Iowa News from across the Country
- 1868 -


Daily Denver Gazette
Denver, Denver co. Colorado
January 7, 1868

Most Strange Chapter
A correspondent writes us from Waterloo, Iowa, asking if we know of one ___ Burnham, and of his history. We do, and as it is a strange, true and unknown to hundreds, we give it in the [illegible] as it is, that we may correct some errors those who speak of him have [illegible]. Eight years ago, when we were engaged as city editor of a Milwaukee [illegible], there lived in this State an editor named Powell, now connected with a Chicago paper, we think. He is, unless he has quit it lately.

In 1852 Powel was married to a Miss [illegible] Burnham, of Broadhead, Wisconsin following a courtship of some months. Miss Burnham's parents were old residents of [illegible] and of high respectability. The daugher taught music and had a large number of pupils, and was very attractive. Powel lived with her as a husband two years, she being all that time a good wife in all respects, presenting respecting him with but one child. At the expiration of two years, when about twenty-one years of age, Mrs. Powel's voice changed, she grew light whiskers, and gradually changed her sex develping into a man in all respects, as it nature, anxious for a freak, had turned a portion of herself wrong side out.

The husband and wife separated when the wife became a man, and Mrs. Ellen Powell took the name of Edgar Burnham, donned male attire, sought and obtained employment as a clerk in Chicago, and lived as a single young man for one year.

During this time he fell in love with a niece of Senator Morgan, of New York, but did not marry her, for reasons not pertinent to this article. But about the end of the year he did marry a young lady of Broadhead, Wisconsin, ad Miss Gerta Everett, who was a music pupil of his when he was a Miss Ellen Burnham, over three years previous to the marriage. This second marriage was about tow years ago. Soon after this marriage, "Edgar" Burnham and wife removed to Waterloo, Iowa, where they now reside, or did, not long since.
The former girl is now a man, the former wife is now a husband, the former mother is now a father, the former young lady teacher of a young lady is now that young lady's husband. Thruth is indeed stranger than fiction, and the above simple statement of facts borders so upon the marvelous we could not believe it did we not personally know nearly all the parties.

Anyone can be convinced, by writing to the papers in either of the places we have names, of the full and entire truth of this most wonderful transformation, which puzzles not only the medical but the entire scientific world, and which fact appears now for the first time in print, though the particulars have long been known to us and so many other newspaper men and prominent citizens of his State, as to nearly all the citizens of Broadhead, where the parties so long resided. --La Crosse Democrat.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]


The Memphis Daily Appeal
Memphis, Tennesee
Thursday, January 23, 1868

On Thursday last, as the trading boat D.W. Hewitt was backing out from a plantation just above Florida Landing, the fulcrum rest of her safety valve gave way. In falling, the lever broke the steampipe. The steam rushed out and broke through the deck overhead and into the rooms of Mr. Frank H. Crosby, who had just left the storeroom forward and entered his own room to wash for breakfast.

His death, by the overpowering heat, was almost instantaneous. Capt. Noel and Mr. Andy Swivel, who were at breakfast, seized axes, and by cutting through the bulkhead recovered the body in a few moments, but when taken out it was found to be thoroughly cooked, and life extinct.

Mrs. Crosby made a narrow escape, as she had just left the room, and had barely reached the table when her husband met his death.

The Hewitt is a propeller, and belongs to Capt. John Noel, her commander, and Capt. Jake Swivel, well known here in times past in connection with the police force. Mr. Crosby was a brother-in-law of Capt. Noel, and was employed as a salesman on the boat.

Mrs. Crosby passed up the river on Sunday night on the Dexter with the body of her husband, on the way to her former home, Fort Dodge, Iowa. She requests us to tender her heartfelt gratitude to the officers of the Dexter for kindness and attention bestowed on the way to Cairo.

