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Iowa News
from the
Emmet Co. Scrapbook items Transcribed by Linda Ziemann
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Miss Marie Anderson, daughter of Mrs. James Brachere and Harry Anderson,
and Mrs. Charles Burkart of Forest City, son of C. E. Burkart, were
married yesterday at 9 a.m. by the Rev. Frank Yearnd at the Yearnd home.
The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. John Hennick of Estherville.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Burkart attended the local school. Mr. Burkart was
employed at Woodley's Hatchery before he left for Forest City, where he
is manager of the Eames Hatchery. The couple will make their home in
Forest City.
ARNDT-BRINKMAN, November 11, 1936
Miss Rose Arndet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Arndt of Spencer and
Mr. Alvin Brinkman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brinkman of Estherville
were married at 8 o'clock at the Sacred Heart Catholic church at
Spencer. The Rev. M. C. Wendl officiated at the ceremony.
The couple was attended by Miss Catherine Phillips of Emmetsburg, who
was the maid of honor, and Mr. Paul Engler of Sac City, cousin of the
bridegroom. Miss Helen McKinstry played the nuptial music, and Earl
Tangney sang “Ava Maria” during the ceremony.
The bride was dressed in white velvet and wore her mother's wedding
veil. She carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums. Her attendant wore a
floor length wine-colored satin and velvet dress with matching
accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses.
After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the
bride's sister, Mrs. Leonard Nelson, East Sixth Street, Spencer. The
couple left on a wedding trip through the south to the Gulf of Mexico.
Upon returning they will live on a farm south of Estherville.
ARMSTRONG…January 1, 1936 (Husband of Dorothy Ingvall)
Donald M. Armstrong, 24 years old, died at the home of his
father-in-law, J.D. Ingvall, southwest of here, after an illness of but
two days. Mr. Armstrong was married only last October. Funeral will be
held at 2 o'clock at the Church of Christ with the Rev. Fred Sawyer
officiating. Interment will be made in the Superior Cemetery. He is
survived by his widow, his father, William Armstrong of Superior, two
sisters and four brothers.
ANDERSON-BEAVER, November 7, 1935
Miss Alivina Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, and Lloyd
F. Beaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Beaver, were married at the
Christian parsonage by the Rev. Fred Sawyer. They were attended by
Margaret Beaver and Alvin Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Beaver will make their home after March 1 on a farm
southwest of Estherville.
ANDERSON-THOMAS, April 25, 1936
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson are announcing the marriage of their
daughter, Beatrice, to Mr. Floyd Thomas, son of Mrs. Florence Thomas of
Spirit Lake. The ceremony was performed at 7 p.m. Saturday at the
Methodist parsonage by the Rev. Thomas Collins of Spirit Lake.
The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Merriot. The bride was
dressed in a grey suit with blue accessories, and wore a corsage of pink
Talisman roses, and white and blue sweet peas. Her attendant wore an
iris colored dress with matching accessories.
The bride attended the local high school and was graduated with the
class of 1934. Since that time she has been employed for part time work
at the L.M. Christenson store. The bridegroom was graduated from the
Spirit Lake high school in 1930, and now is employed by the Northwestern
Light and Power Company of Spirit Lake. The couple left on a short
wedding trip to Omaha, Neb., and after returning will live in Spirit
ANDRESEN-ROSS, March 22, 1937
Miss Gertrude Andresen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Andresen of
LeSueur, Minn., and Mr. Belva Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ross of
Estherville, were married at the M. E. parsonage by the Rev. F. W.
Ortmeyer. The couple was attended by Miss Norma Andresen and Mr. Harry
The bride was attired in a navy blue dress with matching accessories and
wore a corsage of sweet peas, roses, and baby's breath. Her attendant
was dressed in an oxford grey suit with black accessories, and she had a
corsage of sweet peas and baby breath. The bridegroom and his attendant
wore dark suits with white carnations in the lapels.
Mrs. Ross was graduated from the LeSueur High school and worked at the
Golden Rule Store at St. Paul, Minn., where she lived with her sister.
She has been living with her sister, Norma, since November. Mr. Ross
was graduated from the local high school in 1931 and since his
graduation has farmed with his father.
