Iowa Old Press

The Sioux City Journal

Sunday, June 10, 1923

Two men and one woman today forfeited bonds aggregating $2,500 when they failed to appear in federal court to answer to charges relating to alleged violation of the national prohibition law.

Nellie La France Dingman forfeited $1,000, Ova Case (sic Ove Cates), $1,000, and John Parver, $500.

Mae Bentley, also known as Mae Burzette “bandit queen,” pleaded not guilty to the charge of violating the national prohibition law.  She was released under a $1,000 bond.  George Toren pleaded guilty to the same charge.  He was fined $300 and sent to the county jail for 30 days.

[transcribed by L.Z., Oct 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County