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Iowa News from across the
- 1883 -
Bismark Tribune
Bismark, Dakota Territory
March 16, 1883
And Still They Come.
The following appears in the Rockwell City, Iowa, Republican,
bearing date March 9. Mr. Reed has long been a subscriber for the
Greatly to the regret of the community in general Mr. A.L. Reed,
of Manson, is about to leave that town for the purpose of going
to business at Bismark, D.T. Mr. Reed has proved himself one of
the most honorable and successful business men in Calhoun county,
combining in a remarkable degree the broad interprise and
executive energy so thoroughly characteristic of leading men of
affairs. Those of his friends who have watched with a feeling of
pride and admiration his rapid advance and conspicuous energy
know full well that his loss to home business circles will be
irreparable, and are only reconciled to his departure by the
assurance that his new field of operations will be less limited
in its scope and consequently enable him to engage in interests
of greater magnitude and more strongly adapted tohis ability and
inclinations. Mr. Reed's wholesale connection with drugs, flax,
creameries, and his extensive experience in handling farm stock
can only be reckoned as indisputable guarantees of future
activity and development. Outside of mere monetary relations, Mr.
R. is fortunately connected, his father having served with
distinguished ability as auditor of the good old state of
Massachusetts. Mr. Reed enjoys wide social prestige and
popularity, being a Master Mason, a leader among the Knights of
Pythias, and ranks as a general favorite on account of his strict
business integrity, intelligence, urbanity and other rare public
and personal qualities. Mr. Reed's Iowa friends and patrons
sincerely hope and generously belive that his new venture will be
attended with the most flattering results so justly and eminently
in keeping with his capacity and merits.
[transcribed by S. F., March 2004]
The Cedarburg News
Cedarburg, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
March 21, 1883
We learn that Mr. Oliver HILL, who has been in charge of the
dyeing department of the Cedarburg Woolen Mills for the past year
or more, has resigned his position, and has rented a factory of
about one-third the capacity of the one here, in the city of
Boone, Iowa, and is to depart for his new home next week. Mr.
HILL is a skilled dyer, as well as superintendent of wool
manufacturing machinery, and therefore has high hopes he can do
better than work for a salary. We wish him all the success
imaginable, and a forgiveness of his sins
for leaving Cedarburg.
[transcribed by M.S., Sept. 2003]
New York Times
New York, New York
April 22, 1883
Campbell-Warnock. On Wednesday, April 18, 1883, at the residence
of the bride's father, Rural, Rock Island Co., Ill., by the Rev.
J.C. Warnock, LeClaire, Iowa, brother of the bride, assisted by
the Rev. J.A. Reynolds, Rock Island, Ill., John Campbell,
New-York, and Janet, daughter of Mr. John Warnock. No cards.
[transcribed by S.F., October 2006]
The Cedarburg
Weekly News
Cedarburg, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
June 6, 1883
Our old friend, Mike CORRIGAN, in Sioux City, Iowa, writes us as
follows: “In this wilderness of mine I often want to know
how all you are getting along at home; so send me your valuable
paper for one year for which I send inclosed stamps. See what I
have been doing.”
Your old friend,
We cannot see what he has been doing, but have read in the Sioux
City Journal of May 31st the following, to which he
doubtless refers:
“Mr. CORRIGAN was made the proud parent of a bouncing boy
yesterday morning. Mrs. CORRIGAN and the little one are getting
along nicely. This is Mike’s first son, and he is
correspondingly happy.”
We congratulate the happy parents, and hope to see the boy when
Mike pays a visit to his old home.
[transcribed by M.S., Sept. 2003]
The Cedarburg
Weekly News
Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
June 20, 1883
Miss Agnes SALTER started for Storm Lake Iowa, inst. Wednesday,
to visit friends and relatives. We wish her a pleasant journey.
[transcribed by M.S., Oct. 2003]
The Cedarburg
Weekly News
Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
July 4, 1883
- Mrs. W.L. SPENCER of Clinton, Iowa, the only child of our Dairy
Editor, and his wife, has come to Cedarburg with two children, to
spend the summer months, with her parents.
- The Rev. William J. HALPIN of Meath Diocese, Ireland, a student
of the widely renowned Ecclesiastical College of Maynooth, and at
present Professor in the Seminary of Dubuque Iowa, has been
spending a few days with his uncle Mr. Patrick HALPIN of this
town. During his stay he officiated in the Church at this place,
giving a very touching and eloquent discourse on the parable of
the "Loaves and Fishes." On the following Sunday July
2nd in Waukesha county, whither he went to visit his aunt Mrs.
McMONIGLE, he held early and
late service in two different churches, Menominee and Brookfield,
five miles apart, preached from different texts, and so attracted
his audience in Menominee that all followed him to the Brookfield
church where they were still more effectively entertained. Father
HALPIN is a young man of more than ordinary zeal and ability, and
cannot fail to make his mark in the ministry. He was accompanied
by a nephew, Mr. W.J. KELLY, a student of the College where his
uncle is Professor. being on vacation, they left here Monday July
2nd to visit relatives in Boston and Canada intending to return
to Dubuque by the first of September. At the request of the
Pastor of Brookfield and Menominee churches, Father HALPIN
promised to lecture there on his return.
[transcribed by M.S., Oct. 2003]
The Cedarburg
Weekly News
Cedarburg, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
October 17, 1883
- Mrs. J. F. HILGEN and Mrs. J. DIEDRICH went to Lamars, Iowa
- Mr. Mike CORRIGAN of Sioux City, Iowa, is in town visiting
[transcribed by M.S., Oct. 2003]
Freeborn County
Albert Lea, Minnesota
November 28, 1883
Will H. Roper who has been in charge of Sheriff Sheehan for a
week or more on the charge of swindling gave bonds yesterday, was
released and returned home to Emmetsburg, Iowa.
[transcribed by C.J.L., Jan. 2004]
Cedarburg Weekly
Cedarburg, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
December 12, 1883
Wm. BIRMINGHAM who lives about three quarters of a mile north of
this town, sold his farm to Fred. BECKMANN of this village. Wm.
intends to leave about April 1st for Sioux City, Iowa, to-gether
with his mother and sister.
[transcribed by M.S., Oct. 2003]
Weekly News
Frederick, Maryland
December 20, 1883
Married in the West
Notice was clipped from the Muscatine, Iowa, Daily Tribune,
dated November 5th, 1883, of the marriage of Mr. G.W. Miller, a
son of Mr. Wm. S. Miller of this city, to Miss Julia Price, at
Ellsworth, Iowa. Mr. Miller left home a few years ago to try his
fortune in the great West, and we are glad to state has succeeded
wonderfully. He has many warm friends and acquaintances here who
we are sure join with us in our congratulations and good wishes.
[transcribed by S.F., October 2005]