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Iowa News from across the
- 1880 -
Freeborn County
Albert Lea, Minnesota
January 22, 1880
Miscellaneous Items.
- Iowa City will have glucose works.
- Mme. Janauschek canceled her engagement at Council Bluffs
because of a severe attack of sickness at Lincoln, Neb.
- Woodbury county taxes for 1879 foot up $143,941.66, a reduction
of $5,299.88 from last year. Sioux City's tax is $66,261.40.
- A large number of men and women of Council Bluffs have
petitioned the Common Council of that city to enforce the Sunday
laws and close saloons at 11 p.m. on week days.
- The John L. Davies lumber mill in Davenport, which has been
idle since the death of Mr. L.S. Davies, a year ago last summer,
will the coming year be in full and constant operation, having
been purchased by L.C. Dessaint for $31,600.
- Chas. Adams and wife, who live on a farm three and a half miles
south of the city of Atlantic, Cass county, were the other night
quietly sitting by their comfortable fireside, when a pistol-ball
came crashing through the
window, quickly followed by a brick-bat.
- The Courier says a 3-year-old child of W.W. Pollard,
of Ottumwa, tried to get a bushel of beans up its little nose,
and after getting about a fourth of a pint in concluded it had
undertaken too large a job. The services of the family physician
made everything lovely.
- A fire at Newton, Jasper county, one morning last week,
destroyed property to the extent of $36,000. It is supposed to
have been set by burglars. Gillman's book, toy, and jewelry
store, Gillespie's drug house, and Brill's dry-goods
establishment were entirely consumed. Insurance about $10,000.
- Waterloo Tribune: In 1874 John Bowman was the
Democratic candidate for Congress in this district, and H.O.
Pratt was the Republican candidate, and elected. Last Saturday
evening, Sunday morning and evening, Rev. John Bowman preached in
the Methodist Church, in this city, of which Rev. H.O. Pratt is
pastor, Mr. Pratt taking part in the services.
- A few weeks ago there was an announcement in the Davenport
papers that two coal miners, Gilbert and Oleson, had found a
large deposit of coal on the farm of Mr. Horace Bradley, in
Pleasant Valley township, Scott county. The Davenport
Democrat now publishes facts to point that the alleged
"find" was only a "plant" by Gilbert and
Oleson to enable them to sell out for a goodly sum.
- Postoffices established in December -- Daytonville, Washington
county; Kinross, Keokuk county; Turner, Fremont county; De Novo,
Tama county.
Postoffices discontinued -- Allamakee, Allamakee county; Turner,
Fremont county; Marena, Ringgold county. change of name -- from
Imogen to Imogene, Fremont county.
[transcribed by S.F., Nov. 2003]
Winona Daily
Winona, Minnesota
January 28, 1880
One of the burglars who escaped from the Decorah Jail, Frank
Lucus, was recaptured on Monday. With him was taken Frank
Bernard, a Postville criminal, and both were returned to their
old quarters. James White, the other burglar, is still at large,
though officers on his track feel sure of his capture.
[transcribed by S.F., November 2005]
McConnellsville, Morgan co. Ohio
March 5, 1880
Pennsville News
- Have had the genial, jovial “Mack” Breneman, now of
Tama City, Iowa, back among his old Pennsville friends for 10
days, “Mack” seems to be “Mack” yet--was
summoned home to see his mother who has been in poor health
nearly all winter, but am glad to state she is fast regaining her
-Joseph King, son of William King, another “Hawkeye” is
home for a two weeks visit among his Buckeye friends and expects
to return accompanied by his sister Alice who is looking forward
towards spending the summer in Iowa.
Home News.
- Mr. Arthur Corner, one of the pioneers who moved to Iowa about
thirty years ago returned some weeks ago to spend the winter with
his brother William and other Malta township friends -- returned
to his home at
Drakesville Iowa, on last Tuesday. Mr. Corner is now about 76
years old. The changes time has wrought is indicated by the fact
that when Mr. Corner removed to the west it took 42 days to make
the journey. He returned in two days.
[transcribed by C.A., April 2005]
Freeborn County
Albert Lea, Minnesota
June 3, 1880
A Cyclone.