The couple left on a wedding trip to Boone, Des Moines, and the Twin
Cities, and they expect to return to Estherville the first of next week
where they will make their home on a farm southwest of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Anderson are announcing the marriage of their
daughter, Lyle to Elmo Bartleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bartleman,
Sunday afternoon at the M.E. parsonage by the Rev. Winterstien. Miss
Katherine Hollenbeck and LeRoy Merriot attended the couple.
Mrs. Bartleman graduated from the Estherville High school in 1932 and
has many friends to wish her happiness. The couple will make their home
on a farm north of Estherville after March 1.
BROWN, A. C….August 12, 1936
A. C. Brown, 73, of Estherville, well know retired banker, was almost
instantly killed yesterday morning when his car was struck by the
Northwestern passenger at the crossing near Burt on highway 169. His
car, a five passenger sedan, was struck full in the side by the gas
electric train and carried across the cattle guard before the slowly
moving train could stop. The train had just left the station and had
not gained speed. The crossing was clear and Highwayman C. B. Benedict,
who was driving behind Mr. Brown, stated in the coroner's hearing that
he could not understand how Brown alone in his car, failed to see the
oncoming train.
Mr. Brown's chest was crushed and he sustained a very bad head injury
over the eye. Although alive when extricated from the wrecked auto, he
passed away before he could be moved. Trainmen and the baggage man said
that they had thought that Mr. Brown had slowed up for the crossing and
so did not stop for him. Marks in the road would indicate that he had
had headed for the ditch but had swung back into the highway again. An
infrequent driver, Mr. Brown, had in recent years made very few out of
town trips.
The deceased man while not a pioneer of Estherville had lived here with
his family for thirty-six years, coming here from West Bend in 1900 to
open a wholesale implement building with Walter Crowell. The two story
frame building which the firm built in 1899 and occupied stood at the
corner of Lincoln and Eighth where the Champlain Oil station now stands
and they later built the brick building across the street now occupied
by J.T. Johnston. Here the firm established the first wholesale grocery
house. Later Mr. Brown was identified with Fred Richmond in the real
estate business. It is as a banker, however, that Mr. Brow was most
widely known. He owned controlling interest at different times in
banking institutions at West Bend, Ottesen, Iowa, Montrey, Ormsby, and
Chokio, Minnesota, and for about five years in Chowchilla, Cal. The
crash following the world war swept away most of the modest fortune that
Mr. Brown had accumulated but he was comfortably located with his wife
in their lovely stone home surrounded by a number of acres of land at
the east edge of Estherville and found profit and enjoyment in feeding
livestock and looks after his farm property.
His keen but kindly and humorous advice will be missed by hundred of
friends for his death leaves a gap in the community hard to fill. Mr.
Brown was born seventy-three years ago April 20, in Sierceton, Ind. In
1888 he was married to Miss Lulu Gullixson in Humboldt county. Besides
his wife, Mr. Brown leaves to mourn his sudden passing two sons, Lee of
Gilmore City and Neil of this city, two daughters, Hazel of Estherville
and Mrs. Wm. Hagens of Casper, Wyo.
Funeral services will be held on Friday afternoon at two, at the home on
East Lincoln street. Interment will be made in Oak Hill cemetery.
Mr. Brown was a member of the Masonic Order, a former member of the
Esdraelon commandry. He had served on the Estherville city council.
Norman Best, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Best, and Leonere Flora Berger,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Berger, were married Friday by the Rev.
Curtis Page. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Best.
WAUNITA BROWN-ROY BRAVENDER, Nov. 13, 1935 (announcement)
At a candlelight formal dinner last night at Climton Place, Waunita
Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Brown of Estherville announced
her engagement to Roy Bravender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bravender of
Swea City.
The announcement was revealed on place cards of orange hearts with
orange streamers, the ends of which were concealed beneath large bowls
of white chrysanthemums. Each of the guests received a shoulder corsage
of yellow pom-poms. Six white tapers placed the length of the banquet
table completed the orange, white and yellow color scheme. Covers were
laid for 30 guests. At the right of the bride-elect, the seat of honor,
was seated her twin sister, Lavonne Brown. Mrs. Sam C. Smith of
Winterset, chaperon, was hostess at the dinner.
Miss Brown attended Estherville Junior College before entering the
University of Iowa this fall where she is a junior student. Mr.
Bravender is a sophomore student.
The above story was taken from the Thursday issue of the Daily Iowan, of
Iowa City.
