Iowa News from across the
- 1901 -
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
January 25, 1901
Licensed to Wed. Marriage licenses were issued at the County
Clerk's office yesterday to the following persons:
John W. Hanson, aged 40, a native of Iowa, and Maude A. Farley,
aged 24, a native of Iowa; both residents of Oelwein, Iowa.
[transcribed by S.F., February 2011]
San Francisco Call
San Francisco, California
January 27, 1901
Died. In this city, January 26, 1901, Newel W. Crocker, a native
of Dubuque, Iowa.
[transcribed by S.F., April 2017]
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
March 1, 1901
Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses were issued
yesterday from the office of the County Clerk:
James R. Knox, aged 41, a native of Illinois and a resident of
Monrovia, and Mara W. Brown, aged 40, a native of Iowa and a
resident of Des Moines, Iowa.
[transcribed by S.F., February 2011]
Wheatland World
Wheatland, Wyoming
April 26, 1901
Married in Iowa - Carroll E. Ankney surprised his numerous
friends by returning from Iowa last Friday evening accompanied by
a bride in the person of Miss Kittie Maloney, formerly a teacher
of this district. They were married at the bride's home at
Waukon, Iowa, on the 15th inst., and will reside on the groom's
ranch near Owen, where they will be cozily at home in a few days.
The bride will be remembered by many friends in this section as a
charming and accomplished lady of most estimable character. The
groom is a prosperous young ranchman, and is well-known, having
grown to manhood here. The young people will have the best wishes
of every one for a long and happy married life.
[transcribed by S.F., Dec. 2013]
Chicago Daily
Chicago, Illinois
April 26, 1901
Marriage Licenses. The County Clerk Issued Permits to wed to the
following couples yesterday:
Arthur J. Carpenter, age 29, of Elkader, Ia. & Alice J.
Patterson, age 24, of same
[transcribed by S.F., April 2007]
Davis County
Bountiful, Davis County, Utah
June 14, 1901
Iowa Cyclone Plays Fatal Prank
A cyclone did considerable damage Tuesday morning six miles
southwest of Larchwood, Ia. Edward Ugland's house was wrecked and
he and his child were carried some distance and landed in a wheat
field, bruised, but otherwise uninjured. The other members of his
family were uninjured. Near Lester, some distance east, a
9-year-old boy was killed and several people were badly injured.
Many buildings and much farm property was destroyed.
[transcribed by C.J.L., Oct. 2004]
The Kearney Daily
Kearney, Nebraska
July 3, 1901
BIG DEAL IN LAND: DesMoines, IA. July 3.— William Larrabee
Jr., and Victor Dolliver were in the city yesterday with
capitalists from northern Iowa and closed the big land deal by
which ex-Governor Larrabee disposes of a tract of land in Grant
township, Kossuth county, containing 7200 acres. The land was
purchased by the ex-governor many years ago for a small sum. The
consideration was $250,000. The purchasers were Jasper Thompson
and E. H. Rich and their brothers, all of Forrest City.
[transcribed by L.Z., July 2017]
Caldwell, Noble co., OH
Wednesday, July 10, 1901
Brief Mention.
-Mrs. C.F. TIPTON and son, Harold, left for Prescott, Iowa last
Saturday morning where they will visit for some time.
-Mrs. Charles OKEY, of Corning, Iowa, was the guest of F.G. OKEY
and family last Wednesday, having been called to Ohio by the
death of her sister, Mrs. Robert POPE, who recently died at
Woodsfield. She left for Columbus later, where she was joined by
Mrs. C.F. TIPTON Saturday and together they left the Capitol
City, Monday, for Prescott, Iowa, where Mrs. TIPTON will visit
for some time.
[transcribed by J.F., Sept. 2003]
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
July 12, 1901
Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses were issued at the County
Clerk's office yesterday to the following persons:
-Carlos Moreno, aged 54, a native of California, and Mrs. Marie
C. Ware, aged 29, a native of Iowa; both residents of San
-William Wade Rodwell, aged 35, a native of North Carolina, and a
resident of Union, Iowa, and Jessie Parsons Arnold, aged 27, a
native of Illinois, and a resident of Grinnell, Iowa.
[transcribed by S.F., February 2011]
Davis County
Bountiful, Davis County, Utah
July 26, 1901
Deed of Insane Man.
