Iowa News from across the Country
- 1841 -

The Pittsfield Sun
January 7, 1841

A DISTRESSING CASE - A Mrs. Ann Oroyd advertises in the St. Louis Bulletin for information of her husband, who had preceded her to Iowa Territory. The advertisement contains the awful intelligence that their seven children were scalded to death on board the steamboat Persian and herself considerably injured.

[transcribed by C.J.L., July 2005]


The New England Weekly Review
Hartford, Connecticut
Saturday, January 9, 1841

Died. At Danville, Iowa Territory, Mrs. Sarah Gaylord, wife of Rev. Reuben Gaylord, aged 23, formerly of Bethlem, Ct.

[transcribed by S.F. November 2015]


The Daily Atlas
Boston, Massachusetts
Sat., March 20, 1841

Married. At Salubria, Iowa Territory, Jan. 27th, Mr. Elisha Cutler, Jr. to Miss Elizabeth M., daughter of the late Capt. John Kimball, all of Boston.

[transcribed by S.F. November 2015]


New York, New York
April 3, 1841

IOWA. - This infant territory, unsurpassed in the richness of its soil, and its mineral wealth, now contains about 50,000 souls, and is fast filling up with enterprising citizens. We recommend to our people, who are at all possessed with the emigration spirit, and have money laid by, to go there and buy them a farm. Land, though rich, is but $1.25 per acre; besides, they have the privilege in common with others, of taking up land for nothing and cultivating it, and then the first claim to purchase the same when it shall be brought into market. The climate is milder than our own, and just as healthy for colored people as for other citizens. There is decidedly an advantage in going now, before it comes a State, to aid in giving a proper character and tone to its Constitution when it shall become one, and to grow up with all its interests and improvements.

[transcribed by C.J.L., December 2006]


Scioto Gazette
Chillicothe, Ohio
Thurs., May 6, 1841

Married. On Tuesday evening, by the Rev. T. Woodrow, A.M., Mr. Moses W. Robinson, of Burlington, Iowa, to Miss Martha R., daughter of Samuel Hillhouse, Esq., of Union.

[transcribed by S.F. Sept. 2015]


Scioto Gazette
Chillicothe, Ohio
Thurs., June 3, 1841

Married. On the 29th ult., by Wm. Creighton, sen., Esq., Mr. Joseph White, of Iowa Territory, to Miss Emily Currier, of Chillicothe.

[transcribed by S.F. Sept. 2015]


New England Weekly Review
Hartford, Connecticut
Sat., June 26, 1841

Married. At Bloomington, Iowa, on the 16th ult. Gen. Ansel Humphrey, formerly of this city, to Miss Lura Matthews, of this city.

[transcribed by S.F. November 2015]


New Hampshire Sentinel
June 30, 1841

In St. Francisville, (Missouri) Mr Hanson Hawkins of St. Louis, to Miss Clarissa Dickey, of New Lexington (Iowa Territory).

[transcribed by C.J.L., July 2005]


Farmer's Cabinet
West Virginia
November 12, 1841

INDIANS IN IOWA - By the return of Mr. Crawford and other gentlemen, from the agency of the Sioux and Foxes, on the Iowa line, we learn that the attempt of Governor's Chambers and Doty to treat with them for their lands within Iowa was unsuccessful. The Indians positively refused to even entertain the propositions for a sale, although they sere deemed liberal. A good deal of feeling prevailed among the citizens in the vicinity, as this refusal excludes all present hopes of enlarging the territory of Iowa, and leaves the frontier exposed to annoyance from the Indians, and the Indians in their turn are exposed to all the corruptions and impositions of a frontier settlement. A company of dragoons was left at the agency to preserve order and protect the Indians for a time. Their annuities for two years past, amounting to $82,000, were then paid. -- [St. Louis Republican.]

[transcribed by C.J.L., July 2005]


New-York Spectator
New York, New York
Sat., December 4, 1841

Died. At Tipton, Cedar county, Iowa Territory, after a short and painful illness, in her 25th year, Mrs. Sarah S.A. Tuthill, of this city, wife of Wm. H. Tuthill.

[transcribed by S.Ferrall, March 2016]

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