Miss Betty Blazer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Blazer, and Mr.
Richard Deibner, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Deibner of Spirit Lake,
were married at the home of the bride's parents. The Rev. F. W.
Ortmeyer read the double ring ceremony in the presence of immediate
relatives and friends. The home was decorated with bouquets of cut
flowers. The couple was attended by Miss Katherine Blazer and Vermain
Sidles. The bride was dressed in blue and her attendant wore dubonnet.
Both had corsages of Talisman roses and sweet peas.
The bride graduated from the Estherville High school in 1932 and the
Junior College in 1935. She has worked in the Wildner's Variety. Mr.
Deibner is a graduate of the Spirit Lake High school. The couple left
yesterday on a wedding trip to Des Moines and on returning will live in
Spirit Lake where Mr. Deibner is associated with his father in the
Deibner Ice Company.
Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Burns are announcing the marriage of their daughter,
Alice, to Ben Amelsburg of Thompson which took place Friday, March 13,
at Blue Earth, Minn., at the Catholic parsonage.
The bride is well known in Estherville, having received her education in
the local schools and for the past few years has been employed at
various cafes in this city. Prior to her marriage she worked at
Nathanson's Café but resigned her position on Friday. Mr. Amelsburg has
been working for the Swift and Company in Spencer.
Miss Alice Barrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrett of
Estherville and Mr. John Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith were
married at the M. E. parsonage at Albert Lea, Minn., by the Rev. Maine.
Witnesses were Elders Ira Fisher and Clifford Judy.
The bride wore a pansy purple transparent velvet dress and carried a
bouquet of bride's roses and lilies-of-the-valley. Mrs. Smith was
graduated from the Estherville High school with the class of 1934, and
has clerked part of the time in the National Store. Mr. Smith was a
graduate of the Dolliver High school in 1931 and is now employed at the
Albert Lea Food Products Co. The couple will make their home in Albert
*BOYSTER, February 8, 1937
Delrenia Mae Boyster, the five weeks old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Boyster, was found dead in bed this moring by her parents. The
child had been suffering from a cold and had wakened her parents about 5
o'clock a.m. Mrs. Boyster took care of the child and went back to
sleep. An hour and a half later they awakened and found their child
dead. According to Coroner Sternberg the infant apparently died of
pneumonia since there was no evidence of her having suffocated under the
bed clothing. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in
the Sternborg Funeral home with the Rev. F.W. Ortmeyer officiating.
Burial in Oak Hill. The child is survived by her parents.
Miss Mary Benesh, daughter of Mrs. Frances Benesh and Joseph Brinkman,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Brinkman were married at the St. Patrick's
Church, Rev. David McGoey performing the double ring ceremony. The
couple was attended by Miss Amelia Benesh and Mr. Alvin Brinkman. The
bride was attired in a white satin gown. She wore a lace veil with a
train and carried a shower bouquet of white roses. The bridesmaid wore
a dress of pink satin and carried a bouquet of pink roses.
Gail Collins played the Lohengrin's wedding march as the bridal couple
took place at the altar. Romain Collins sang "Ava Maria" and the choir
san " O Lord I Am Not Worthy," "On This Day, O Beautiful Mother," and
"To Jesus Heat All Burning." Following the wedding, a dinner was served
at the bride's home.
Mrs. Brinkman graduated from the Estherville High school and the State
Teachers College at Cedar Falls. She has taught school in 12 Mile Lake
Township. Mr. Brinkman also attended the local schools and since has
been engaged in farming with his father, south of Estherville. The
couple left on a wedding trip to eastern Iowa and on their return will
make their home on a farm in Twelve Mile Lake Township.
Miss Kathryn Carey of Pocahontas and Mr. Harry Brown, son of Mrs.
Harriet Brown of Estherville, were married this morning at 7 a.m. at
Sanborn by the Rev. Joseph Fitzpatrick, cousin of the bride.
Mrs. Brown is a graduate of St. Mary's School at Storm Lake and also
attended Buena Vista College. Since finishing school she has been
assisting in the management of the Hotel Pocahontas.
Mr. Brown is a graduate of the Estherville High school and is assistant
chief of the license division of the Highway Motor Patrol.
*BOYSTER, April 9, 1936
Mrs. Amos Boyster, 52, resident of this city for the last eight years,
died at her home following an illness of several weeks. Funeral
services are set for 2:30 p.m. at the Methodist church with the Rev. F.
