Iowa News from across the Country
- 1866 -

Nebraska Herald
Plattsmouth, Cass, NE
February 14, 1866

We learn from Maj. Wheeler, who returned from Glenwood [IA] last Saturday, that Hale & Edmunson, Attorneys; A. J. Russel, mechant; and Eb. Woodrow, dealer in Boots and Shoes, are about the only live men left in that city. Should any others show signs of returning life, we shall be pleased to note it. The best indication would be the fact of their subscribing for the Daily Herald.

[transcribed by J.M., October 2007]


Grand Traverse Herald
Traverse City, Michigan
March 30, 1866

Atrocious Murder in Wayne County, Iowa
-from the Corydon (Iowa) Monitor, 8th.
Lineville, Wayne Co. Iowa, March 2.
Editor Monitor, -- One of those cool, brutal murders, the bare recital of which makes the blood run cold, has just thrown this community into the greatest excitement, a brief synopsis of which, with your permission, I propose to lay before your readers. It appears that a German by the name of George Klider, living about
three-fourths of a mile from this place, on a farm belonging to T.H.P. Duncan, of Ottumwa, has been missing since the night of Feb. 22nd. Mr. K. was a single man, about thirty years of age, and lived alone. The house in which he lived being about half a mile back from the road, and about the same distance from any other dwelling. From the subsequent conduct and contradictory statements of a German neighbor by the name of Wm. Hoogman, the people here were led to suppose that Klider had met with foul play, and arrested Hoogman as the murderer. Upon being questioned as to the whereabouts of the missing man, the prisoner fainted, but upon recovering, stated that Klider had gone to Trenten, Mo., and left his property in his (Hoogman's) charge until his return. The arresting party then proceeded to examine Klider's house. Large spots of blood were found on the floor and walls of his room, the whole place emitting the most sickening odor; large quantities of human bones were found in the smouldering ashes of the fire-place. The lower jaw was but little disfigured. Large peices of the skull, together with pieces of human flesh, were dug out of the ashes; a portion of the former showed an incision as if the body had been chopped in pieces with an axe, preparatory to burning. The most of the bones, however, had been pounded to pieces. Portions of the murdered man's saddle were found in the ashes, burned probably to substantiate the story that he had gone away on horse back.

Upon examination, the following facts in relation to the prisoner Hoogman were elicited: That he left home on the evening of Feb 22nd, about five o'clock, and did not return until after sun rise the next morning, and that he failed to give any satisfactory answer to his wife's inquiry as to his night's absence. That he was engaged during the entire day of the 23rd of February in removing the missing man's effects to his own house, telling his wife that Klider was coming to live with them on his return. That on the 24th he went to Princeton, Mo., and traded off a horse belonging to Klider, which he had concealed since his disapperaance. That he offered to sell a note of Klider's for $250 on Mr. J.L. Sullivan, of this place, but on account of some crooked statements he made in relation to the note, failed to dispose of it, and the note, together with the pocket-book, pocket-knife, and other trinkets, identified as the property of th emurdered man, were found on the prisoner's person at the time of his arrest. The murderer must have been engaged in his devilish work of burning the remains during the entire night of February 22nd. it was with the utmost difficulty that the citizens could be restrained from wreaking summary vengeance on the prisoner. He is a large, muscular man, about thirty-five years old, with a brutal countenance, which you can scan in vain for a single indication of the finer feelings of humanity. He is now in jail in Princeton, Mo. awaiting trial. The only motive for the hellish act appears to have been that of gain.

[transcribed by S.F., May 2006]


Rocky Mountain News
Denver, Denver co. colorado
April 25, 1866

Cheney-Gunning. In Central City, on Sunday evening last, by Rev. B.T. Vincent, Colonel P.B. Cheney, of Denver, to Miss Libbie E. Gunning, formerly of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Cheney intimated to us more than a week ago that this thing was coming off, under a strict injuction of secrecy. We promised to give him a puff upon the strength of it, but hardly know what to say, now that the thing is did. Every body knows that Cheney is a good fellow, (speaking in the superlativest degree) and nobody doubts that he will make as good a husband as anybody need desire. We are glad he is married, and when he comes down we may have more to say.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]


Vol. XXI No. 3
Liberty, Missouri
June 8, 1866

Mr. R. Watkins, one of our best citizens, can truthfully say but what few others can. He has lived on the same farm and at the same place for the last 24 years and has never moved, and yet during that time he has lived in two states and three different counties. The explanation is thus:
His location was first in Holt county, Missouri which extended to the Iowa line. A few years afterwards Atchison county was taken off of Holt. This threw Mr. Watkins into Atchison. A few years later by a decision of the Supreme Court, the southern boundary of Iowa extended about ten miles further south. This took Mr. Watkins into Fremont county, Iowa. Thus on the same farm, he has lived in two states and three counties. --He is now in the best county of the three.--Sidney, Iowa, UNION

[transcribed by W.F., August 2006]


Walla Walla Statesman
Walla Walla, Washington Territory
June 22, 1866

At Walla Walla, on the 21st inst., by Rev. Mr. Chamberlain, I.L. Roberts, Esq., of Walla Walla, to Miss Signora G. Wall, formerly of Burlington, Iowa. Our friends will permit us to wish them all the joy that pertains to the connubial state.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2007]


New York Times
New York, New York
October 31, 1866

Redfield-Forrester. In Adel, Iowa, on Wednesday, Oct. 17, by Rev. Asa Johnson, J. Ward Redfield, of Redfield, Iowa, to Miss Pauline Forrester, of Adel.

[transcribed by S.F., Oct. 2006]

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