A cyclone passed through the town of Mitchell, Dakota Territory,
May 24, doing much damage to life and property. The killed are
Jacob Luther, of Allamakee county, Iowa; Harvy Smith of Bloackboy
station, Kane county, Illinois. Badly wounded -- Fred Francis,
Decorah, Iowa; Mr. Phelphs, Kane, Illinois; Fritz Bodd. Injured
-- Wm. A Moth, Columbia, Wisconsin. Luther's remains were taken
in charge by the Masonic fraternity, who will accompany them to
his late home. Many buildings were blown down in the village,
which contains 600
inhabitants, all the buildings having being built this spring.
Most of the farm buildings near town are blown to pieces.
[transcribers note: according to Allamakee county cemetery records Jacob Luther is buried in the New Albin, Iowa twp., Allamakee co. cemetery; transcribed by S.F., Nov. 2003]
The Globe
Atchison, Atchison County, KS
June 10, 1880
MURDER MOST FOUL: Parties that arrived on to-days train from the
North bring information that Western Iowa is excited over the
finding of the body of an aged woman. Mrs. Nancy Duncan, until
recently a resident of Council Bluffs [Pottawattamie Co.]. It was
discovered on Sunday afternoon, near Pacific City, Mills county.
The remains had been hastily buried under layers of earth beside
a clump of bushes. Bruises and marks of violence were found on
the body, and the circumstances pointed strongly to foul play.
The body had
apparently been placed there about two weeks. Suspicion pointed
toward the son of the murdered woman, who left Council Bluffs
with her about two weeks ago, and had since appeared without her,
and reported that she had died "over in Nebraska." An
inquest was held Monday, and a verdict rendered that the woman
had been murdered by parties unknown. The whereabouts of the son,
William Duncan, are not ascertained.
[transcribed by S.D, Sept. 2005]
Freeborn Standard
Albert Lea, Freeborn co. Minnesota
June 17, 1880
Murdered by Her Son
The body of Mrs. Nancy Duncan, late a resident of Council Bluffs,
Iowa, was found buried near Pacific City, Miles county, on the
evening of Sunday, June 6, under circumstances that lead to the
belief that she had
been foully murdered. The body had evidently been transported, as
it was fly blown. It was wrapped in a common coverlet, tied about
the middle of the body with rope. On the left temple was a
contusted spot, and at the jugular vein was a deep cut an inch
long severing the vein and causing death. Later developments
show almost conclusively that her son, Wm. Duncan, perpetrated
the deed. The officers are on his track.
There is much mystery about the matter but the above are
substantially the facts.
[transcribed by C.J.L., Oct. 2003]
McConnellsville, Morgan co. Ohio
July 9, 1880
- R. F. Hodgin, who is now in Gladbrook, Iowa, sent us a copy of
the newspaper in that place, which is a lively sheet full of
- Last week the family of R. F. Hodgin arrived in Gladbrook, and
now Bob keeps house again and is merry.-- Gladbrook (Iowa) Courier.
[transcribed by C.A., April 2005]
The Spokan Times
Spokan Falls, Washington Territory
Saturday, July 10, 1880
Drowned - On Sunday, June 27, Thomas Carstensen was accidentally
drowned while bathing in Rig Lake. Deceased was a native of
Sweden, and was in the employ of the N.P. R.R. Co. He is supposed
to have a sister living in or near Walla Walla, and a father and
mother in the State of Iowa.
[transcribed by S.F., November 2007]
Amador Dispatch
Amador Co., CA
August 7, 1880
DIED. At Jahez Wild's ranch, on Stony Creek, Aug. 6, 1880, King
Carlisle, a native of Iowa, aged about 28 years.
[transcribed by L.J., November 2004]
Lincoln Herald
Lincoln, Logan Co., IL
September 30, 1880
Sept. 27 ----- The Hoblit-Larison reunion was held at the fair
ground last Friday with T. J. Larison as chairman. Addresses were
delivered by E. J. Thomas, Ab. Longworth, Wm. Hoblit, J. T.
Hoblit, of Lincoln, Green Larison, of Bloomington, and others. A
general good dinner was enjoyed by all. Among strangers present
we noted T. D. Turner and wife, Frank Wilmot and wife of Wapella,
P. T. Brooks, wife and daughter, Eureka, Ill., Green Larison,
Jr., Council Bluffs, Iowa, Robert Longworth, Jr. Benton, Ill, N.
C. Fehr and wife, Bloomington, A. and Robert Longworth,
McLeansboro, Ill., A. K. Martin and wife, Missouri, Jas. Larison
and family, Bloomington, Lee Larison and wife, St. Joseph, Mo.,
Amos Hoblit and family, Iowa.
[transcribed by S.B., August 2005]