W. Ortmeyer officiating. Burial in Oak Hill. She is survived by her
husband, one son, Orville, and one daughter, Algeta, all of Estherville.
Friends of Miss Wilma Wanek and Mr. LeRoy Aalborg received invitations
today to their wedding which will take place at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary's
church at Aurora, Neb.
Miss Wanek is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wanek of Aurora and
has been teaching at the Emmet Consolidated school. Mr. Aalborg is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Aalborg.
The couple will live at Rockwell City where Mr. Aalborg is the
proprietor of a greenhouse.
*BUNT.June 29, 1936
Miss May Bunt of Armstrong, 39 years old, died at the Coleman hospital
following an illness of a little more than a week. She entered the
hospital June 21. Although funeral services will be held in Armstrong
the time has not been arranged.
Miss Bunt is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bunt, and four
sisters, Mrs. Joe Chapman of Estherville, Mrs. Wm. Jaskulke of Fairmont,
Minn., Mrs. John Blum and Mrs. August Beck of Armstrong.
Miss Imogene Bevan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sargent Bevan, and Mr. Lee
Fike of Lake Park, will be married at 6:30 p.m. at the Baptist parsonage
by the Rev. J.A. Riggs.
The couple will be attended by Mr. and Mrs. William Young. Mrs. Young
is a sister of the bride. After the ceremony a dinner will be served at
the Young home to members of the immediate families.
Miss Bevan was graduated from the Estherville high school in 1929 and
was a member of the 1931 class of the Coleman hospital. Since her
graduation she has worked in various hospitals. For the past year she
has been nursing at the Ocheydan hospital. The couple will live on a
farm located between Lake Park and Ocheydan.
The marriage of Miss Dorothy Ehlers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Ehlers of Ogden, and Mr. Neil Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brown,
which took place at Salem, S. D., was announced at a party given at the
Gardston Hotel.
JUNE 13, 1937
Mr. and Mrs. Neil K. Brown are announcing the birth of an eight pound
Mrs. Art Redlinger nee Leona Balmer was honored at a miscellaneous
shower at the home of her mother.
Miss Fae Albertson, daughter of Mrs. Zella Albertson and Kenneth Bixby,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bixby, were united in marriage at the Little
Brown Church at Nashua with the Rev. Wm. Kent officiating.
Mrs. Fred Albertson Jr. and Mr. Keith Albertson attended the couple.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Bixby wore white linen suits. Mrs. Bixby's
accessories were white and she wore a corsage of roses and sweet peas.
The matron of honor wore a rose knit suit with pink accessories. Her
corsage was of roses and sweet peas.
Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the Hotel Hanford
in Mason City.
Both the bride and bridegroom were graduated from the Estherville high
school and attended junior college. Mrs. Bixby has been working at the
Gift Garden and Mr. Bixby is at present employed by the Pfaff Baking Co.
After July 1 the couple will be at home in the Golla Apartments.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Butcher are announcing the marriage of their
daughter, Marcella Nan, to Mr. Dwight Wiseman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Wiseman of Wallingford which took place February 14, at Canton,
S.D. Attendants for the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Evan Higgins.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman received their education in the Estherville
schools. The couple will be at home near Wallingford.
Miss Charlotte Bailey and Mr. Wilbert Sindt were married by the Rev. A.
G. Bailey, father of the bride at Tracy, Minn. The Baileys were former
residents of Estherville.
*BARFOOT, June 23, 1937
Mrs. John Barfoot, 79, a resident of Dolliver for many years, died at
her home after an illness of nearly two weeks. Funeral services will be
held in the Dolliver Community church with the Rev. S. W. Handy and Rev.
M. L. Carver officiating. Burial will be made in the Dolliver cemetery.
Mrs. Barfoot is survived by her husband and five children, Mrs. Ernest
Harding of Park Rapids, Minn.; Mrs. Charley Mast of Greeley, Colo.; Mrs.
Frank Kennedy of Waterbury, Neb.; Ed Barfoot of Wyo.; and Earl Barfoot
of Wallingford.
Frank Benesh of Estherville and Miss Hazel Larson of Wallingford were
married at the KFNF studio at Shenandoah by the radio pastor, James
Pearson. The ceremony was not a broadcast. There were accompanied on
the 300 mile trip by Mildred Jacobson and Leland Larson. Mr. and Mrs.
