Iowa Old Press
Sioux City Journal
Sioux Ciy, Woodbury co., Iowa
October 28, 1927
Say She Was Lured Into Marriage While Under Influence of
Medicine - Leone Montagne Asks Court to Annul the Ceremony.
Taking advantage of her when she was under the influence
of nerve medicine and not in her usual and natural mind, John S.
Montagne married her, Mrs. Leone Montagne claims in a petition to
have the marriage annulled, which she has filed in district
Mrs. Montagne alleges that she was married to Montagne on
September 26 this year at Dakota City, Neb. District court
records show that a Mrs. Leone Montagne obtained a divorce from a
John S. Montagne on September 8, 1927. In her petition, Mrs.
Montagne stated that she is not in good health and, under doctor’s
orders, takes nerve stimulant. She alleges that while under the
influence of this medicine she becomes nervous and susceptible to
influence and that it was on such an occasion that she married
Montagne last month.
Two cases for divorce in which the marriages occurred this year
have been started in district court. Mrs. Elsie Wright wants her
freedom from Lester Wright, whom she married on April 30, and
Mrs. Imogene Raby is seeking a divorce from Chester Raby. There
were wedded on January 6 of this year.
Mrs. Wright accuses her husband with being possessed with insane
jealousy. She charges that he accused her of infidelity and on
various occasions has struck her.
Mrs. Raby asks the court to restore her maiden name of Imogene
Craft. She charges her husband with cruelty.
Others who are seeking divorces are: Mrs. Opal Serviss from Emery
Serviss; Charles Hall from Mrs. Lucille Hall; Jack P. Mansfield
from Mrs. Loretta Mansfield; Mrs. Pearl Dahlquist from Carl H.
Dahlquist; Mrs. Elizabeth Engstrom from Roy Engstrom; and Mrs.
Bernice Abbate from Frank J. Abbate. All the plaintiffs charge
cruel and inhuman treatment.
[Transcribed by L.Z., January 2019]