Iowa Old Press

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co. Iowa
August 17, 1942

18 Sioux Cityans Arrive For Training At Great Lakes
Sioux City again was very much in prominence at the United States naval training station at Great Lakes, Ill., last week as 18 of her sons reported for duty with the United States Navy. The men in training from Sioux City are:
Elroy Peter Speck, 20, 119 Kansas street
Jack Scaletta, 38, West hotel
Robert Orville Foster, 17, 2207 Nash street
Harry Donald Clark, 17, Sergeant Bluffs
Aubrey Clarence Lovejoy, 25, 1408 Grandview boulevard
Arthur LaVern Washburn, 19, 4333 Polk avenue
Birdett Athur Swanson, 18, 1415 Washington avenue
Allen C. Tilton, 25, 119 32d street
Arthur William Curry, 29, 1801 W. Third
Richard Henry Fachman, 23, 212 S. Helen street
Robert H. McClurg, 19, 408 S. Iowa street
Tony Michalsky, 21, 414 S. Lafayette street
Dale Orville Teska, 20, 2729 Isabella
Ivil G. Spaulding, 17, 1111 W. Third street
Joseph Robert Lee, 32, 716 33d street
Edward D. Himes, 17, 618 Myrtle street
Lloyd Nelson Halladay, 26, 2821 W. 14th street
Cornelius L. DeKok, 21, 615 Jones street

[transcribed by L.Z., May 2016]

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co. Iowa
August 31, 1942

News From Our Boys

Weekend At Home
Second Class Seaman Ed Connolly spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Connolly, 3336 Nebraska Street. Mr. Connolly enlisted in the Navy in February and since has been in training schools at Great Lakes, Illinois and Dearborn, Mich. He has returned for further training at the diesel motor school at Dearborn. Two brothers of Mr. Connolly enlisted early in the year. They are Bill at Fort Bragg and Maurice with the marines at Puget Sound. Both are privates, first class.

Heads Hospital
Maj. William Krigsten, first Sioux City physician to enter the army under reserve conditions, recently was made chief of the surgical staff of O’Reilly General hospital, a 1,500-bed army hospital at Springfield, Mo. He formerly had been chief of the orthopedic department.

Likes Navy Life
Navy life seems to be wearing well with Edward Hubbard, son of United States Commissioner J.W. Hubbard. In a letter to Wallace W. Huff, member of the Navy recruiting staff here, Edward tells of gaining 18 pounds in weight since enlisting, Edward id stationed at the Naval Signal School at the University of Chicago.

Home on Navy Leave
Phillip Kemmish, a member of the fire department here for four years, is here on a nine-day leave after completing preliminary training at the Great Lakes training station. He will leave Friday night. For the last year and a half he was driver for Fire Chief Charles B. Kuhl.

At Technical School
Advancing into the field of navy specialists by way of a navy service school, Richard Stanley Juzek of Sioux City now is enrolled in the naval training school for machinist’s mates on the North Dakota school of science campus at Wahpeton, N.D.

Furlough Ended
Private Charles Knepper has returned to Tallahassee, Fla., Sunday after spending a six-day furlough with his wife at 123 Market Street.

Named Sergeant
Corporal Milton E. Teske, son of W.L. Teske, 1922 W. First Street has been promoted to staff sergeant at Camp Edwards, Falmouth, Mass.

To See New Daughter
Private Melvin Molden of Fort Dix, New Jersey, will spend a 10-day furlough here with his wife and infant daughter, Maybelle Jean, born Thursday. Private Molden is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Molden, 1612 S. Clinton Street.

[transcribed by C.S., May 2015]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County