[transcription notes: The date of death was Jan. 16, 1868. Francis Hoyt 'Frank' Crosby, and his wife Josephine (Shaffner) Crosby are on the 1860 U.S. census in Webster co. Iowa. He is buried in Oakland cemetery, Fort Dodge. - transcribed by S.F., October 2014]


The Montana Post
Virginia City, Montana Territory
November 20, 1868

R.B. Parrott, Esq., one of the most prominent and able members of the Helena Bar, left last night for his home in Iowa. Previous to his departure a meeting of the Helena Bar was held at the office of John Shober, Esq., for the purpose of expressing their regret at his departure, and their high appreciation of him as a lawyer and a gentleman. Mr. Parrott takes with him the best wishes of all our citizens, who will miss him while absent and welcome his return in the spring with gratification and pleasure.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2014]


The following are from 1868 issues of either the
Rock Island Evening Argus or Rock Island Daily Union
Rock Island, Rock Island, IL
unless otherwise indicated:

Evening Argus, Friday, 3 Jan
-Frank G. Wilson, formerly of Davenport, Iowa, is now in jail at Palmyra, Missouri, on a charge of bigamy.

Evening Argus, Monday, 6 Jan
-Willard Barrows, the historian of Scott County, Iowa, died yesterday.
-Lucy Bruhn, wife of Charles Bruhn of Davenport, Iowa, has been missing from her home since last Friday. She would have been 61 years old on Saturday.
-J.W. Churchill was seriously injured Friday in an accident. He was formerly of Davenport, Iowa, but is now living in Valley City. He was also a former resident of Rock Island, Ill.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 7 Jan
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Longbottom, of LeClaire, Scott County, Iowa, were on the steamer Glencoe which exploded at St. Louis, Mo., on 3 April 1852, but escaped. The remains of that ship were recently found when workmen began building the bridge currently going across the river there.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 8 Jan
-Samuel Resdolph and Mrs. Jane Landant ran away from Iowa City, Iowa, and were followed by the latter's husband to Davenport.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 9 Jan
-William Boll, a young German who worked for the brewers in Davenport, died there last Sunday, aged 27 years.

Daily Union, Thursday 9, Jan
-John W. Fiedler, a native of Leipsic, Germany, and late of Davenport, Iowa, died in Chicago a few days ago.

Daily Union, Monday, 13 Jan
-Francis Denney, of Des Moines, Iowa, married Priscilla C. Bell of Berlin, Henry County, Ill., on January 1st. at Berlin.

Daily Union, Tuesday, 14 Jan
-W.D. Davis married Lenora A. Bates on January 10th at LeClaire, Scott County, Iowa.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 16 Jan.
-William Cleland married Miss Sarah McKeag, all of Coal Valley, Ill., on the 28th ult. They are now living in their new home in Montezuma, Poweshiek County, Iowa.

Daily Union, Friday, 17 Jan
-P.D. Miller, son of Dr. Miller of Keokuk County, Iowa, left Denver, Colorado, on the 2d and is stopping with his father since his return. Mr. Miller went to Colorado in 1860 and is now engaged in the stock growing business 80 miles south of Denver.

Evening Argus, Saturday, 18 Jan.
-Lt. H.B. Sudlow of Davenport, Iowa, married Miss Mary L., daughter of Hiram Cable of Davenport, Iowa, on January 15th.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 22 Jan
-Frederick Millard married Sarah Allen, both of Davenport, Iowa, on January 21st in Rock Island, Ill.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 23 Jan
-John Flahan, an employee of J.S. Altman, the ice dealer of Davenport, Iowa, was badly injured yesterday when he fell off a derrick. He has a wife and three children.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 28 Jan.
-V.S. Carter, an old resident of Davenport, Iowa, was found dead at his home on Sunday, aged 58 years.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 29 Jan
-James Belfelt, a laborer in Davenport, Iowa, was gored by a bull recently, as was Robert Neal, living at Long Grove, back of Davenport.
-Oscar Meddley, a train passenger from Blairstown, Pa., was killed Monday in a train accident near Homestead, Iowa.

