Iowa Old Press

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co. Iowa
May 1, 1943

Oto Soldier Is Held by Nazis, Parents Learn
Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Timmerman, Oto, Iowa have received a telegram from the war department stating that their son, Private First Class Dale M. Timmerman, is a prisoner of the German government. Private Timmerman had been reported missing in action February 17. His cousin, Devon Hahn, formerly a student at Morningside College, also has been reported missing. Private Timmerman was a member of the Sioux City national guard and was in the first contingent that went overseas.

[transcribed by C.S., April 2015]

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co. Iowa
May 8, 1943

Men And Women In Service

Private Richard Heck is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Heck, 2601 W. 19th Street, on a seven-day furlough. He is stationed with the medical corps at Clinton, Iowa.

Private Elmer Hansen is spending a 15-day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Gus Wachter, 1618 Rebecca Street. He is stationed with a chemical laboratory company at Sunnyvale, Cal.

Corporal Technician Clifford R. Carlson, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Carlson, 415 Clifton Avenue, is home on a 12-day furlough from Camp Claiborne, Louisiana.

Private Desmond Riley, stationed at the army air force bombardier school, Midland, Tex., is spending a 10-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley, Tott apartment.

Lemoine Magee, radioman third class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Magee, 2312 Ninth Street, is spending a five-day furlough here before reporting for duty at San Francisco. He formerly was stationed at Indianapolis.

Corporal Jack Weins of the radio signal corps, stationed at Drew field, Tampa, Fla. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weins, 2302 W. Third Street.

Loye M. Booton, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Booton, 2016 S. St. Aubin Street, for the last two years a student at the University of Iowa where he was a member of the R.O.T.C. will report Monday at Des Moines for induction into the army. He is a graduate of East High School.

Lieut. Helen Townsend has returned to Fort Ord, California, after spending a 15-day leave with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Townsend, 1523 Hildahl Avenue, and her sister at Akeley, Minn. Lieut. Townsend is a graduate of East High school and the Methodist hospital school of nursing. She enlisted in the army in 1941.

Private Alfred Steele, stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, is visiting his wife and daughters at 508 Center Street.

Merle W. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Miller, Denison Highway, has been promoted to the rank of corporal. Corporal Miller is stationed in southern California.

William J. McCullough Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCullough, 3335 Third Avenue; John E. Mounsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mounsey, 710 15th Street; Lloyd E. Moravek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moravek, 3235 Fourth Avenue; Walter A. Winkler, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Winkler, 113 N. Fairmount Street; Vernon L. Lundquist, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Lundquist, 1405 Omaha Street; Robert A. Hodges, whose wife is Mrs. LaVonne Julia Hodges, 2635 S. Cecelia Street; John T. Greeny, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Greeny, 2603 Correctionville Road; Raymond P. Beckett, 1216 S. Cornelia Street, and Robert W. Wade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kearney S. Wade, 5601 Stone Avenue, have reported for training at the naval station at Farragut, Idaho.

Corporal Daniel L. Middleton has returned to Camp Barkeley, Texas, after spending a 13-day furlough with his wife, Mrs. D.L. Middleton, 1214 S. Royce Street, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Middleton, 2930 Washington Avenue.

Alan R. Kane, 1515 Pierce Street, has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the army after successfully completing a course at the adjutant general’s school at Fort Washington, Maryland.

Wayne Mitchell, whose wife is Mrs. J.P. Mitchell, 2419 George Street, is undergoing basic training at the naval base at Farragut, Idaho.

Sergeant Stanley R. Freeman, a former Sioux City policeman and a member of the Marine Corps stationed somewhere in the South Pacific, in a letter to Police Sergeant William Rogers says he misses the old gang and that he would appreciate hearing from them. Sergeant Freeman left for the armed forces about a year ago.

Jack Weldon Jessup, son of Mrs. Arthur Jessup, 1315 River Drive and Jack Bertell Buser, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Buser, 410 W. Third Street, are receiving navy boot training at Farragut, Idaho.

Private Howard O. Goebel, stationed at Camp Beal, California, has been assigned to the medical Corps. He is the son of Mrs. Kate Goebel, 1421 W. Fifth Street.

