was known by most of the residents of this district, was born in
Guttenburg, Iowa, 57 years ago. He came to Littleton in 1883 and
has resided in or near Littleton ever since. In the early days he
was in the saloon business but later bought a ranch east of
Wolhurst upon which he lived until the time of his death. In June
14, 1899 he was married to Miss Laura Lane, to which union was
born one son, Frank. He was much interested in livestock always,
having owned some very fine blooded race horses. He was formerly
a member of the Littleton Hose Company and was always identified
with the progressive movements in Littleton. Mr. Crawford was one
of the biggest open hearted men that ever lived. He was true blue
to his friends and a man whose heart always went out to those in
need. He did many acts of kindness to people of which the public
little knew and he will be sadly missed by those whose good
fortune it was to know him. He is survived by his wife and son
Frank, and a half brother in Minnesota. At the time of going to
press the funeral arrangements had not been definitely made but
the interment will be in the Littleton cemetery. The funeral will
be held either Sunday or Monday, announcement of which will be
made later.
[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]
Thomson Review
Thomson, Caroll co. Illinois
October 18, 1922
J.B. Taylor Dies Suddenly
On Sunday afternoon Bayard Cole received a telegram from Jewell,
Iowa, containing the news of the sudden death that morning of his
uncle, Joseph B. Taylor of Ellendale, N.D., who visited here last
week with relatives. He with his brother, Fred N. Taylor and
niece, of Jewell, left for that place last thursday, for a few
days stay before continuing his journey to his home. He was not
feeling in his usual health the last few days of his stay here.
Sunday morning he packed his grip preparatory to leaving Monday,
and sat down for a talk with his brother. In a few moments he
gave a gasp and placed his hand over his heart and before any
member of the family could reach his side he had passed beyond
earthly aid.
His brother, who only a few weeks ago buried his wife, is almost
prostrated by the shock. His son in Oakes, N.D., has been
notified and is expected to arrive soon.
Joseph B. Taylor was born in Java Village, New York, September 6,
1838, and died at Jewel, Iowa, October 15, 1922, aged 84 years, 1
month and 9 days. He was the eldest son of Alonzo and Diana
(Barber) Taylor and came to Illinois with his parents in 1850.
For a couple of years the family lived near what is now Palatine
not far from Chicago where they kept a [illegible]. In 1852 they
came to this county and settled on the Sandridge.
In 1871 the deceased was married to Miss Abbie Williams of
Thomson and to them were born seven children, one of whom, Earl,
died in 1880 at the age of one year. Those remaining to mourn a
kind and indulgent father are Alonzo of Oakes, N.D., Lester
[illegible words] (Mrs. Frank Brown) of Brookdale, Mont., Mary
(Mrs. Percy Peters) of Phillips, mont., Bertha of Portland, Ore.,
and Harrison, also of Phillips. He also leaves 19 grandchildren,
one brother, F.N. Taylor of Jewell, Iowa, and two sisters, Mrs.
Susana Cole of Thomson and Mrs. William Stephenson of Eli Cajon,
Calif. His wife passed away nearly 20 years ago in their Dakota
home, where they settled in 1883, being among the first to take
up government land in that section. He leaves also a large number
of nephews and nieces who deeply grieve over the loss of a loved
one. He was a man of powerful character, a deep student on almost
every subject, well-read on all questions of the day and a close
student on politics. His advice on public and private affairs was
often sought by his neighbors and friends and greatly valued. Of
deeply religious nature he had no fear of the future, but never
united with any church denomination, never finding any that
exactly met his beliefs.
He served one year in the Civil war and always took a great
interest in the G.A.R. and attended the grand encampment of that
orderat Des Moines. No funeral arrangements have been made as yet
but burial will probably be at Ellendale by the side of his wife.
[transcribed by S.F., August 2006]