Coroner Whitnell impaneled a jury to investigate the deaths of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuerhelm and their child at Glenwood, Iowa,
Thursday, which has found that Fuerhelm, driven insane by heat,
jealousy and quarrels with his wife's relatives, decapitated his
wife and her son by a former husband, with an ax, cut the throats
of his four horses with razors, burned his residence and barn and
then shot himself, after hanging his marriage certificate on the
[transcribed by C.J.L., Oct. 2004]
The Herald
Iowa Park, Wichita, TX
(about) August 20, 1901
Mrs. M.S. Vanduson, the venerable mother of Mrs. A.H. Johnson,
died in this city last Tuesday [20 Aug 1901] of Paralysis. She
was in her 67th year at the time of her death. The deceased was
opening a large gate on the Johnson farm near Iowa Park some six
months ago, and the wind blew it violently against her arm,
hurting it very badly. This hurt grew worse and the limb finally
became paralyzed. The paralysis gradually extended over her left
side, at last causing her death. The funeral took place from the
Church yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. E.S. Bledsoe
preaching the funeral sermon. The remains were interred in the
city cemetery and were followed to their final resting place by
many sorrowing and sympathizing friends. The deceased leaves a
husband and six children to mourn her loss. Of the latter, one of
these, Mrs. Johnson, lives here, one in South Dakota, two in Iowa
and two in Illinois. Mrs. Vanduson was a good woman. She was a
true and loving wife, a devoted mother and a staunch and loyal
friend and
neighbor. Years ago she made a profession of the Christian
religion and united with the Christian church. She died in the
faith she had espoused while living and has gone home to her
reward. The HERALD extends to the bereaved husband and children
the sympathy of our people in their sad time.
[transcribers note: At the time of her death Eliza Nears
Van Dusen was visiting her daughter Luthera Van Dusen
Johnson in Texas. Eliza's home for many years was Aureola
(Marble Rock) in Floyd Co. Iowa.
-transcribed by B.L., August 2004]
Stevens Point
Stevens Point, Wisconsin
August 24, 1901
At the age of 86 Edwin Manning, the wealthiest man in the state
of Iowa, died at his home in Keosauqua, Ia. His estate is valued
at $3,000,000.
[transcribed by C.J.L., Sept. 2003]
San Francisco Call
San Francisco, California
October 26, 1901
Died. In Alameda, October 24, 1901, May, beloved wife of L.C.
Bode, daughter of Mrs. M. Geerdts of Ballard, Wash., and sister
of the late Mrs. M. Riley, William F. Geerdts and Albert Geerdts
of Ballard, Wash., a native of Iowa, aged 36 years. Friends and
acquaintances are respectfull invited to attend the funeral
to-morrow (Sunday), at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 1035
Taylor avenue, between St. Charles and Caroline streets.
Interment Mountain View Cemetery.
[transcribed by S.F., April 2017]
Brooklyn Eagle
Brooklyn, New York
November 5, 1901
Bequest for Old Soldier.
Marshalltown, Ia., November 9 -- Commandant Horton of the
Soldiers' Home, has received a letter from Frederick Rosebrock,
Osnabrueck, Prussia, inquiring for Detrick M. Miller, a former
inmate of the home, who is the only direct heir to $25,000, left
by his brother, recently deceased. Miller left the home in 1898
and it is not known where he is.
[transcribed by S.F., February 2005]
New York Times
New York, New York
November 29, 1901
Des Moines, Iowa, Nov. 28 - Charles Meinkey of Fontanelle, Iowa,
a juror in the Balliett Mining case, now on trial in the United
States District Court here, was found dead in his hotel to-day.
it was evident that he blew out the gas before retiring and was
asphyxiated. His death will not interfere with the trial, and the
case will proceed with eleven jurors tomorrow. Meinkey was a
farmer and was worth $50,000.
[transcribed by S.F., December 2007]
New York Times
New York, New York
December 12, 1901
Oskaloosa, Iowa, Dec. 11. -- Miss Bernice Lacey, youngest
daughter of Congressman John F. Lacey of Iowa, was married here
this evening to Carroll E. Sawyer, a young business man of this
city. The bride is a graduate of Wilson College, Chambersburg,
Penn. She attracted much attention in Washington society last
[transcribed by S.F., January 2007]