Private Raymond A. Pauley has returned to his post in the field artillery at Camp Roberts, California, after spending a 15-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pauley, Carroll Apartments.

Sarah J. Samore, daughter of George Skaff, 921 Eighth Street, stationed at Dayton Beach, Fla. has completed her basic Waac training and had been promoted to corporal.

[transcribed by C.S., April 2015]

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co. Iowa
May 12, 1943


Spirit Lake, Iowa—Missing is still the official designation of John Kidd, former Spirit Lake high school athletic ace, according to the American Red Cross. The report was received here by the county home service chairman. Mrs. Johanna Dean, Kidd was reported missing in a telegram received from the war department November 5, 1942, with October 29 listed as the date upon which he was missing. Later a Cairo dispatch gave his name among those who were decorated in outlying hospitals and still later his name was mentioned in a letter from another Spirit Lake youth in that area. The war department, however, still lists him as missing, the Red Cross check reveals. Kidd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vorus Kidd of Spirit Lake.

Rossie, Iowa—Mrs. Sara Goff was sworn in as a WAAC at Des Moines. She is now at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Anderson, awaiting call. She formerly taught in the Clay County schools. Her 6-year-old daughter will make her home with the Andersons in Rossie. The Andersons also have a son in the service, Pete Anderson, who was one of the first to go across. He is now in the quartermaster corps in North Africa.

Spencer, Iowa—Two youths from this area, Delmar Eugene Morfitt of Harris and Arlo Lloyd Bohn of Spirit Lake, have been sworn into the naval reserves. They applied for enlistment through the Spencer recruiting station.

Sheldon, Iowa—Special Officer Second Class Merle Kirkpatrick of the coast guard, stationed at Nashville, Tenn., will arrive this week in Sheldon to spend a short furlough with his son, Keith Kirkpatrick. Kirkpatrick was formerly a state highway patrolman here.

Sheldon, Iowa—Willie Schmidt of Sheldon stationed at Minneapolis in the naval air corps, is home on a furlough visiting his mother and other relatives.

Sheldon, Iowa—Henry Houtsma, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Houtsma of Hospers and a nephew of Mrs. O. D. Kapsen of Sheldon, received two pieces of shrapnel in one foot, which had to be operated on in Africa, according to a letter received by his parents at Hospers.

Sheldon, Iowa—Robert Temple, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Temple, received an honorable discharge from the glider division of the army air corps. Mr. Temple and his wife spent Mother’s day in Sheldon, visiting his parents.

Sheldon, Iowa—Miss Alice Miner of Sheldon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miner of Emery, S.D. and Sergeant Al Bothmer of Portland, Oregon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bothmer of Sheldon were married in Sioux City Saturday. Sergeant Bothmer is spending a furlough in Sheldon with his wife and other relatives and friends.

Cushing, Iowa—John R. Kircheis has been commissioned and ensign in the United States naval reserve and will report to the naval preflight school at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, May 27 for an indoctrination course that will fit him to be an instructor in the navy v-5 program. He is a graduate of Buena Vista College and has taught for four years. With Mrs. Kircheis, Ensign Kircheis is spending a few weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs., Elmer H. Ohme.

Cushing, Iowa—Private First Class Edward Putensen of Ontario, Cal. is spending a 15-day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Alvena Putensen.

Moville, Iowa—Special: Private William McElrath of Camp Chassee, Ark., spent a week furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will McElrath.

Moville, Iowa—Private Jerry Larkin spent a few hours with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Larkin. He is enroute to Burbank, Cal., to join his twin brother, Corporal Jack Larkin.

[transcribed by C.S., April 2015]

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co. Iowa
May 14, 1943

Men In Service

Private Lloyd A. Pippett, son of Mrs. Agnes Pippett, 2016 S. Street Aubin Street, is training at the antiaircraft gunnery school at Camp Wallace, Texas.

Corporal Glen Dale Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Knight, 1220 W. Second Street has been promoted to staff sergeant. His whereabouts are unknown.

William C. Chilton is receiving his preliminary naval training at Farragut, Idaho. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Chilton, 2210 Jennings Street.

