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Iowa News from across the
- 1863 -
Morning Oregonian
Portland, Oregon
February 27, 1863
An extraordinary Regiment from Iowa. -- One of the most
extraordinary regiments in the national service, is the 37th Iowa
volunteers, Col. J.B. Kincaid. The regiment is over one thousand
strong, and has been raised since the 1st of September. It is
composed of men who were originally exempt from military service
at the time of their enlistment, and a very large majority of the
men are over forty-five years of age. There are nearly 600
professed Christians, including thirty ministers. More than half
the men owned the houses they lived in before enlisting, and more
than a third have sons in the army. Many of the men are worth
from $25,000 to $80,000. The oldest man in the regiment is near
80 years old, and he has two sons and a grandson
already in the army. When the regiment left Iowa it was
pronounced the healthiest regiment by far that ever encamped in
that State, the sickness not amounting to one-tenth of that of
some others. These white-haired old men now trudge the streets of
St. Louis with muskets on their shoulders, picking up stray
soldiers and guarding head-quarters with all the cheerfulness of
a glory-loving soldier. the ordinary incentives to a
soldier's life -- glory, popularity, renown or pay -- have no
charm for them; and their enlistment must be attributed solely to
a desire to serve their country. They appear to enjoy good
health, though an exchange of the bracing climate of Iowa, for
the warm, humid atmosphere of St. Louis, must be very trying
indeed, to their constitutions. The regiment will be honored and
praised in the history of this war.
[submitted by S.F., Oct.
Morning Oregonian
Portland, Oregon
April 2, 1863
Drowned. -- A letter from Mr. J.W. Johnson to Hon. Geo. H.
Williams, says that Mr. Frank Rand, who was on the way to the
mines in company with Mr. J.H. Boyd, of this place, was drowned
from the steamer Cascadilla, on the 27th ult., under the
following circumstances: the steamer Cascadilla was attempting to
ascend the rapids and had permission to cross. In crossing she
drifted down and struck a hidden rock. Mr. Rand was standing on
deck "amidships" and was thrown overboard by the
concussion. He swam towards shore for a time and then turned on
his back and attempted to swim towards the boat which had been
lowered and was pulling towards him. when the boat was within ten
or fifteen feet of him he sank a second time and was seen no
more. The water was very swift, and though every effort was made
to save him, it was without avail. He had on very heavy boots
which probably were the cause of his sinking so soon. For a time
he swam very manfully, but his efforts were fruitless. Mr. Rand
was a son of E.D. Rand, of Burlington, Iowa.
[submitted by S.F., Oct. 2003]
Morning Oregonian
Portland, Oregon
April 22, 1863
The Dalles Journal says that Thos. Glenn, of Pleasantvile,
Iowa, who left that place a few days since with his family, on
his way to Iowa by way of Fort Benton, had three horses
[?stolen?] at the Deschutes, and was obliged to return.
[submitted by S.F., Oct. 2003]
Xenia Torch-Light
Xenia, Greene Co., Ohio
Wednesday, April 29, 1863
At Vicksburgh, February 5, 1863, of remittant bilious fever,
Samuel S. CHERRY in the 23rd year of his age. Also at the same
place on the 24th of March of pleuratic fever, John W. CHERRY, in
the 24th year of his age.
The deceased were sons of William and Martha CHERRY, formerly of
Greene County, but recently of Washington, Iowa. At the call of
their country, both enlisted in the 25th Iowa Regiment under the
command of General SHERMAN. Sometime previous to their
enlistment, these two brothers connected themselves with the U.P.
Church at Washington. They enlisted under the banner of the cross
together, and in the service of their country together, they went
down to the grave almost at the same time, and having been
exemplary and pious young men, we have good reason to hope that
they have together entered thay better world where partings are
unknown, and now rest in the joy of the Lord.
[submitter: Debbie, August
Union Advertiser
Rochester, Monroe co., N.Y.
September 2, 1863
Death of Mrs. J. W. SMITH - This estimable lady died at her
residence No. 14 Clinton St., on Monday
evening, at the advanced age of seventy-five years, having
survived every member of her immediate family.
Mrs. Smith was one of the few remaining links that connect the
Rochester of to-day with its earliest history. She was the widow
of the late Dr. J. W. SMITH, who though long since deceased, is
still remembered for
the active and prominent part which he sustained in social and
professional life. Mrs. S. was born in Winchester, N. H., and
came to this city from Saratoga county, thirty-six years ago. She
was among the oldest as well as among the most influential female
members of the Third Presbyterian Church, and an energetic and
exemplary christian. Her eldest son, Sanford J. SMITH, became
interested in railroad and
telegraph enterprises at the West. He laid the foundation for the
combination subsequently known as the "Western Union
Telegraph Co." Afterwards he engaged in railroad building,
as senior member of the
firm of Smith, Leighton & Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, and obtained
the construction of a railroad from Keokuk to Des Moines. He was
the ruling spirit of that important enterprise, and his death,
which occurred in 1860,
deprived the road of a successful manager. The losses of the
company were enormous, in consequence, the share of his
(illegible) being not less than $80,000. One of his two children,
now a young man, resided with Mrs. S. at the time of her death.
The other, a daughter, is now in Kentucky. James, the younger son
of Mrs. Smith, removed to the West, became school teacher in the
State of Mississippi, and was subsequently compelled to take part
in the rebellion. He was killed in battle, last year, a notice of
his decease appearing in a Richmond newspaper, but we believe
this intelligence was never communicated to his mother.
Notwithstanding her advanced age, Mrs. SMITH enjoyed excellent
health until a short time prior to her death, and was active in
domestic affairs and works of christian benevolence. The funeral
will take place
from her late residence, No. 14, South Clinton St., this
afternoon, at three o'clock.
[submitter: G.S. August 2003]