Iowa Old Press

Eagle Grove Times
Eagle Grove, Wright co., Iowa
Friday, June 15, 1888

Chil. Sanford passed last Sunday in Des Moines.

B.P. Schulz shipped his goods to Hull last Monday.

Miss Mabel Lindley is enjoying a nice visit at Toledo.

James Mulligan contemplates a prospecting tour to Florida.

J.O. Prehm's sprained ankle has recovered and he is again on duty.

The cozy residence of Eng. Chas. Schaeffer has been dressed in becoming paint.

Mr. Trude, of Fonda, is in the city on a visit, the guest of his son, G.W. Trude.

The Dan Cavanaugh dwelling on Sixth-st. has been painted and looks better.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bair gave a dancing party at their home Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. George Gregory are the happy parents of a baby girl, born last week.

Henry DeLawyer has taken John Doud's place on the Mulligan dray line, Mr. D. resigning.

Last Tuesday Miss Maude Poole departed for Chicago to make a month's visit with relatives.

The wire fencing for Rose Hill Cemetery arrived Wednesday and will be put up as soon as possible.

R.O. Packman and T.B. Cowan have procured tasty new canvas awnings for their respective business houses.

Dr. Garth was summoned from Clarion on Wednesday to council with Dr. Will at the bedside of Mrs. M. Armbruster.

Next week Markus Olsen begins the erection of an addition to the dwelling of J.G. McOllough, on Sixth-st, 16X20, 10 feet posts.

Mrs. J.H. Howell, accompanied by her two little children and little Clara Wilkins, started on Monday to visit relatives at Freeport, Ill.

Mrs. R.W. Shook and brother, Mr. Dorwin, started yesterday morning on their extended visit east, their first destination being Concord, Mich.

"Tony" Hagan, who has been on a visit to his mother at Des Moines, has returned and is alternating W.S. Mason in running engine 212 in the yards.

Mrs. Harriet Woodin, formerly a resident of this county, died at Webster City on the 3d inst., at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.W. McKinney.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Litts moved into the Shook House last Monday, having leased the same for six months. They will no doubt keep up the good reputation of the house.

Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Hewett reached home last Friday from their sojourn in California; and unless indications are deceiving, the Judge is much improved in health, a fact his friends are very glad of.

It is the intention of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitzmaurice to go east in a few days, accompanied by their daughter, Miss Gertie, to be absent several weeks. Their first stop will be at Sterling, Ill., where Gertie remains while Mr and Mrs. F. continue on to their old home in Pennsylvania and from there to Vermont.

Mr. and Mrs. Markus Olsen were grieviously afflicted last Sunday morning. They lost their baby girl, Mary, aged about 15 1/2 months, with consumption, and in their sorrow have the sympathy of many friends The little one was tenderly laid to rest Monday forenoon in Rose Hill cemetery.

Eagle Grove Lodge, No. 191, I.O.O.F., elected the following officers on the evening of the 7th inst.:
Noble Grand, A.N. Odenheimer
Vice Grand, W.V. Palmer
Treasurer, N.B. Paine
Recording Secretary, J. Fitzmaurice
The lodge is in a very prosperous condition.

Eagle Grove Encampment
As announced last week, a delegation of Webster City gentlement came up Thursday evening and instituted an I.O.O.F. Encampment at K.P. Hall, twenty-six of the Eagle Grove fraternity joining the organization. The visitors were as follows:
August F. Huffman, D.D.G.P.
H.C. Austin, S.W.
G.F. Richardson, H.P.
Geo. W. France, J.W.
Chas. Gerber, Scribe
Chas. Briggs, I.S.
Jas. W. Adams, O.S.
A.H. Gurney, 1st W.
S.W. Havens 2d W.
Geo. H. Shaw, 3d W.
H. Cadwell, 4th W.
A.E. Servis

The new order certainly starts out well. Twenty-six charter members is a pretty strong showing to begin with. At 12 o'clock a banquet was served at the Junction House, as it consumed nearly the whole night to organize, initiate, elect and install the officers of the Encampment. It is to be known as Eagle Grove Encampment, No. 120, and the following officers preside over its destinies the ensuing year:
Lyman Moats, Chief Patriarch
J.D. Thomas, Senior Warden
G.W. Mason, Junior Warden
E.D. Ryder, High Priest
A.N. Odenheimer, Treasurer
A.L. Yearous, Scribe
Success to Eagle Grove Encampment No. 120.

Iowa State News
Chas. Schroeder, an old resident of Fort Dodge, died at his residence in that city last week of chronic bronchitis.

Harry Noxon, who has for three years managed the opera house at Cedar Rapids, has gone to New York to engage in business.

In the past five days eight cases of diphtheria and one of scarlet fever have been reported to the board of health at Davenport.

It is charged that ex-Superintendent of Schools Welch, of Jackson county, permitted fifty-seven teachers to teach without certificates

In the state shooting tournament at Des Moines, the Hampton gun club won the state trophy, killing twenty straight birds. The team consisted of K.S. Cole and F.M. Mitchell. [transcription note: another blurb, same issue, gave Mitchell's residence as Belmond and Cole's as Hampton]

M.L. Jamison, of Wapello, lost a horse by a curious accident one day last week. While chasing a steer in his pasture the horse which he rode ran into a wire fence in such a way as to sever his jugular vein, and bled to death in a few moments.

The 9 year-old son of Gene Mettaz, of Council Bluffs, being of a philosophical and inquiring turn of mind, by way of experiment swallowed som "Rough on Rats." A stomach pump prevented him going on record as a martyr to the cause of science.

A letter has been received at G.A.R. headquarters, in Des Moines, stating that Peter Fisher, of Mt. Pleasant, was mustered into the G.A.R. May 2. He is 92 years old, served nearly two years in the famous Iowa Greybeard regiment the thirty-seventh Iowa during the was of the rebellion. He served in the war of 1812, being in the battle of Lundy's Lane. Also served in the Mexican war. He is probably the only Iowa soldier who was in the war of 1812.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2018]

Iowa Old Press
Wright County