Iowa Old Press

The Sioux City Journal

Tuesday, April 23, 1935 

Iowan Who Left His Bride for a Day Was Married Previously.

Omaha—(AP)—Newell Conway of Council Bluffs, Iowa, who disappeared a week after he married Helen Adams of Moorhead, Ia., under the name of Newell Adams, was married here four years ago to an Omaha bookkeeper, it was revealed Monday.

Mrs. Edna Conway, the bookkeeper, said Conway disappeared six weeks after the wedding.  There was no divorce, she said.  Mrs. Conway visited her husband at the Council Bluffs hospital where he is being treated.  An insanity complaint had been filed against him by his mother.

Mrs. Conway said she planned to file suit for divorce.  She said Conway had been married to a Des Moines woman before his marriage to her.

[transcribed by L.Z., Aug 2021]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County