Evening Argus, Saturday, 1 Feb
-Robert M. Lytle of New Liberty, Scott County, Ia., was badly injured a few days ago while going home with a load of coal.
-Mr. Schrimer was found on the prairie near Victor, frozen to death. He was a resident of Brooklyn and was aged about 40 years. He leaves a wife and six children.

Daily Union, Saturday, 1 Feb
-Sarah J. Tolson of Lyons, Iowa, married Daniel M. Sidlinger of Port Byron, Ill., on January 28th at the National Hotel in Port Byron.

Daily Union, Friday, 7 Feb
-S.N. Ills, principal of the commercial college in Davenport, Iowa, died Wednesday.

Evening Argus, Monday, 10 Feb.
-Lazarus Lowry died February 7th at his residence near LeClaire, Scott County, Ia., aged 74 years.

Daily Union, Monday, 10 Feb
-Mrs. Kate Keimer was examined by the court as to the soundness of her mind and was ordered to the asylum.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 11 Feb
-August Bunkey, a farmer who was returning home along the Dubuque Road, 10 miles from Davenport, was robbed last Friday.

Evening Argus, Friday, 14 Feb
-Owen McCormick, of Pre-emption, Mercer County, Ill, has purchased a tract of land in Newton, Jasper County, Iowa, and will soon move there.

Evening Argus, Friday, 21 Feb
-E.B. Seller of Eldora, Iowa, married Virginia J. Bollman of Rock Island, Ill. on February 20th at the residence of the bride's father.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 25 Feb
-The Rev. C.E.M. Burnham, formerly of Rock Island, Illinois, is now at the Baptist church in Lyons, Iowa.

Evening Argus, Monday, 2 Mar.
-Mrs. Mary M. McNamey died February 29th in Davenport, Iowa, at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, aged 26 years. The funeral will be Tuesday from the residence of her mother on 3rd street.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 3 Mar
-Harrison H. FEnno, of Pleasant Valley, Iowa, has been charged with selling an ill horse to Samuel Heagy of Hampton, Ill.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 10 Mar
-John T. Hawthorn died March 9th in Keokuk, Iowa, aged 23 years. The funeral will be Wednesday at the residence of Wm. Hawthorn on Highland street between Dock and Adams in Rock Island, Ill.

Daily Union, Monday, 16 Mar
-A.W. Smith and his two sons with a group of men, including John Snyder, M. Culver and two men named Jacobs met on Friday at Dixon, Liberty township, Scott County, Iowa, and were involved in a shooting affray.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 17 Mar
-Dr. Herman Byers, of Davenport, Iowa, who had been missing since Christmas, was found drowned last Saturday at Rockingham.
-John Dunn, of Davenport, Iowa, married Miss Ann Woods of this city on May 30th in St. Mary's Church in this city.
-John B. Harmon, of Davenport, Iowa, drowned Monday off the bridge in a storm. Injured were T.R. Smith, Albert Amsbaugh, Hermann Rhode and Henry Rhode, all of Davenport.
- John Henry Bernhardt Khorte, a German aged about 28 years, was killed by the train three miles back of Davenport, Iowa, on Friday. Three medals for bravery in the 53rd Prussian Infantry were found on him.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 18 Mar
-The body of John Bernard Hamann, who died Monday off the railroad bridge, was recovered Tuesday and buried in Davenport. He leaves no family.

Evening Argus, Friday, 20 Mar
-H.P. Penniman and W.B. Sigley of Battle Creek, Michigan, are soon to open the LeClaire House in Davenport, Iowa, which has been closed for two years.

