Iowa Old Press

Northwood Anchor
Northwood, Worth co. Iowa
Tuesday, July 16, 1907


G.E. Moir, wife and son of Dubuque came Wednesday for a two-days visit with his sister, Mrs. W.W. Hunter.

A.C. Gregg is mourning the death of his fine Cocker Spaniel, Pepper, who met his death on the railroad track the past week.

Chas. Mellem received a fine trotter on Sunday night's train.

Miss Florence Johnson of Britt is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. John Wroten.

Mr. and Mrs. O.V. Eckert and daughter Ethel started Friday on their western trip.

Job Dishington and Miss Albara Strand both of Hanlontown secured a license to wed on July 10th.

Mrs. C.H. Beckett has been far from well the past week, but we are glad to report that she is improving.

Mrs. Suel Orhood and daughter Norma will leave Wednesday for a fortnight visit at Osage, Waukon and other points.

Scott H. Lilly and wife left last week for Washington, D.C., where he has gone to accept the government position recently tendered him.

W.A. Willing, Northwood's popular Mayor, is spending a fortnight at his hold home in Phelps, N.Y.

Mrs. L.G. Hewitt and son Leland are expected home today (Tuesday) from their visit at Albert Lea.

Miss Gladys Sabin came Thursday from Hayward, Wis., for a weeks visit with her brother, Atty. E.M. Sabin.

Mrs. W.E. Swain of Hayward, Wis., arrived Sunday for a few day stay with the family of her brother E.M. Sabin.

The Luther League will serve ice cream at Mrs. J.M. Henderson's this afternoon.

Miss Alsadie Guidinger has been visiting friends at Waterloo the past week and attending the Chautauqua which is by far the finest in the West.

Mrs. Krogness and Mrs. Gunderson will entertain the Trinity Ladies Aid Society next Thursday afternoon at the home of the former.

Mrs. Wagner and daughter Lila treated their Sunday School classes to a picnic in the Crescent Park Saturday afternoon.

Albert Ingebretson of Silver Lake was brought before the Commissioners of Insanity Saturday afternoon and was adjudged insane. Sheriff Lee conveyed him to the hospital at Cherokee Saturday night. Mr. Ingebretson is a young man and his case is one which is likely to yield to the treatment of the hospital specialists.

Esther A. Wardall was born in Rock County, Wis., on April 7th, 1850 and died at her home in Kensett on Juy 4th, 1907. When six years of age the family moved to Mitchell County and one year later to Northwood where all the years of her early life were spent.

December 12th, 1861, she was joined in marriage to Theron Finch. To them seven children were born of whom six are still living. They are Bret Finch of S.D., Mrs. N.E. Haugen of Northwood, Fred Finch of Harbin Springs, Cal., and Winnie, Max, and Theron Finch all of Kensett.

In 1872 Mr. and Mrs. Finch moved to Kensett where they continued to reside. Mr. Finch passed away March 30th, 1890. Mrs. Finch was a daughter of Chas. Wardall, one of the early pioneers of Northwood, and a sister of Mrs. Mary Beckett.

The funeral services was [sic] held Sunday July 7th from the home, being conducted by Rev. Urbino of Manly. Interment being made in the Kensett cemetery.

Mrs. Christy Severson died at the home of Ole Lera in Brookfield Twp. on Tuesday and was buried from the Elk Grove Lutheran Church on Friday. Rev. L.O. Pederson of Kensett conducted the services. Mrs. Severson was 67 years of age. Her sister, Mrs. Ole J. Lukken of Minneapolis came to be present at the funeral.

Mr. and Mrs. Venables of Minneapolis spent a pleasant week recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swensrud. The two ladies are sisters.

Mr. A.J. Luther of Albert Lea is enjoying a brief visit with his granddaughter Mrs. Ralph Bliton.

Mrs. Mary Wardall and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Wm. Buchanon's, also attending in the Gordonsville church afternoon and evening.

Mr. Lars Qualm and babies, also Mrs. Henry Qualm and baby, were over Sunday visitors at their parental home, Mr. Grefthen's.

Mrs. A.C. Lundberg will entertain the Grove ladies and society.

Rev. Esser from Lyle preached his farewll sermon in the Trinity church Sunday.

Miss Pauline Hendrickson is at the hospital at St. Paul.

Mrs. Adolph Johnson visited with her daughter Mrs. Alex Anderson last Wednesday.

Mr. Elmer Butler spent last Tuesday at home.

Mrs. Nils Davidson and Ida Anderson were at Northwood Wednesday.

Mrs. Alex Anderson visited at Adolph Johnson's Thursday.

Lewis Holm plowed corn for Hans Hendrickson's last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Johnson and family spent the seventh at John and Alick Anderson's.

Elmer Butler sprained his ankle quite badly one day last week.

Last Friday O.I. Hendrickson went to see Dr. Hgrd about an abcess that is forning on little Pearl's thigh.

Otto Fredericson is now well again after a long and hard siege of Asthma.

Mesdames Thorson and Tuff of Carpenter have been visiting their sister Mrs. Jul Ranum for the last few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Hammer of Joice, Iowa, called on O.P. Haugens Tuesday.

Louis Turvold is now working for Elling Harmon.

Mrs. A. Ericeon and daughter Hattie and Mrs. A.P. Haugen and daughter Esther of Reynolds, N.D., visited at O.J. Turvold Wednesday and Thursday. From there they went via Osage, Lyle and Adams enroute for home.

Miss Othelia Haugen and little Lila went to Rock Creek Thursday to visit their sister, Mrs. C.C. Goperud.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Blegeberg and two children of N.D. have been visiting at the Blegeberg home for the past week. They came down in time to celebrate the glorious fourth of July at Northwood.

Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Fischer and baby from Shenandoah, Ia., came Friday for a ten days visit with her cousin, Atty. Frank Forbes and family. Mrs. Fischer is one of the popular teachers in our institute. Her husband a prominent attorney of Shenandoah.

Lightning totally destroyed the fine barn of Lars Ellingson in Hartland twp. during the electrical display of Saturday night. One of the sad incident of the loss was the buring of five head of cattle.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2016]

Iowa Old Press
Worth County