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Iowa News from across the
- 1859 -
Central City Daily
Syracuse, New York
January 4, 1859
A short time since, Mr. S.H. Packard, a young lawyer of Iowa,
formerly of Rochester in this State, was lost in a prairie, where
he wantered, exposed to intense cold for thirty-six hours. When
found, he was almost dead, and very badly frozen. He was carried
to Fort Dodge, where after a few days, amputation was resorted
to, as the only means of saving his life. The right leg was taken
off below the knee, and the left foot was amputated at the
[transcribed by S.F., Sept 2004]
Hartford Daily
Hartford, Connecticut
February 1, 1859
In Durant, Iowa, Dec. 24, a son to John E. Whittlesey.
[transcribed by S.F., June
[Note!! A researcher sent the following correction Oct 29, 2009:
"This should be John S. Whittlesey, not John E.
Central City Daily
Syracuse, New York
February 1, 1859
Raymond - Young. In Clinton, Iowa, on Wednesday the 19th inst.,
at the residence of the bride's father by Rev. G.W. Brindle, Mr.
John M. Raymond to Miss Hattie E., only daughter of J.O. Young,
Esq, formerly of this city.
[transcribed by S.F., May 2006]
Central City Daily
Syracuse, New York
February 17, 1859
Harvey Copeland, of Jasper county, Iowa, last week induced his
wife, who had separated from him, to make him a visit at night.
He then killed her, went to work coolly and dissected her body as
thoroughly as an anatomist would have done, and having finished
his hellish work; hung his own worthless carcass upon a nail
driven in the wall for the purpose.
[transcribed by S.F., November 2004]
Grand Traverse
Traverse City, Michigan
February 18, 1859
Dr. Sharpe, who killed Dr. Stout at Delhi, Iowa, some three years
since, and for which he was tried at Dubuque, has been reprieved.
He was sentenced for ten years. He is now practicing medicine in
Hannibal, Mo.
[transcribed by S.F., March 2006]
Grand Traverse
Traverse City, Michigan
March 18, 1859
A Defaulter.
The Treasurer of Dubuque county, Iowa, one Patrick O'Brien, a
model Democrat of the Irish School, has recently been discovered
to be a defaulter to the tune of $108,000.
[transcribed by S.F., March 2006]
Grand Traverse
Traverse City, Michigan
April 22, 1859
Capt. John H. Weber, an aged man of 80 years, committed sucide at
Bellevue, Iowa, by cutting his throat with a razor on the 7th
inst. At an early day he was United States Land Agent at Galena,
and had been agent for the Hudson's Bay Company. It is said that
he was the first white man who looked on Great Salt Lake.
[transcribers note: Bellevue is in Jackson co. Iowa; transcribed by S.F. April 2006]
Central City Daily
Syracuse, New York
May 27, 1859
Terrible Tornado - Loss of Life
Chicago, May 26 - A destructive and fatal tornado visited Iowa
City on Tuesday last. Houses, barns, and everything movable were
swept off. The track of the whirlwind was in a southerly
direction, and it extended for ten or twelve miles before its
force was spent. As far as heard from, four persons were killed,
and twelve badly injured. A family named Morgan, father, son and
grandson were killed instantly. The loss by the calamity has not
been ascertained.
[transcribed by S.F., May 2006]
Hartford Daily
Hartford, Connecticut
June 2, 1859
Married. In Levden, Mass., May 26th, at the residence of the
bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Gibson, William P. Case of Cedar
Falls, Iowa and Angie B. King, of the former place.
[transcribed by S.F., May 2009]
Delaware State
Dover, Delaware
July 1, 1859
Death from the Sting of a Bee -- The Davenport (Iowa) Gazette,
of the 23d, relates the following:
Yesterday the citizens of LeClaire * were startled by the
announcement that Mr. A.J. Jansen had died from the effects of
the sting of a bee. He was stung by a bee on the neck, near the
jugular vein. After starting for home he was taken violently ill.
His friend assisted him back to the residence of Mr. Baloy, where
he died in spasms in three quarters of an hour.
[*LeClaire is in Scott co.
[transcribed by S.F., October 2005]
Hartford Daily
Hartford, Connecticut
August 11, 1859
Married. In Harwinton, Aug. 3, in the Congregational Church, by
Rev. J.A. McKinstry, Mr. Corydon D. Pettibone of Kingston City,
Iowa, and Miss Joan H. Wilson of the former place.
[transcribed by S.F., May 2009]
Grand Traverse
Traverse City, Michigan
August 19, 1859
C. Edwards, Esq., editor of the Marengo (Iowa) Visitor, was
recently drowned while bathing in the Iowa River at that place.
He had his little son on his back, when he is supposed to have
been seized with a cramp, and sank to rise no more. The child was
[note: Marengo is in Iowa co. Iowa]
[transcribed by S.F., April 2006]
Boston Pilot
Boston, Mass.
September 3, 1859
Information Wanted Ads
Of PATRICK THORNTON, aged 15 years, raised from 8 years at St
Vincent's Asylum, Baltimore, and left there about 2 years ago.
His father has 80 acres of land and a home for him, and wants
him, the worst way, to come to him. Please address Patrick
Thornton, Wexford, Alemakee county, Iowa.
[sic Allamakee county]
[transcribed by C.J.L., Nov. 2003]