Iowa News from across the Country
- 1911 -


New York Times
New York, New York
March 8, 1911

C. L. Trout & Co. of Maiden Lane to Continue in Business.
Charles L. Trout & Co. Wholesale jeweler, 2 Maiden Lane, who have been in business for fifteen years, have arranged with their creditors for a settlement out of court. Their attorney said yesterday that the creditors have given a general release on their surrender of notes and securities. The firm has turned over all its assets to trustees except for $5000 worth of jewelry and fixtures. The firm will continue in business. It is expected that when the assets are liquidated by the trustees the creditors will receive 60 to 70 per cent of their claims. The liabilites were $127,000 and assets about $92,000.

[Transcriber's notes: Charles L. Trout was born and raised in Maquoketa, Iowa. He was the son of Thomas Trout and the former Amanda Knittle. Charles returned to Maquoketa where he died in 1936. He is buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery. Transcribed by M.J.M., December 2007]


Bismarck Daily Tribune
Bismarck, North Dakota
March 11, 1911

J.P. Ferris was called away suddenly two weeks ago to Bayard [Guthrie co.], Ia., where his mother was very ill. He arrived too late for the funeral, she having died soon after the news reached him.

[transcribed by S.F. March 2006]


San Francisco Call
San Francisco, California
April 7, 1911

Pioneer Physician Dies in Oakland
Oakland, April 6 - Dr. Robert L. Hill, a pioneer physician of Oakland, died this morning at his home, 533 Albion street, after a long illness which started with an attack of pneumonia a year ago. Dr. Hill was born in Niagra Falls, Canada, July 19, 1842. He came to Oakland in 1881 from Dubuque, Ia., for his health. He was very active in his profession until a year ago. The funeral will be held from the Hill residence Saturday morning, April 8, at 10:30 o'clock, and the remains will be cremated. Doctor Hill leaves his wife, Mary, a son, Dr. R.L. Hill Jr., and a brother, A.J. Hill, of Rockford, Ill.

[transcribed by S.F., September 2016]


Elbert County Banner
Elizabeth, Elbert co. Colorado
May 26, 1911

At the home of her sister, Mrs. Asa W. Norris, Mrs. Geo. Wacker died Sunday night at 9:05. Mrs. Wacker was formerly Adelia Margaret Romig, she was 35 years, 9 months and 28 days old at the time of her death. She was born at Littleport, Iowa, was married to Geo. Wacker June 26th, 1894, she was a member of the third Presbyterian Church of Dubuque, Iowa, and is survived by her husband, 1 son, mother and 3 sisters. Mrs. Wacker died with Hemorrhage of the lungs. Her remains were shipped to Dubuque for burial. Mrs. Wacker belongs to the Rebeccas of Dubuque and the America Orders of Nobles of Elkader, Iowa. She arrived in Colorado April the 29th, coming here in the hopes that the climate of Colo would benefit her health.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]


Watertown Herald
Watertown, Jefferson Co. N.Y.
Saturday, June 3, 1911

Engineer Dies in His Cab
Marshalltown, Iowa, June 1 -- With his hand on the throttle of his engine on the Iowa Central, A.E. Ede, aged 63 [or 65], of Oskaloosa, Iowa, died. As the train was approaching Pickering, Ede's fireman noticed that he did not appear to be watching signals.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2008]


Evening News
Ada, Oklahoma
June 6, 1911

Wanted Taft to Pay a Mortgage.
Washington, June 5 -- When President Taft arrived at the Union station here this morning from his Chicago trip a man tried to break through the police lines and struggled frantically to reach the president. He was over-powered and hustled into an automobile and locked up in the first precinct police
station. It was ascertained that he is John Rusterholz, of Crawford City, Iowa. No arms were found on him. He told the police that he wanted to get President Taft to pay off a mortgage on his farm in Iowa. He is being held for examination as to his sanity. The incident created much excitement.

[transcribed by S.F., Dec. 2003]


New York Times
New York, New York
August 29, 1911

Hopkins-O'Rourke -- On Aug. 24, 1911, in Dubuque, Iowa, L. Thomas Hopkins of Truro, Mass., and Kathleen B. O'Rourke, formerly of New York City.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2008]


Fairbanks Sunday Times
Fairbanks, Alaska Territory
September 10, 1911

Sorrowing Mother Thanks All for Aid
In a pathetic and tear-stained letter to Andrew Hoye, Mrs. Ada Sellers, mother of Fred Sellers, the baker's lad who was shot here last spring, thanks everyone for the kind treament that they have given her. Sellers was shot by a Montenegrin who is now in the federal jail awaiting trial. The two were playing cards and as the result of a little altercation, the young lad was killed. Friends of the young man took charge of the remains, and a fund with which to sent the body Outside to the mother was raised. A balance of $300 was sent to the sorrowing widow. The letter follows:

Des Moines, Ia., Aug 15, 1911
Dear Friends:
Your most welcome letter was received some time ago. I have tried to answer several times but have had to give it up, as the tears would blind me so I could not see. Please forgive my seeming negligence.

I have thought of you all daily, yes, hourly, for I know my poor boy has never left my mind since this terrible thing happened. Oh my, why did it happen? If the poor soul who did this awful deed could only know what sorrow he has caused, he would suffer remorse enough to atone for his terrible work.