Pete A. Nashleanas, private first class, has completed his intensive training in airplane mechanic at the army air base at Lincoln, Nebr. He now is ready for active duty. Private Nashleanas is the brother of Mrs. John Tumas, 2815 Marshall Avenue.

Private Harvey John Waymire, 2004 Rustin Street, is stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky, where he is undergoing training in the armored force replacement center.

Franklin G. Moore, seaman, second class, attached to the naval Seabees, is spending a 10-day leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore, 502 Iowa street. Seaman Moore enlisted in the navy last January and has since received training at Camp Allen, Virginia, Camp Perry Virginia and at Davidsville, R.I. where he is stationed now.

Eugene Strassel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Strassel, 921 28th street, who was inducted into the army May 7, has passed his examination for the air corps and has been sworn in. At present he is awaiting his call to report as an aviation cadet.

Sergeant Ernest D. Whiteman, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Whiteman, 2815 W. Sixth Street, has been wounded in action in North Africa. Sergeant Whiteman enlisted March 12, 1939 in Sioux City.

Lieut. S.F. Schalinske, previously stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, is home on a seven-day furlough on his way to Camp Abbot, Oregon, a new camp opening next month. His wife will accompany him to Oregon.

Russell B. Vlaanderen, 2459 McKinley Street, was one of a group of cadet students in the University of Chicago’s institute of Meteorology at graduation exercises in Rockefeller Memorial Chapel this week. Lieut. Vlaanderen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vlaanderen, 2459 McKinley Street.

Private James L. Killion, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Killion, 1400 Prescott Street, stationed at Sheppard field, Texas, has qualified as an aviation cadet and will leave soon for an air force ground school to begin training.

Private First Class Chester L. Axthlem, son of Mrs. Erma Petersen, Tott apartments, has graduated from the parent radio school of the air forces technical training command, Scott field, Ill.

Duane M. Tyler, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Tyler, Noltze apartments, and Don Cain, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Cain, 407 21st Street, left Wednesday for Ogden, Utah, to take a six months training course in airplane mechanics.

Private Gail Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Hamilton, 1900 S. Lemon Street, who has been stationed at Camp Butner, North Carolina for the past two months, has been transferred to the University of Wisconsin where he is to study meteorology.

Cadet Gerald F. Fritzson, quartermaster school, Camp Lee, Virginia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Fritzson, 3732 Jones Street, has informed the Journal that he has not been commissioned a second lieutenant contrary to a recent press-release.

Private Howard Reynolds is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Reynolds, 1806 Center Street on a 12-day furlough. Private Reynolds is stationed at the army air force bombardier school at Midland, Texas.

Corporal C.A. Carlson, accompanied by his wife, is home from Fort Warren, Cheyenne, Wyo. on 10-day furlough. They are visiting Corporal Carlson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Carlson, 1415 Clifton Avenue, and with Mrs. Ellen Gustafson, 419 Wall Street.

[transcribed by C.S., March 2015]

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co. Iowa
May 18, 1943

Men And Women In Service

Corporal Laurence Slate is home on 15-day furlough visiting his wife, 1673 W. 29th Street. He is stationed at Las Vegas, Nev.

Arthur A. Ellerd, who has been taking a C.A.A. was training course at Northeast Missouri State Teacher College at Kirksville, has enrolled in the army air corps enlisted reserve and will be called to duty as an instructor or transport pilot after completion of C.A.A. training. Mr. Ellerd’s wife and son are living here with his mother, Mrs. Dorothy Ellerd, 217 29th Street.

Sergeant Ivan E. Harlow and his wife have returned to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, after spending the sergeant’s 15-day furlough with his mother, Mrs. H. J. Simmons, 1112 13th Street. Sergeant Harlow is a member of the army engineers.

Cadet Thomas Eddy Green, 3432 Lakeport road, is training for the navy air corps at Mount Vernon, Iowa.

Aviation Cadet Robert LeRoy Milligan, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Milligan, Carrell apartments, has completed primary flight training at the naval air station at Pasco, Wash., and has been transferred to Corpus Christi, Tex., for advanced training.