Daily Union, Saturday, 21 Mar
-John Lane, aged 25 years and John Wagner, aged 35 years, arrived in Davenport, Iowa from Des Moines, Iowa, about six days ago and have now been arrested in Rock Island, Ill. It has since been determined that Waggoner's real name is John Straus.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 24 Mar
-Wm Renwick has sold his sawmill just above the railroad bridge in Davenport, Iowa.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 2 April
-George Peaslee was found dead on his farm about five miles southwest of LeClaire, Scott County, Iowa, on Wednesday, aged 30-35 years. He leaves a wife and children.

Evening Argus, Monday, 13 April
-S.M. Baker., of Virginia, has bought the Ogilvie House in Muscatine, Iowa.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 16 April
-A son of Nathan Greer, who lives about ten miles from Davenport, Iowa, was in a hunting accident Tuesday.
-Charles Lelander, a Swede by birth, but a resident of Davenport, Iowa, for many years, recently bought the property of Christian Thede opposite the woolen mill office in Moline, Ill.

Evening Argus, Monday, 20 April
-A little son of Dr. J.J. Tomson, aged 6 years, swallowed a glass bead and is in poor condition.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 22 April
-Capt. Dick Morehouse died on the 19th inst. at the residence of LeGrande Morehouse in Muscatine County, Iowa, 16 miles below Davenport, aged 62 years. He had been a steamboatman for 25 years in the St. Louis and New Orleans trade.

Daily Union, Wednesday, 22 April
-Capt. Dick Morehouse, one of the pioneer steamboatmen on the upper Mississippi, died on the 20th at his farm in Buffalo Township, Scott county, Iowa, aged 66 years.

Evening Argus, Saturday, 25 April
-The Tomson boy died on the 24th, aged about 7 years.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 30 April
-George F. Carpenter, of Davenport, Iowa, died last night at Chicago, Ill., as learned by Jerry C. Conklin of Davenport. He leaves a wife, but no children.

Evening Argus, Friday, 1 May
-George F. Carpenter, of Davenport, Iowa, died last night at Chicago, Ill., as learned by Jerry C. Conklin of Davenport. He leaves a wife, but no children. Mr. Davie of Montreal is the brother-in-law of the deceased. He was the son of a doctor living in Vermont and was about 30 years of age. His wife lives in Davenport and has no family.
-George Fayette Carpenter was born in 1834 in Bangor, Franklin County, N.Y., and was aged about 34 years. He was the youngest son and child of Dr. Christopher Carpenter of Bangor, who died in 1863. George attended the Franklin Academy at Malone, N.Y., from 1851-1854; and the Northfield, Vt. school in 1856. He came to Davenport, Iowa, in July, 1856. In 1862, he was married in Davenport to Miss Belle Parry, sister of the wife of Charles H. Davie. Burial will be in Davenport. He is survived by his wife, an aged mother and a brother at Manchester, Iowa; and by a brother at Bangor, N.Y. He had relatives at Northfield, Vt. Herman Carpenter, his uncle, is a lawyer and at one time was a member of the legislature.
- Paul M. Livington, of Andrew, Jackson County, Iowa, was killed on April 10th in an accident. His wife, a young child and a son, aged 10-11 years, was injured. He was a brother of Hugh Livingston  of Richland Grove, Mercer County, Ill.

Daily Union, Monday, 4 May
-The funeral of George F. Carpenter was last Wednesday at Chicago. He had been found dead near the Illinois Central railroad depot that morning, aged about 31 years. He is survived by his wife. He was the son of a physician in Vermont and formerly lived in Davenport, Iowa. Burial was in Davenport after a funeral at the residence of J.C. Conklin.
-D.P. McAllister of Rock Island, Ill, will soon move to Davenport, Ia., and has rented a store on Harrison Street there where he will be in the grocery, flour and feed business.

Daily Union, Tuesday, 5 May
-Gottlieb Fahrer, Jr., owner of the Sigel House in Davenport, Iowa, was badly wounded in a stabbing affray there yesterday.

Daily Union, Thursday, 14 May
-Charlie Rothman, aged 10 years, of LeClaire, Scott County, Iowa, nearly downed Tuesday, but was rescued.