Oh, my poor boy! The remains arrived on the 23d of July and he was buried beside his sister in the Woodland cemetery. His father is buried in Boone in an uncle's lot. The Eagles here were very kind and took charge of the remains.

They wouldn't let me see him, although I would have liked to look upon him just once more. When I think he has gone for ever I believe that I shall go wild. I often wonder what will become of me now if I live to be old.

Of course, I have my other children, but Fred seemed to take his father's place and I depended upon him so much. I got a letter from him since his death that was mailed on June the first and he told me of his plans for my welfare and said he would be home this fall and be with me again. Oh, dear, how little did he think that would never be.

Oh, dear boys, if you have a mother, don't forget her and always try to be with her or near her at least. I suppose that by the time you get this, you will know something of the fate of that poor fellow who killed my boy. I hope they do not hang him for that would do no good.

What were my poor boy's last words and did he know that he was going to die? And, oh, did he suffer much? I wish I could have been with him in that awful hour. I will send you a picture of him soon. I received the money and am so very thankful to you all. I took some of my furniture out of storage and am living in my own home again.

I think hourly of my boy and it seems impossible to think that he will never be with me any more, although I suppose it was all for some good purpose that God will explain some time. Hoping that you will write me again and once more trying to thank you for all your kindnesses to my poor boy and me, I will bid good-bye. The children join in sending our sincere thanks to all.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Ada Sellers
1513 West Grand Ave., Des Moines, Iowa

P.S. Should any of you ever come to Des Moines, be sure and make my home yours. I think I have read your letter over a thousand times, so be sure and let me hear from you. God bless you and be with you all is my prayer.

Related article - Fairbanks Daily Times, January 28, 1912
On the stage leaving tomorrow morning will be Chief Deputy Marshall P.G. Charles and Special Guard Val Diebold with three federal prisoners who are being taken to Outside institutions for further detention, two for McNeils island and one for the Mt. Tabor insane hospital. The two prisoners are Boriso Rakoceviche, who was sentenced to a term of 25 years for the killing of Fred Sellers and Joe Barry, of Fox, who will serve a two years sentence for an attempt to bribe an officer. The third, an insane patient, is Melvin Seversen.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2008]


New York Times
New York, New York
October 8, 1911

Miss Dorothea Geddes Weds.
Daughter of Mrs. C.P. Geddes is Married to Abram B. Chittenden.
Special to The New York Times
Greenwich, Conn., Oct 7. -- The wedding of Miss Dorothea W. Geddes, daughter of Mrs. C.P. Geddes of New York, and Abram Baldwin Chittenden of Burlington, Iowa, took place here this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in Christ Church. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. M. George Thompson, rector of the church. Mrs. Charles Baldwin Parsons, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Mary Chittenden, sister of the bridegroom, Miss Dorothea Carson, both of Burlington, Iowa; Miss Eva Marie Gullauden of Morristown, N.J.; Miss Alice Presby, Miss Laurada Chipman, Miss Alice Muller, and Miss Virginia Geddes of New York. Mr. Chittenden's best man was Herbert Chittenden. The ushers were Frank Olmstead and Henry Dubois of New York, Walter Cruden of St. Louis, Herbert Porter of Philadelphia. Edwin Carpenter, Wailliam Baldwin of Burlington, Iowa and Charles Bateman Parsons of New Britain, Conn. A reception, attended by nearly a thousand persons, followed the ceremony, being held at Kenilworth, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kissam Brown, near the Greenwich Country Club. When the young people return from their honeymoon trip they will reside in Burlington, Iowa.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2008]


The Libby Herald
Libby, Montana
December 14, 1911

Has Guarded Taft on Tour
Lucien Wheeler, or "Jack," as he is known to every railroad official and nearly every police chief and newspaper reporter in the United States, is the man who perfects the arrangements for presidential trips, such as President Taft has been making. It is he who weeds the goats from the sheep, and has every railroad connection, every social function and every banquet working without a hitch and assures the president of smoothness and safety in his journey. He is the advance agent of the presidential traveling show. President Taft has traveled close on to 100,000 miles since he was elected. Lucien Wheeler has traveled a trifle over 100,000 miles ahead of him.

Lucien Wheeler is in every way an American. He was born in Iowa. He received his education in the schools of Cedar Rapids and among the people of the whole United States. He is thirty-five years old and has been in the secret service nearly 12 years. Six of these have been spent guarding presidents and making their road to the people easy and safe. He is stockily built, weighing exactly 175 pounds stripped. In his stocking feet he measures five feet eight inches in height. He has the reputation of being one of the strongest men physically in the service. His nerve has been tested in many ways and never has been found wanting.

Up to the time President McKinley was assassinated at Buffalo in 1901 the president of the United States was poorly guarded in times of peace. The guarding of the president and the making of preparations in advance when traveling really originated with President Roosevelt's administration. But it was after President Taft was elected that the guarding of and caring for the president when traveling was perfected.

[transcribers note: another similar article, different paper, stated that he was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wheeler, 853 Second avenue Cedar Rapids, Iowa; transcribed by S.F., January 2014]

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