Iowa Old Press

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co., Iowa
Friday, June 19, 1931
Page B3, Column 3

C. A. Montgomery, of Sloan, Dies in Sioux City Hospital
Injuries suffered June 5 when he was kicked by a horse on his farm near Sloan, Ia., proved fatal Thursday to C. A. Montgomery, 39 years old, in a Sioux City hospital. Death was believed to have been caused by peritonitis. The accident occurred when Montgomery was hitching the horse to a wagon. The animal kicked him in the abdomen. Survivors include: His widow; daughter, Mildred of Sloan, Ia.; a brother, Melvin; a sister, Mrs. Elsie Maloy (sic--Malloy), and his father, John Montgomery, all of Sioux City. The body is at a funeral home in Whiting, Ia., pending completing funeral arrangements.

[transcribers note-- Claude Arthur Montgomery died 18 June 1931. -transcribed by V.R. April 2007]

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co., Iowa
Saturday, June 20, 1931
Page 2B, Column 1

Last rites will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Christian church at Sloan, Ia., for Claude A. Montgomery, 38 years old, who died Thursday in a Sioux City hospital from injuries suffered when he was kicked by a horse on June 5. Interment will be in the Sloan cemetery. Members of the Sloan I. O. O. F. lodge will have charge of services at the grave. Mr. Montgomery, who has been a resident of Woodbury county 17 years, was active in I. O. O. F. circles and the Rebekah lodge at Sloan. He served as district deputy grand master of the I. O. O. F.

[transcribers note-This funeral notice is accompanied by a very nice photo of Claude. -transcribed by V.R. April 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County