Iowa News from across the
- 1873 -
The Daily Journal
Battle Creek, Michigan
Monday, January 13, 1873
Today’s telegraph dispatches announce that “a young
couple, living near Lemars, Iowa, had been to Sioux City to get
married. When returning home they were overtaken by the storm and
got lost. They let the team go, turned the sleigh box over, and
got under it for protection. At the end of two days they came out
safe and sound.” That’s a rather novel way to spend the
[transcribed by L.Z., Feb. 2016]
North Vernon Plain
Jennings county, Indiana
February 11, 1873
- Emmor C. Malmsberry of Marshalltown, Iowa is visiting friends
in Campbell township.
- William Graham, an old and much respected citizen, has sold his
farm and moved to Iowa, intending to make his home with his son.
[transcribed by T.E., Dec. 2003]
North Vernon Plain
Jennings county, Indiana
February 25, 1873
Married. At the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. W. O.
Pierce, Mr. Emmor C. Malmsberry, of Marshalltown, Iowa, to Miss
Evelyn Hole, of Butlerville.
[transcribed by T.E., Dec. 2003]
North Vernon Plain
Jennings county, Indiana
March 3, 1873
From Butlerville - Mr. Emmor Malmsberry and his bride started for
Iowa, their future home, last Thursday.
[transcribed by: T.E., Dec. 2003]
Winona Daily
Winona, Minnesota
May 29, 1873
From the expressions of leading Republican papers in Iowa, public
sentiment seems to be crystalizing in the direction of the
following ticket: For Governor, Colonel Cyrus C. Carpenter,
(present incumbent) of Webster county; Lieutenant Governor,
Dudley W. Adams, of Allamakee county. Mr. Adams is at the head of
the organization knows as the "Granges of the Patrons of
Husbandry," and was proposed by some indiscreet people as
the candidate of that organization for Governor. In a very
sensible letter, however, he has declined that honor, and is
therefore proposed for the second place on the ticket of his
party. The prospect seems fair, consequently, that Messrs.
Carpenter and Adams will lead the Republicans of that State to
another of their old-fashioned victories.
[transcribed by S.F., November 2005]
Colorado Daily
Pueblo, Pueblo co. Colorado
June 7, 1873
A Healthy Dead Beat. Financial Operations of Mr. William B. Hunt.
Some fourteen months ago there arrived at the National House in
this city, a rather stylish looking gentleman named Wiliam B.
Hunt, who hailed last from somewhere in California. After
boarding at the house for a short time he announced to Mr. G.H.
Howard, the proprietor, that he was in an impecunious condition
and wanted some employment whereby he might obtain the
wherewithal to supply his immediate wants. He was placed in the
responsible position of dishwasher, and having performed his
duties for some time to the satisfaction of all concerned, and
Mr. Howard having found that he was a good penman and had some
knowledge of accounts, he was promoted to the position of clerk
in the house. Here he at first attended to his business in a
manner that won the confidence of his employer and, during the
protracted absence of the latter, Hunt was trusted with the
control of the cash. Prosperity was too much for him and he then
began a series of peculations the sum total of which is a very
considerable amount. when Hunt's irregularities were discovered
he pretended to be very penitent and informed Mr. Howard that his
father, who resided in Elkader, Iowa, would advance the money
necessary to make up the amount stolen. Mr. Howard telegraphed to
the address given but received no reply. After waiting for some
time, Hunt was allowed to depart, after an immense amount of
blubbering on his part, and numerous promises that if allowed to
escape this time he would do better next time.
His first exploit after leaving Pueblo, was to go to a colored
barber in Colorado Springs and collect five dollars which the
confiding knight of the razor owed the National House. Some
corespondence has taken place between parties in this city and
some residents of Elkader, and we give herewith an extract from a
letter received recently from the latter place.
Elkader, Iowa
May 29th, 1873.
Dear Sir:
Honorable A.F. Tipton of this place, has just shown me your
letter making inquiry as to whether a person lived here by the
name of Judge Hunt, and as to whether he had a son
"Will" or William B. Hunt. At the suggestion of Mr.
Tipton and others, I write this letter for your benefit and that
of the young lady who has so unfortunately become the wife of
William B. Hunt. In consequence of his father's efforts
"Will" was after a few months study, admitted to the
Bar to practice law, and shortly after which he entered into
co-partnership with Captain George W. Cook in the practice of the
law in this place, and continued for more than one and a half
years, when the said Captain Cook married the sister of Wm. B.
Hunt, who is a fine lady. A short time after said marriage Wm. B.
Hunt having some business at Dubuque, took with him all the money
which he had collected for other parties, including the money
belonging to the firm, and left the country, and nothing has been
heard from him as to his whereabouts until last week, except from
parties whom he had tried or did swindle out of their money on
false representations. Capt. George W. Cook, his own
brother-in-law, says he swindled and embezzled from $1300 to
$1500 of money from him and thier clients. In fact he has almost
ruined his brother-in-law, who has said more than a half dozen
times that if "Will" was here he would have him
arrested for embezzlement. Not only Captain Cook but other
parties would prosecute him. Almost every day I hear of parties
whose money he took and left the cuontry, and for more than four
months his own father and mother supposed him to have been
murdered. But at last he turned up at Salt Lake City, where he
tried to obtain money from the treasurer of the masonic order, on
false representatons as to his standing as a mason, and as to the
busness he was doing in the state of Iowa. But the treasurer
being a banker, did not accept all he heard as true, and resorted
to telegraphing, but when he recieved the reply, Mr. Will B. Hunt
was not to be found. There is a party in Greeley, Colorado, who
wrote me a year ago desiring to know if a "Will" Hunt
lived in this place, and I have no doubt he has been trying the
confidence game with some one in that place.
