Iowa News from across the Country
- 1882 -

New York Times
New York, New York
April 28, 1882

Fleming-Laing. April 26, at the Broadway Tabernacle, by the Rev. Wm. M. Taylor D.D., Thomas Fleming to Elizabeth, fifth daughter of George Laing, LeMars, Iowa.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2006]


New York Times
New York, New York
May 22, 1882

Keokuk, Iowa, May 1 - A special dispatch from Fort Madison, Iowa, says that Polk Wells, the train robber, escaped from the penitentiary this morning with two accomplices named Fritzgerald and Cook, by chloroforming the attendant in the hospital, breaking through the iron roof and overpowering the hospital guards. John Elder, one of the latter, died from the effects of his injuries and the chloroform. Pursuit has been organized, but no trace of the fugitives has been found yet.

[transcribed by S.Y., September 2009]


New York Times
New York, New York
June 25, 1882

Terrific Tornadoes - An Iowa Town Destroyed
Des Moines, June 24 -- A dispatch just received by the Register from Fort Dodge says the train despatcher reports the town of Emmettsburg, county seat of Palo Alto County as being blown to pieces this morning by a tornado, and that over 100 people were killed. The Illinois Central and the Chicago and North-western trains were blown from the tracks. The Milwaukee and St. Louis Road was wrecked. There is a wash-out north of Forest City, and it is reported that three or four more towns in that locality were blown to pieces. The telegraph wires are all down north of here and it is impossible to get more news at the present time.

Sioux City, Iowa, June 24 -- A heavy storm of wind and rain passed over Northern Iowa last night. Much damage to property is reported, but as yet no loss of life. At Pattersonville a number of buildings were moved from their foundations, and some damage was done to crops. A freight car was blown from the track on the Sioux City and St. Paul Railroad. At Hosper's the depot building, the Catholic church, two grain warehouses, and a number of other buildings were wrecked. At the same station 18 freight cars were ditched. The violence of the storm caused a good deal of uneasiness at Lemars, but no serious damage is reported from there. The storm struck Spencer, on the line of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, at about 5 o'clock this morning, scattering lumber piles, and demolishing a partly inclosed house. At Emmettsburg, further east, the result was more serious. A splendid new school house, nearly finished, was completely demolished, and other buildings were damaged and several persons were injured, some quite severely, at many other stations along the line. The Union Mills were blown to pieces. In a number of cases cars were blown from the track. Full reports are difficult to obtain on account of the prostration of the wires. The storm did not partake of the nature of a cyclone.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2007]


Democrat & Chronicle
Rochester, Monroe co., NY
September 30, 1882

The Last Kewanee Bank Robber in Custody
Chicago, Sept. 29 - Tott J. DUNKLE, the last of the Kewanee bank robbers, was arrested in Battle Mount, Dakota, yesterday. DUNKLE is 26 years old and lived in Des Moines, Iowa, where his father for many years was a merchant and where he occupied an eminent social position. Young DUNKLE was highly esteemed and never before known to be engaged in any criminality. He was traced from Des Moines, which he left soon after the robbery, to Wyoming territory and from thence to Dakota. When taken he was armed with a rifle. He had $1,500 in his possession.

[transcribed by G.S., Oct. 2003]


The Prairie Farmer
Chicago, Illinois
October 14, 1882

Iowa Swine Breeders
A meeting of prominent swine breeders of Iowa was held at Des Moines while the late State fair was in progress and formed an organization to be known as the Iowa Swine Breeders' Association.

Among those who took part in the movement were the following: B.R. Vale, Bonaparte; M.K. Prine & Son, Oskaloosa; W.H. Bishop, Rising Sun; A.J. Lytle, Oskaloosa; W.W. Thompson & Son, Downey; J.A. Davis, West Liberty; W.M. & J.T. Laughlin, New London; A.B. McClure, Dallas Center; W.M Robertson, Booneville; G.W. Smith, East Des Moines; W.Z. Swallow, Booneville; Sam Johns, Eldora; G.H. Grimmell, Jefferson; Wm. & C.H. Holmes, Grinnell; W.W. McClung, Waterloo; James Stephenson, Donnelson, Lee Co.; J.W. Blackford, Bonaparte; E. Hayden, Eddyville; John Gilmore, Vinton and G.W. White, Hillsdale.

Articles of association and by-laws were adopted, and permanent officers elected, B.R. Vale is the president and John Gilmore, secretary.

A.B. Vale, Dr. Grimmell and W.W. McClung were appointed a committee to represent the interest of the association at the next annual meeting of the State Agricultural Board.

[transcribed by S.F. January 2018]

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