Daily Union, Friday, 15 May.
-Clara M. Martin, of Muscatine, Ia., married Simon A. Kerns of Moline, Ill., on May 14th at the Presbyterian Church in Muscatine.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 19 May
-Henry Weiss was killed in an accident yesterday on Credit Island. He as one of the oldest members of the Liberty Fire Department. The funeral was today.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 21 May
-Spencer Tompkins, son-in-law of Buzzard Barnes, formerly of Rock Island, Ill., of Dubuque, Iowa, is now at Omaha, Nebraska.

Evening Argus, Friday, 22 May
-James McNamara, of Long Grove, Scott County, Iowa, and John Kehoe, we believe of the same locality, met yesterday at the 5-Mile House on the Dubuque Road and got in an argument. McNamara was stabbed fatally, it is believed.

Evening Argus, Monday, 25 May
-Josiah F. Hess, of Davenport, Iowa, is one of the claimants to the Laurence estate in England.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 27 May
-F. Quickenstadt of Davenport, Iowa, recently shipped 17,000 peltries to Germany.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 2 June
-Frank Smith, son of Dr. T.S. Smith of Pleasant Valley, near Davenport, Iowa, aged 10, was badly injured Saturday when he was crushed by a tree.

Evening Argus, Saturday, 6 June
-Mrs. Everts, of Daxon [Dixon], Iowa, 20 miles from Davenport, was operated on today at the residence of Mrs. Dow on the corner of 15th and Brady streets in Davenport.

Daily Union, Friday, 12 June.
-A boarder with Mr. and Mrs. Swin in Davenport, Iowa, has recently eloped with Mrs. Swin to Des Moines, Iowa.

Evening Argus, Monday, 15 June
-Alexander Brownlie, Sr., of Long Grove, Scott County, Iowa, was badly injured the other day in his stable.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 17 June
-Mrs. Harriet Everts of Dixon, Iowa, died last Monday in Davenport.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 18 June
-Fred Dalzell, son of Capt. James Dalzell of Davenport, Iowa, is missing. He is aged 10 years.

Evening Argus, Friday, 19 June
-John Daly, a poor Irishman who lives near Wheatland, Scott County, Iowa, sent to Ireland for his sister, who left Liverpool last March 9th, but who has not been heard from since.

Daily Union, Friday, 19 June
-Patterson Rowe married Miss Eurana Hitchen, both of Clinton, Iowa, on June 18th in Rock Island, Ill.

Daily Union, Saturday, 20 June.
-Capt. Wm. M. Morris is making plans to move to Woodbine, Harrison County, Iowa. His brother, Thomas, has a stock farm there.

Daily Union, Tuesday, 23 June
-Matheas Zabel, a member of the Turner Society and of the Liberty fire company, Davenport, Iowa, died Sunday. He was a former soldier. The funeral was yesterday with burial in the Catholic burying ground.

Evening Argus, Monday, 29 June
-Crummie Carroll, son of W.L. Carroll, an architect of Davenport, Iowa, drowned Saturday in the river near the Great Western Brewery. The body was recovered.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 1 July
-Thomas Herbert, killed in a wildcat Tuesday in the Farnham Street woods, back of Davenport, Iowa.

Daily Union, Wednesday, 1 July
-Ben Langley, formerly of Rock Island but now of Davenport, Iowa, was arrested recently by the sheriff of Louisa County, Iowa, for robbery.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 7 July
-Minnie Hall, little daughter of Peter Hall, a river pilot who lives in the lower end of West Davenport, Iowa, drowned Saturday in the River.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 8 July
-Claus Rohwedder and Philip Nagel who jumped a train at Davenport, Iowa, last Monday to visit the latter's brother a few miles away, were injured when they jumped off at Mitchell's Bluff. Mr. Rohwedder was seriously injured and taken to the home of P. Nagel nearby. Mr. Rohwedder is a stonemason and is unmarried.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 9 July
-Smith Railsback, a stock express conductor, was badly injured in an accident at Iowa City, Iowa, on Wednesday.