Benesh will be at home on a farm near here.
Miss Emma Andresen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Andresen and Albert
Thompson, son of Mrs. John Nelson of Graettinger, were marri3d at the
Immanuel Lutheran church with the Rev. Nordsletten officiating. Miss Clara
Thompson, sister of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid and Ernest Andresen
served as best man. After the ceremony a luncheon was served at the farm
home of Mr. and Mrs. Andresen. The bridal couple will enjoy a wedding trip
through the Black Hills, Yellowstone Park and Spokane, Wash. The bride
received her education in the Estherville schools and Mr. Thompson was
graduated from the Graettinger high school with the class of 1925. He now
owns and operates a grocery store in Graettinger and after June 20 he and
Mrs. Thompson will be at home to their friends there.
Miss Vivian Glauss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glauss of Fenton and
Donovan Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Brown, were married in the Little
Stone church in Sioux Falls, S.D. The bride wore a pretty frock of brown
crepe and she was attended by Miss Lois Brown who wore a green dress. Bert
Amelsburg of Lakota served as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will make their
home in an apartment in the Roy Brown home. Mrs. Brown was graduated from
the Fenton high school in 1930. Mr. Brown received his education in the
local schools and is now associated with the Independent Ice Co.
BABBS, 1932
Miss Louise Babbs, 21, formerly of Armstrong, died at the home of her
mother, Mrs. James Whitman, in Fairmont, Minn. Death was caused form
bronchial pneumonia. Miss Babbs had been in frail health all her life and
her condition became gradually weaker the past year and half. She was in
the Fairmont hospital but was discharged a short time ago. The deceased
young woman was born in Armstrong and lived in that neighborhood until four
years ago when the family moved to Fairmont. Besides her mother she leaves
two brothers, Leslie of Armstrong, and Leonard of Dolliver, two sisters,
Mrs. Forest Fitzgerald and Miss Lamina Babbs of Fairmont. Funeral services
will be held in the Home Jones chapel and interment will be in the Lakeside
cemetery, Fairmont.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay G. Brockway are announcing the marriage of their daughter,
Lavaughn to Murrel Ellerbroek, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ellerbroek, of
Spencer, Sunday, April 2, in Sioux City. The Rev. C.E. Hankins performed
the ceremony. They will live in Sioux City.
The approaching marriage of Miss Eloise Burt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Burt, to Stanley Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Larson was announced at a
6:30 dinner give at the Burt home. The wedding will take place Easter Sunday
morning at the Methodist church.
Miss Alice Bombarger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bombarger and Robley S.
Steinhilber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinhilber of Truesdale were married
at the home of the bride’s parents by the Rev. W. A. Winerstein. Miss Nora
Marie Harker played the wedding march and also sang two songs. Jewel Edwards
of Truesdale and Miss Elizabeth West attended the couple. Marjorie Weller,
niece of the bride, served as flower girl. The bride wore a dainty pale
green taffeta and Miss West was attired in an ecru lace gown both wearing
corsages. The home was beautifully decorated in green and yellow.
Immediately following the ceremony a lunch was served by Mrs. E. E.Weller
and Mrs. E. C. Sidles, sisters of the bride. The couple will live in
Mr. and Mrs. Sargent Bevan are announcing the approaching marriage of their
daughter, Hazel, to William Young, of this city. Mr. Young has been in the
radio business for a number of years here. Miss Bevan was graduated from
the local high school and has many friends that will extend their
congratulations to her.
Funeral services for Mrs. W. F. Bright, 74, will be held at the M. E. church
with the Rev. Winterstein officiating. Burial will be in Oakhill. Mrs.
Bright died after an illness of five weeks. She is survived by her husband,
one daughter, Lula and two sons, Will of Estherville and Clarence of
Burlington, two brother, Wm. Arnfelt of Estherville and Grant of
Minneapolis, Minn., and one sister, Mrs. C. W. Crull of Mount Pulaski, Ill.
Alveretta Florence Arnfelt was born at Sidney, Ohio, Nov. 30, 1858, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Arnfelt. While she was a child she moved with
her family to Bogen County, Ill., and in 1888 she married Franklin D. Bright
at Mount Pulaski, Illinois. In 1903 they moved to Clark county and in 1917
came to Estherville where they have made their home since.
