Iowa Old Press

The Sioux City Journal, Sunday, Sept. 2, 1923 


Dread Disease Has Spread to 12 Relatives of the Dead.

Typhoid fever, which is raging in epidemic form a short distance northeast of Sioux City, has claimed another victim, bringing the total number of dead to four.  Twelve other members of the same family are ill with the dreaded malady, seven of them critically.

The last person to die from typhoid is Adolph Klewe, a son of Henry Klewe, who died last week.  The other dead are Mrs. Henry Klewe and John Klewe, another son.

The mother died on August 15, the father on August 19 and John on August 21.  Adolph died August 29.

Alec and Clay, two other sons, have been suffering from the disease for several weeks and are seriously ill, as are Florence Klewe and Mrs. Leo Parks, daughters.

The latest to become victims of the malady are the five children of Fred Klewe, a son, and three of their playmates.

Irene, the 10-year-old grandchild, is reported to be dying.  She was taken to a LeMars hospital a week ago and Friday suffered a relapse.  The other children are:  Marvin, aged 8; Anita, aged 5; Lawrence, aged 7; and Vernon, aged 12.

The nurses and three physicians under the direction of Dr. McPhaden, are in constant attendance of the patients.

[transcribed by L.Z. Aug 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County