Daily Union, Friday, 10 July
-The Rev. A.E. Barnes, of Newton, Iowa, is the new pastor of the Congregational church in Moline, Illinois.

Evening Argus, Friday, 10 July
-David J. Starbuck was badly injured in a railway accident for miles west of Homestead yesterday. He is not expected to live. He has a wife and two children living in Davenport, Iowa.

Evening Argus, Monday, 13 July
-A son of Mrs. Louise Ichell, aged seven years, drowned Saturday near the French and Davies mill in Davenport, Iowa. The body was recovered Sunday.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 14 July
-Peter Lorenven, a farmer who resided near the Lost Grove Road about four miles northeast of Davenport, Iowa, died Tuesday leaving a wife and a son, aged 18 years.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 15 July
-Mr. Leibig, a German who came over to this country and went up on the bluffs beyond Davenport, Iowa, died while harvesting there only two weeks after his arrival.

Evening Argus, Friday, 17 July
-Hans Chrisensen, working on a farm about 20 miles from Davenport, Iowa, died there of sunstroke recently.
-Mary Feldon, who lived with a farmer near Fulton, Iowa, died recently of heart exhaustian.
-Peter Shultz, a farmer near Walnut Grove, Iowa, died of heat recently.

Daily Union, Saturday, 18 July
-Charles Mevins, a boss carpenter in Davenport, Iowa, collapsed from sunstroke yesterday.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 23 July.
-Mrs. Harry C. Davenport, her funeral was held yesterday at St. Marguerite's church in Davenport, Iowa.

Evening Argus, Monday, 27 July
-Harry Compton was injured Saturday in an accident in Davenport, Iowa.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 30 July.
-Harriet Johnston, second daughter of James Johnston of Fair View Place, Scott County, Iowa, married B.C. Frysinger of Camden Mills, Rock Island County, Ill., on July 29 at the residence of the bride's father.

Evening Argus, Friday, 31 July
-Frederick Reitzell, a German aged about 30 years, died Wednesday in a hotel on Front street, in Davenport, Iowa. He had only recently arrived here.

Evening Argus, Saturday, 1 Aug
Mr. Smith suffocated in a well at LeClaire, Scott County, Iowa, on July 31st.

Evening Argus, Friday, 7 Aug
-Richard Bird died August 6th in Davenport, Iowa, after a surgical operation.
-Louis Stutts, formerly with the 20th Iowa Volunteers, a farmer living near the Dubuque Road, about 10 miles from Davenport, Iowa, was killed by lightning on August 6th in a wheat field. He leaves a wife.

Evening Argus, Monday, 10 Aug.
-Dr. W.W. Parker, an old citizen of Davenport, Iowa, had his leg crushed in an accident on the train at Ames, Iowa, and died there recently. He was vice-president of the Davenport Savings Bank. He was a native of Onondaga County, NY, and leaves a wife and four children. He was the brother of George H. Parker, of Davenport.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 12 Aug
-Chas. F. Dittel has opened a house-raising and moving business in Davenport, Iowa, two blocks below Washington square.

Evening Argus, Saturday, 15 Aug
-Mrs. General J.W. Singleton and her two children, a boy aged 6-8 year and a daughter, aged about 10 years, are visiting her uncle, Dr. Iles, of Davenport, Iowa.

Evening Argus, Friday, 21 Aug
-James Don, of Davenport, Iowa, married Miss Maggie McKee of this city on August 19th in Rock Island.

Evening Argus, Monday, 24 Aug
-Samuel Burnside, of Buffalo Township, Scott County, Iowa, was badly injured in an accident there recently.

Daily Union, Tuesday, 25 Aug
-William Waggoner of Davenport, Iowa, married Miss Matilda Tyler of Moline, Ill., on August 23rd in Moline.