Mrs. Harriet Brown has purchased the former Birney hospital on East Lincoln
street from Dr. C. E. Birney and will have it remodeled into an up-to-date
apartment houses. Dr. Birney vacated the build several weeks ago when he
joined the Upper DesMoines Medical society, which has charge of the Coleman
BEST Divorce, July 7, 1937
A divorce was granted to Maxine A. Best from Fred Best. They were married
July 23, 1934, in Terril and were separated this June. The plaintiff was
awarded the custody of their ten month old son, Gary Dean, and also $10 a
month for the support of the child. Mrs. Best charged non-support.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Butcher are announcing the marriage of their daughter,
Norine Marcia, to William P. Heneman, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Henaman,
which took place in Canton, S.D.
The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moklestad. Miss Butcher was
dressed in a white whipcord suit with brown accessories. Her attendant also
wore a white suit with accessories of brown. Mr. H. and the best man were
dressed in brown. The couple will be at home in the Brees Apts. after Sept.
Mrs. Henaman is a graduate of E.H.S. with the class of 1935 and is employed
at the S and L store and will continue her work. Mr. Henaman was graduated
from the Armstrong High school in 1934 and attended E.J.C. for one year. He
completed a course at the A.I.B. in DesMoines. He is employed as a car
salesman at the Ford Garage.
Miss Lena Amdahl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Amdahl, and Fred Owen, Jr.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owen of Guthrie Center surprised their friends last
night by being married at 6 o’clock at the Amdahl home by the Rev. L. A.
Mathre of the Estherville Lutheran church. They had announced their
marriage for today at noon but when a group of friends gathered at the
Amdahl home for an informal birthday party for Mr. Owens, they were told of
the marriage.
The bride attended the local schools and for the past seven years has been
employed at Ralph’s Café. Mr. Owen was graduated from the high school of
Guthrie Center, attended Drake in DesMoines for one year and was graduated
from the local junior college in 1933. He has been working at Ralph’s for
the past three years. Mr. and Mrs. Owen left for Guthrie Center where they
will make their home on a farm.
C. C. Butcher, 58, a brakeman on the B.C.R. & N. and the Rock Island for 38
years and a veteran of the Philippine insurrection died at his home after a
brief illness.
Mr. B. received a congressional medal and a special medal commemorating the
services of the U.S. troops in the Philippines where he served in and around
Manila for more than a year. He began his railroading career in 1899 after
returning from foreign service. He began as a brakeman with headquarters in
Estherville, later being transferred to Watertown, S.D., where the family
lived for twenty years. The family returned here in 1933.
Mr. B. is survived by his widow, six daughters, one son, a brother and 3
sisters. The children are Mrs. V. F. Mandery, Watertown; Mrs. B. F. Albitz,
Minneapolis; Mrs. H. L. Seivers, Waterloo; Mrs. Dwight Wiseman (Marcella),
Mrs. Wm. Heneman (Norene), Miss Shirley Butcher; a son, Hubert of El Paso,
Dr. W. E. Bradley, Emmet county’s oldest practicing physician, died at his
home here following a lengthy illness which began late last fall. He would
have been 73 years old Monday.
No funeral arrangements have been made pending the arrival of relatives.
He is survived by his widow, an adopted son, William of Detroit, Mich., and
adopted daughter, Mrs. Duane Hause of East Lansing, Mich., and three
sisters, Mrs. B.F. Sharp, Elmore, Minn, now living here, Mrs. Edwin Palmer
and Mrs. Lela Schafer, both of Williston, N.D.
Dr. Bradley was born on February 14, 1865, on a farm in La Crosse county,
Wis., attended the school there and grew to manhood on the farm assisting
his parents until he entered the University of Wis., at Madison. The doctor
graduated from the university in 1890 and the next two years attended the
Rush Medical college in Chicago, where he received his M.D. degree in 1892.
After being graduated from the Chicago institution he came to Estherville
and this had been his home ever since. He has practice medicine here
continually for 46 years until failing health forced him to retire.
Dr. Bradley was married July 17, 1895, to Miss Eva Robinson of Estherville,
who had been a teacher of the schools here.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Law are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Ruth
Meta, to Geroge Herbert Buck, son of Mrs. Catherine Buck, which took place
September 18 in Herkimer, N.Y.