Iowa Old Press

Northwood Anchor
Northwood, Worth co. Iowa
Tuesday, January 29, 1907


Mrs. Reinhart's millinery parlors are again open for business.

O.C. Berg is still being detained in St. Paul as a result of his operation at Christmas time. He is having quite a pull of it, and we will all be glad when he is again able to hustle for the automobile trade.

The people of Northwood witnessed a lively runaway Thursday afternoon. The team of Martin Johnson started at the northwest corner of town and ran to main street scattering portions of the wagon and sled to which they were hitched all along the way. Fortunately no damage was done to the team, which was a fine one.


Little Fannie, the editor's baby has been quite sick the past week, but is [illegible] well.

F.E. Manchester was on the streets Monday after his recent illness.

Lewis Petetson and Geo. Hundeby were at Lake Mills a few days last week.

Oluf Berg came home from the hospital on Saturday. He has had quite a time of it and we hope that he will recover with automobile speed.

John Picley was treated to an anniversary party Saturday night, the occasion being his 60th birthday.

C.H. Dwelle was suffering from the grippe Friday to an extent that precluded his attending to his duties at the Worth County State Bank. Hard colds seem prevalent in the community just now.

William Rhodes from Binghampton, N.Y. is visitng his cousins Arthur E. and Alpheus C. Finch. Mr. Rhodes has been up through the Dakotas looking for a favorable land deal.

We are glad to report that Gus Hildebrand's baby is better. It is very seriously sick with pneumonia. A nurse from Plymouth has been secured and every effort is being put forth to stay the dreaded disease.

Worth County Boy Honored
Our readers will be pleased to note the advancement of one who grew to manhood in Worth county. Mr. Miller is well known here and has many friends who will rejoice at his success.

Attorney Andrew Miller, formerly one of Winnebago cunty's attorneys, has been appointed assistant attorney general of North Dakota, with a salary of $1800 a year and offices at Bismarck, in the meanwile retaining his regular practice, which has been growing steadily since he first opened offices in that city, some 18 months ago.

Marriage Licenses
Theodore Tribbensee and Mrs. Anna Walk from near Grafton.


Brookfield and Hartland
-Miss Laura Crowell of Fertile commenced her winter term of school in District No. 2, Brookfield, last Tuesday morning. She had just completed a four months term in Fertile township.
-A.O. Peterson and wife were Northwood visitors Thursday.
-Mrs. Emina Tuve visited her sister, Mrs. Clarence Ranum a couple of days last week.
-Othelia, Lila, Clarence and Philius Haugen visited at O.J. Turvold's Tuesday.
-Eilef Olson has purchased the house on Theodore Sage's farm and moved it to his farm. He is now nicely settled down in his new home.
-Andrew Aase, Jr. is taking care of the dredge outfit at present.

Manly Notes
-Alice Rossiter visited friends in Mason City several days last week.
-Eva Iverson, who is teaching near Bolan, was home over sunday for a visit with her home folks.
-Charles Gall of Lyle was here Thursday.
-A. Smoke and family of Gordonsville moved here last week and are now located in the D.A. Mitchell house in the southeast part of town.
-Maggie Bauher was at Mason City Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. H.K. Lyford are enjoying a visit from their brother-in-law, Mr. George Knowles, of Colorado.
-A telephone has been installed in the Evangelical parsonage.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2016]

Iowa Old Press
Worth County