Evening Argus, Saturday, 29 Aug
-W.I. Birchard, of Davenport, Iowa, has received a letter from Kansas indicating that Fred Cheney of Pleasant Valley, Iowa, was recently killed by Indians.

Daily Union, Saturday, 29 Aug
-Daniel B. Winder, a Civil War veteran serving with the 9th Iowa Cavalry, who married after the war and moved to Arkansas, is a subscriber to the Muscatine, Iowa Journal.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 9 Sep
-Martin Kelley, a laborer of Davenport, Iowa, was injured in a railroad accident yesterday in Davenport.
- McCoy, a fireman living in Iowa City, died Tuesday from the results of a rail road accident near Iowa City, Iowa. Also killed was Geo. Cyphers, an engineer from Davenport, Iowa, who leaves a wife and two children. Cyphers has relatives in Rock Island, Ill.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 10 Sep.
-The Rev. R.L. Frisk of Cordova, is the new pastor of the Christian Church, LeClaire, Scott County, Iowa. He is a native of Sweden and has been preaching in America for 15 years.

Evening Argus, Monday, 14 Sep.
-Chester F. Healey married Louisa Canfield, both of Iowa, on September 11th, in Moline, Ill.
-Giles Henderson, living near Wolcott, Scott County, Iowa, was killed by lightning last Friday.

Daily Union, Monday, 14 Sep
-H.C. Vore of West Liberty, Iowa, married E.E. Holt of Moline, Ill., on September 11th in Moline at the residence of John M. Holt.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 16 Sep
-A son of Mr. Vetter in LeClaire, Scott county, Iowa, was accidentally killed by his older brother, who is aged 11 years, on Monday while cleaning a gun. The deceased boy was aged 6 years.

Evening Argus, Friday, 18 Sep
-Andrew J. Jackson, aged 12 years, of Davenport, Iowa, served in the army of the Potomic [sic] with his father during the late war.

Daily Union, Friday, 18 Sep
-W.H. Webb and J.A. Lamphere, of Davenport, Iowa, were in a runaway accident in Rock Island on Wednesday.

Daily Union, Thursday, 24 Sep
-John and Alfred Wright, sons of Dr. Thomas Wright, the veterinary surgeon of Davenport, Iowa, were injured in an accident last Tuesday while returning from Buffalo with a load of coal. Alfred is aged 15 years.

Evening Argus, Saturday, 10 Oct
-Lewis Jackson, of Harper's Ferry, Iowa, married Mrs. Susan M. Eimiston of Rock Island on October 8th at the Whitehead House in Camden Mills, Rock Island County, Illinois.

Evening Argus, Friday, 16 Oct
-Mrs. Samuel Clark, whose husband is a Davenport, Iowa mechanic, has run away with another mechanic, W.J. Goldsmith, and George Acton, a brakeman. Goldsmith leaves a wife, to whom he has been married about two years.

Evening Argus, Monday, 19 Oct
-Mrs. Josiah Harvey of Davenport, Iowa, has eloped with Mr. Scroggs.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 28 Oct
-The Rev. Mr. Rutledge, formerly a Baptist minister here, died recently in LeClaire, Scott county, Iowa. He was a native of England.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 29 Oct
-George H. Simmon, of Rock Island, Ill., married Miss Ingy Robley of Davenport, Iowa, on October 28th at the residence of the bride's sister in Davenport.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 4 Nov.
Deacon Gilbert who is upwards of 100 years old and who voted for Washington in 1788, cast his vote yesterday in Davenport, Iowa, Township.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 17 Nov.
-Thomas Waddell, an insurance solicitor, was engaged to marry Miss Lizzie Lawrence of Davenport, Iowa, but has since left for parts unknown.