Joseph Sherlock Davey, seaman second class, has returned to Great Lakes training station after a nine-day leave spent here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Davey, 2117 S. St. Mary’s Street. Private Joseph Sherlock, a brother of Mrs. Davey, has returned to Camp Gordon Johnstone, Florida, after a 15-day furlough spent with relatives in Sioux City and at Emerson, Nebraska.

Private Alvin L. Krone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Krone, 1616 Jones Street, has been transferred from Camp Adair, Oregon, to Fort Lewis, Washington.

Thomas R. Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Martin, 2901 Jackson Street; Richard W. Lowder, son of Mr. And Mrs., Bert Lowder, 1617 Summit Street; Clifton A. Syverson, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Syverson, 426 Casselman Street and Robert W. Bower, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bower, 616 15th Street, are undergoing a course in the hospital corpsman’s school at the naval hospital at Farragut, Idaho.

Russell H. Haggerty, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Haggerty, 2138 Nash Street, is at the naval training station at Farragut, Idaho.

Corporal Earl D. Morris, son of Mrs. Leigh Morris, 1722 Rustin Street, is stationed at Camp Chaffee, Arkansas, with an armored infantry battalion.

Aviation Cadet Nicholas Karroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Karroll, 411 S. Wall Street, is receiving communications training at the army air force technical school at Yale University.

Leonard R. Stenum, son of Mrs. Mae Stenum, 1709 W. Sixth Street, has been graduated as an aviation mechanic from the army air force technical training school at Amarillo, Texas.

Private Duane Barnum, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Barnum, 716 23rd Street, has been transferred from Camp Roberts, California to the University of California at Los Angeles where he will take three 12-weeks courses in chemical engineering.

Private First Class Joseph B. Roberts, Jr. 21, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Roberts, 1311 W. 18th street, has been transferred from Frederick, Okla., to an aviation mechanics school at Goldsboro, N.C.

Corporal Earl Don Fear has returned to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, after a five-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fear, 1911 S. Hennepin Street.

Sergeant Clarence A. Johnson has returned to Camp Barkley, Texas, after spending a 13-day furlough with his mother at 1901 Illinois Avenue.

Private Ralph T Muff, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.P. Muff, 517 W. 21st Street, is home on a 14-day furlough visiting in the home of his parents and wife, 1407 ½ Myrtle Street. He is stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, as a member of an antiaircraft training battalion.

Private Ralph Junck, stationed in the engineering division at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, spent the weekend on a three-day pass visiting his parents and sisters at 4530 Central Avenue.

Staff Sergeant Ed Wendel of the finance detachment, Williams field, Chandler, Ariz., is spending a 15-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Wendel, Bronson.

Burton L. Rocky, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.I. Rocky, 1614 W. Sixth Street, has arrived at Branch agricultural college, Cedar City, Utah for five-month instruction prior to appointment as an army aviation cadet.

Private Frank Joseph Gibbons is here on furlough, visiting his mother, who resides at 116 Perry Street. His father, Garrett P. Gibbons, was a World War I flier.

[transcribed by C.S., September 2015]

Sioux City Journal
May 21, 1943

Men And Women in Service

Staff Sergeant A. Lennon Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kelly, 1817 Summit Street has arrived on a 14-day furlough. Sergeant Kelly is stationed at Edmonton, Canada.

Ed Gloory has been promoted from Corporal to sergeant in the army air forces at Chanute field, Illinois. He is a son-in-law of Mrs. Fred Becker, 1517 Willis Avenue. His wife, the former Doris Becker, is with him at Chanute field.

Private First Class Harold V. O’Connor, stationed at Camp Adair, Oregon, is spending a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Agnes O’Connor, 514 Otoe Street.

Corporal Lyle W. Rockwood, 12091/2 Grandview Boulevard, is attending the antiaircraft artillery school at Camp Davis, North Carolina.

Corporal Donald A. Cotton, stationed at Camp Swift, Texas, is spending a 13-day furlough with his wife at 411 ½ Cook Street and his mother, Mrs. Ethel Cotton, 206 W. Sixth Street.

Private Donald L. Mook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mook, route 1, is stationed at Springfield, Missouri, where he is attending the army air force medical school.