Wm. B. Hunt is a fine, dressy-appearing young man, social and
congenial, good company, and would be taken by his appearance for
a nice, upright young man. But in fact, from his own admission,
and from what I know, and from the statement of his own brother
who is now dead, and the statements of some respectable persons,
he, the said Wm. B. Hunt, can be put down as an unmitigated
scoundrel and libertine, who not only embezzled the money
belonging to his clients, but belonging to his own
brother-in-law, who is also a mason and an honest and upright
man, but the disgrace brought upon him by his partner, W.B. Hunt,
absconding with the money of their clients; which he tried to
replace by mortgaging hs library for more than it was worth to
meet their clients' demands until they came so thick and fast
that he has exhaused all of his means and yet hundreds of dollars
remain unpaid. Mr. Cook has closed his office almost broken
hearted without business. It is a shame and disgrace on the part
of "Will" to so treat his own brother-in-law. William
B. Hunt has been married before, and his wife obtained a divorce
from him in the state of Ohio and has a son living in that state
about fourteen years old I think. The Masonic order expelled him
about one year ago or more. I am told that he treated his
employers in Chicago, previous to commencing the study of law, in
the same manner, while clerking in the Revere house. I have
forgotten the name of the proprietor. "Will" was a good
hearted fellow, but it made no odds to him whose money he used or
how he came by it. A man of his learning and travel thrughout the
country should do different, and when they don't, the authorities
should take him in charge and learn him a lesson by close
confinement. While he was here everybody tried to help him on his
father's account, but when he absconded he lost all his friends,
even his brother-in-law.
So much of the flattering biography of Mr. Hunt, we publish for
the benefit of the people of Colorado. Hunt is a rather good
looking young man, about thirty-five years old, rather light
curly hair, a gift of gab unsurpassed, and spends other people's
money freely. There is, however, that penitentiary cast about his
countenance, with which the devil seldom fails to mark his own.
Hunt says he is going to California and we would advise anybody
who wants to see a first-class specimen of a thief, liar,
slanderer and a healthy dead beat generally, to take a "long
lingering look" at Mr. Wm. B. Hunt.
Since writing the above, we learn that Hunt has been arrested in
Denver in accordance with a telegram sent from this city, and
will be here in time to pay his respects to the grand jury and
Judge Hallett.
[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]
The New York Times
New York, New York Co., New York
Sunday, June 8, 1873
Burlington, Iowa June 7- A fire broke out in Werner BROCKLIN's
oil and lamp store at noon today.
Rev. Mr. WILSON, of Ames, Iowa, has been bound over in the sum of
$500 to answer the charge of breaking a pane of glass to gain
admittance to the Methodist chapel in that place, which had been
closed to him.
[transcribed by S.F. August 2003]
Edwardsville, Illinois
July 24, 1873
-Current Paragraphs-
At Columbus Bridge, Allamakee County, Iowa, the other night, Mrs.
Hjort, while cleaning a dress with alcohol near a hot stove, was
burned to death by accidentally spilling some of the fluid on the
stove, which immediately enveloped her in flamees.
At West Union, Iowa [Fayette co.], a few days ago, a servant girl
in the family of Dr. Bassett, in trying to light a fire with
kerosene oil, was so seriously burned that she died in a short
A letter received at Des Moines from Hamilton county, Iowa, says
that the tornado on the 4th completely cleared a twenty-acre
field of corn, "taking corn, dirt, and all." "A
schoolhouse was carried away, and has not been seen since."
"A stable with two horses was carried over eighty
A two-year old child in Dubuque, Iowa, named Mary Fleschman, died
on the 15th of a rat bite inflicted three days before.
There were 257 convicts in the Iowa Penitentiary on the 30th of
Professor Woodman, of Dubuque, is said to possess the finest
cabinet of marine and geological specimens in the Mississippi
valley, containing the rarest collection of corals in the United
States. He has accumulated it all by his own exertions during his
travels in the West Indies, Sandwich Islands and other foreign
parts, and values it at $15,000.
[transcribed by S.F., June 2004]
Prairie Farmer
Chicago, Illinois
November 22, 1873
Hon. D.W. Adams
Hon. D.W. Adams, of Waukon, Iowa, Master of the National Grange
of Patrons of Husbandry, passed through Chicago on Friday of last
week, en route to New Jersey, to assist in organizing a State
Grange in that state. From New Jersey, Mr. Adams will proceed to
Alabama on a similar errand. He expects to return home by way of
Kentucky, which is now about ready for a state organization. He
will reach home in time to attend the meeting of the Iowa State
Grange at Des Moines, on the 9th of December. We regret that our
own Grangers cannot have the pleasure of his presence at their
own meeting at Bloomington. The National Master has his heart in
the work in which he is engaged, and is making himself of immense
service to the Order.
[transcribed by S.F., June 2010]