Daily Union, Wednesday, 18 Nov.
-James Holden was stabbed in Joe Cope's saloon in Davenport, Iowa, yesterday.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 19 Nov.
-The residence of Jere. F. Conklin, in Davenport, Iowa, burned today. It was on the corner of 11th and Perry streets.

Evening Argus, Saturday, 21 Nov
-Miss Lide J. Shields of Vinton, Iowa, married William H. Gest of Rock Island, Ill., on November 19th at Vinton.

Daily Union, Tuesday, 24 Nov
-Robert L Melville of Davenport, Iowa, married Mrs. India Jefferson of Moline on November 19th in Moline, Ill.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 25 Nov.
-Charles S. Johnson was found dead in his bed at the Burtis House in Davenport, Iowa, on Tuesday, where he had been staying since November 19th. Fifteen years ago, he was a prominent businessman in Ohio, and at one time was a bank cashier at Covington, Kentucky. He then had a bank of his own at Goshen, Indiana, and later at Tiffin, Ohio. He came to Davenport, Iowa, in 1855. He came to Iowa City, Iowa, from Kentucky about four weeks ago, and visited his father. He has recently fallen on bad times, however. He has a brother in Iowa City and the body was taken there for burial. He was a bachelor.

Evening Argus, Friday, 27 Nov.
-John Oakley was killed recently in a gun accident in Buchanan County, Iowa. He had been married but a short time and leaves a young wife and child.

Evening Argus, Monday, 30 Nov.
-Henry Hale, a young man, was injured last Sunday in a hunting accident on an island in the river. His family lives in Davenport, Iowa.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 2 Dec
-Charley Brayton, formerly of Rock Island, Illinois, has been accused of burglary in Des Moines, Iowa.

Daily Union, Wednesday, 2 Dec
-Mrs. Fry, of Ottumwa, Iowa, gave birth to three boys and one girl last Thursday. Two of the boys and the girl are still living. She is the mother of eight children from three births, a single birth, triplets and now quads.

Daily Union, Friday, 4 Dec
-Archibald Cook, of Davenport, Iowa, married Miss Fannie M. Moore of Rock Island at the M.E. parsonage on December 2nd.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 8 Dec
-Arthur Baker, aged 18-20 years, formerly of Davenport, IA, but recently of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who left for a trip to Port Byron, IL and Clinton, IA, has not been heard of since.

Evening Argus, Wednesday, 9 Dec
-Samuel R. Vansant married Miss Ruth Hall on December 7th at LeClaire, Scott County, Iowa, at the residence of the bride's father.

Evening Argus, Friday, 11 Dec
-Charles Posten, of Posten's Grove, Liberty Township, Scott County, Iowa, shot a lynx on December 8th.

Evening Argus, Saturday, 19 Dec
-Claus Croy, a railroad brakeman, was killed yesterday at Atalissa, nine miles west of Wilton Junction, Iowa. He had lived in Davenport for several years, on rock Island street, with his widowed mother.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 22 Dec
-Mr. Fridley, of Buffalo township, Scott County, Iowa, shot a lynx recently.
- Mrs. J.F. Rodgers of Davenport, Iowa, has been divorced from her husband, who is a captain in the Regular Army. Mrs. Rodgers is a former actress. They have only one son.

Evening Argus, Tuesday, 29 Dec
-Gotthold Thiele, a Davenport, Iowa butcher, died there Monday, aged 39 years. He was a native of Saxony.

Evening Argus, Thursday, 30 Dec.
-Wm. Condron, his residence, five miles from LeClaire, Scott County, Iowa, burned last Tuesday. There were seven people at home at the time, but all escaped. Mr. Condron's daughter threw herself from a second-story window. Mrs. Condron and her nephew, Harvey Bennett, were slightly injured.

Evening Argus, Friday, 31 Dec
-Miss Emma Smith, of Davenport, Iowa, married F.A. Balch of Rock Island, Ill. on December 30th at the residence of the bride's father, H.H. Smith, in Davenport.

[transcribed by C.J.L, February 2005]

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