William Arthur Reynders, son of Arthur Reynders, 119 S. Helen Street, has been accepted by the Mather field cadet examining board for aviation cadet training. He will be stationed at the army air base at Santa Ana, California for preflight training. Reynders attended East High School.

Corporal Grant L. Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Jensen, 3415 Seventh Avenue, has enrolled in a radio electrician’s course in the armored force communication department at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

Corporal Joseph Perez has completed advanced army air force ground crew training at the Douglas Aircraft Corporation, Santa Monica, California. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Perez, 404 S. Wall Street.

Albert E. Ackerman, 713 ½ Sioux Street, stationed at Camp Ripley, Minnesota, has been promoted to technician fourth grade.

Lieut. John D. Thomson, air corps, stationed at Selfridge field, Michigan, has been assigned to an altitude training unit. Lieut. Thomson is the son of Dr. and Mrs. J.A. Thomson, 2410 Court Street. His wife resides at Iowa City.

Robert H. Drain, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Drain, 3225 Lewiston Street, has been promoted to sergeant. Sergeant Drain is stationed at El Toro, California.

Private J.R. Tokarczyk, marines, is spending an eight-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tokarczyk, 1023 S. Fairmount Street. He is stationed at Camp Leyeune, New River, North Carolina. His brother, Air Cadet Walter J. Tokarczyk, will be graduate from Moore field May 24 as a pursuit pilot.

Private C. Curtis, stationed with a field artillery unit at Camp Roberts, California, has been advanced to corporal. Corporal Curtis’ wife resides at 3605 ½ Third Avenue.

Capt. Everton Jones, a former Sioux City dentist, has been graduated from the medical field service school at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Jones and their two children reside at 107 Gilman terrace.

Ray L. Connelly, stationed with the coast guard at Scituate, Mass., has been promoted to seaman first class. He was graduated from East High School in 1941 and before entering the coast guard was head messenger for a packing company here. His brother, Gene Connelly, who was graduated from East High School, is stationed with the army air forces at Atlantic City, N.J. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. L. Otto Connelly, 1126 S. St. Mary’s Street.

Private James W. Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Dixon, 304 Ninth Street, has been transferred from Camp Cooke, California to the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon for training in meterology.

Private First Class Bertel Tagstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tagstrom, 1306 25th Street, has been transferred from Clearwater, Florida to Camp Crowder, Missouri where he is receiving instruction in the air corps radio school.

Technical Sergeant Carleton G. Brouhard is here on seven-day furlough, visiting his wife and son, who are making their home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Brouhard, 2402 Chields Avenue. Sergeant Brouhard is stationed at the Jackson, Miss., air base.

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co. Iowa
May 27, 1943

Men In Service

Private First Class Robert L. Linsley, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Linsley, 1213 S. Helen Street, has been awarded wings as an aerial gunner after completing training at the army air forces gunnery school at Tyndall Field, Florida.

Robert Leo Costello, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Leo Costello, 512 Myrtle Street, has been graduated from the naval air technical training center, Navy pier, Chicago, with the petty officer rating of aviation metal smith, third class.

A. T. Benander, technical sergeant stationed at Camp Rucker, Alabama, is spending a 15-day furlough with his wife at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Remster, 1414 Hill Avenue.

Aviation Cadet Robert Paul Hasbrook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hasbrook, 4408 Morningside Avenue, now is stationed at the Santa Ana, Cal., army air base for preflight training after completing three months of basic training at Iowa Wesleyan College, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

Robert A. Dill, seaman first class, who has seen considerable action with the United States fleet in the South Pacific Ocean area, is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Clarence Parmelee, 2317 W. Third Stree. He is the former Journal carrier-salesman.

Private Raymond R. Bousquet, son of Mrs. Exilia Bousquet, 903 Jackson Street, has completed basic training preparatory for combat duty with an armored force unit at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

Thomas N. Hall, aviation chief radioman, a recent graduate of Bellevue radio school, Washington and veteran of Pearl Harbor, is convalescing at the national naval center, Bethesda, Md. He is a native Sioux Cityan and has been in the service six years. He expects to reside here with his family.

[transcribed by C.S., April 2015]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County