Iowa Old Press

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co. Iowa
November 5, 1942

Men In Service

Seaman Frank Harold Scott is spending a 15-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Scott of 2818 First Street. This is the first visit here in almost three years. Since his enlistment January 10, 1940, he has seen action at Pearl Harbor and has been a seaman assigned to a warship in the Pacific.

Private Lester O. Zulch, who has been stationed at Camp Cooke, California, is on a 10-day leave, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.G. Zulch of James, Iowa.

Private Donald L. Lawrenson of Camp Robinson, Arkansas, arrived here Tuesday for a short furlough. He will report back to camp Saturday and will be transferred from there to a Texas school for preflight training as an aviation cadet. His wife lives at 2523 E. first Street and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Lawrence at 107 N. Helen Street.

Private C. Elwood Bowers, address is naval reserve post office, New York City and that of his brother, Private Royal G. Bowers, is army air force, Curtiss-Wright, Glendale Cal. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Bowers of Whiting, Iowa.

Corporal Henry M. Shulkin of the signal corps at Camp Crowder, Missouri, is spending a 10-day furlough visiting his sister, Miss Sadye Shulkin, 314 18th Street.

Second Lieut. Oscar M. Linsley, son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Linsley, 1213 S. Helen Street, has received his commission and silver bombardier wings in graduation exercises at Midland A.A.F. bombardier school, Midland, Texas. Lieut. Linsley is a former employee of Swift & Co. He has a brother in the navy.

First Class Private Arthur T. Ford, son of Mrs. Clara Ford, 1114 Iowa Street, stationed at Buckler field, Denver, is home on a 15-day furlough. He enlisted in the army here eight months ago. He is a graduate of Central High School.

Private Alfred S. Flood, from Camp Shelby, Mississippi, is home on a 15-day furlough visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Flood, 810 10th Street.

James B. Clift, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clift of Hornick has been promoted to the rank of captain, according to word received by them. Capt. Clift is serving in the Hawaiian Island with the field artillery.

Private Wendell T. Nordstrom, has been promoted to corporal according to word received by his aunt and uncle, Dr. and Mrs. J.E. Swanson, 1115 Jones Street. Corporal Nordstrom has been attending the national radio school at Washington for the last four months but will leave this week for Florida for further training. He was formerly assistant, sales manager at Cudahy’s here.

First Class Private William R. Anderson is stationed with the infantry at Camp Roberts, California and his brother, First Class Private Richard E. (Dick) Anderson is attending a school for instruction in maintenance of gliders at Sheppard Field, Texas. The brothers are sons of Mrs. William H. Anderson, 1802 Center Street.

Private Joseph B. Roberts, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Roberts, 1311 W. 18th Street, stationed at the army aircraft ground school at Dalhart, Texas. Private Roberts enlisted in Sioux City three weeks ago. He is a graduate of Central High School.

John P. Shea is visiting in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Shea, 1911 Douglas Street, after completing his primary flight training at the flying school at Edmond, Okla. He will return to the same base for his advanced training.

[transcribed by C.S., July 2016]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County