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Iowa News from across the
- 1903-
Chillicothe, Missouri
January 16, 1903
Miss Alice Shaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Shaw, who lives on
west Webster street, will be joined in marriage to Frank Williams
of Dyersville, Ia., this evening. The wedding ceremony will be
performed at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Shaw has not
been living in Chillicothe for some time, her home being
in Dyersville, where she met her husband-to-be. Mr. Williams is a
prominent shoe merchant at that place. The couple will make their
future home in Dyersville.
[transcribed by C.J.L., Sept. 2003]
Decatur Herald
Decatur, Illinois
February 20, 1903
High Priced Stallion
Emmettsburg, Iowa, Feb. 19- W.E. Crowder and Co., of Laurens,
Iowa, have purchased the imported Percheron stallion Organiste
for $5,500, the highest price ever paid by an American for a
draft stallion.
[transcribed by C.J.L. May 2004]
Davis County
Bountiful, Davis Co, Utah
April 10, 1903
Relic of John Brown - House in Which He Once Lived is Burned
The small cottage in which John Brown, the abolitionist, lived
for several years in the fifties, in Tabor, Iowa, and which was
used as the headquarters for his "underground railroad"
for the helping of runaway slaves, has been destroyed by fire. In
connection with his headquarters in Tabor, Brown organized a
military school, in which his sympathizers were taught the manual
of arms, the knowledge to be used in an uprising which never
occurred. The building was small and dilapidated.
[transcribed by C.J.L., Nov. 2004]
The Weekly Gazette
Colorado Springs, Colorado
May 28, 1903
The following is a list of the Grand Army men buried in Evergreen
A.H. Gillett, Co. A, 5th Iowa Inf.
George N. Whaite, Co. C, 27th Iowa
J.W. Bell, Co. F, 33d Iowa
David Herron, Co. B, 5th Iowa Cav.
C.W. Kittridge, Col. 36th Iowa
Lemuel Ford, Co. C, 13th Iowa
H.B. Guernsey, 7th Iowa Cav.
[transcription note: only the names of soldiers serving in Iowa
regiments were transcribed; transcribed by S.F., May 2015]
Hendricks Pioneer
Hendricks, Lincoln co. Minnesota
July 23, 1903
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson, of Toronto, S.D., who have been
visiting in Allamakee county, Iowa, stopped off at Hendricks on
last Tuesday, enroute for home.
L.A. Larson, our pioneer merchant, was pleasantly surprised on
Tuesday morning when, seated at his desk, he looked up and there
before him was his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Larson,
who just arrived by train from Quandahl, Allamakee county, Iowa.
Larry says that he was never more surprised in his life. He had
no idea whatever that they were coming, didn't even have an
opportunity to meet them at the depot. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Larson
were among the first settlers in Allamakee county, having lived
there fifty odd years. They will visit here for some time, having
lots of friends and relatives in this vicinity, knowing nearly
all the farmers around here, especially the older residents.
[transcribed by S.F., Sept 2007]
Grand Encampment Herald
Encampment, Woming
August 7, 1903
-A.L. Dayton was the victim of a painful and quite serious
accident last Tuesday while working about the crushers at the
smelter. A piece of ore struck him in the eye making an ugly
wound. Dr. Perdue is attending him and it is thought he will
recover without loosing his eye.
-Mrs. M.A. Dayton, of Waukon, Iowa, and two daughters, Miss Leona
and Mrs. L.C. Davenport, of Clear Lake, Iowa, are expected to
arrive in camp next week on quite an extended visit. Mrs. Dayton
is the mother of A.L. Dayton, one of our genial townsmen, and the
party will be guests at the Dayton home while here.
[transcribed by S.F., Dec. 2013]
Summit County
Breckenridge, Summit co. Colorado
September 5, 1903
Mrs. Gill Paul, of Iowa City, Iowa, sister of G.B. Watson of this
place, accompanied by Miss Lee of Denver, daughter of Hon. Henry
Lee, paid a brief but welcome visit to the Watson family this
[transcribed by S.F., April 2006]
Davis County Clipper
Bountiful, Davis Co, Utah
October 16, 1903
Religious Enthusiast Charged With Murdering His Third Wife
Ebenezer S. Blydenburg, arrested at Eldora, Iowa, charged with
the murder, by poisoning, of his wife, has been released under
$1,000 bonds. Mrs. Blydenburg died suddenly on May 29th, a few
months after her marriage. At the instigation of the dead woman's
sister the remains were disinterred and the stomach found to
contain arsenic. The dead woman, who owned a valuable Iowa farm,
was Blydenburg's third wife. Blydenburg's second wife is said to
have died in Brooklyn, N.Y., and it is stated that her life was
insured for $7,000. Blydenburg has manifested great zeal in
religious work and his arrest has caused excitement.
[transcribed by C.J.L., Nov. 2004]
New York Times
New York, New York
November 25, 1903
Syracuse, Nov. 24. -- Miss Margery Rich White, daughter of the
late Hamilton S. White, and Wilfred La Salle Wright of Sioux
City, Iowa, were married at St. Paul's Cathedral to-night. The
wedding was attended by hundreds of guests. Miss White, who is a
cousin of ex-Ambassador Andrew D. White, was attended by Miss
Ethel Butler of this city as maid of honor. Her bridesmaids were
Miss Elizabeth Newall, Miss Marie Wilson, and Miss Helen Forsythe
of New York City, Miss Ethel Heverin of Dover, Del; Miss Marie
Wright of Soux City, Iowa, and Miss Marion Denison of Syracuse.
Frederick Ellis Jackson of Providence, R.I. was Mr. Wright's best
man, and the ushers were John C. Short of Cincinnati, William
Nevin of Philadelphia, Wallace Childs and Sterling Bairdsley of
New York, and William Butler of this city.
[transcribed by S.F., January 2007]
Rich Hill Mining Review
Rich Hill, Bates, Missouri
December 7, 1903
Mr. C. A. Birks, who recently disposed of his property at Metz,
left to-day with his family for Woodbine, Ia, where he will
reside until he concludes that Missouri is good enough for him.
[transcribed by C.H., Sept. 2003]
Davis County Clipper
Bountiful, Davis Co, Utah
December 25, 1903
Broken Neck Set
An operation said to have no parallel in the surgical world was
performed at St. Joseph's hospital Sioux City, Iowa, Monday by
Dr. William Jepson of the State university. John Norstrom fell
from a load of hay, striking his head and breaking his neck. He
has been almost paralyzed for weeks. A portion of the third
cervical vertebrate was removed, the false growth of tissue was
cleaned out and the bone replaced. The patient is doing well,
with every prospect of recovery.
[transcribed by C.J.L., Nov. 2004]