Iowa Old Press

The Sioux City Journal
Thursday, May 5, 1921

Residence of Mrs. Martha Oxberger Is Visited by Parties Who Use Guns Carelessly.

The home of Mrs. Martha Oxberger, 920 Grand avenue, was the scene of gun play last night, which, according to the vague version obtained by the police, lasted for several minutes and ended without any casualties. The police were called to the scene after the “cannonading” had ceased.

Mrs. Oxberger was acquitted of the charge of murdering Mrs. Ella Nichols in the former’s home several months ago, and police believe that last night’s shooting may have been a sequel to threats against the life of Mrs. Oxberger and witnesses for the defense at the trial.

Shortly after Mrs. Oxberger had been acquitted of the murder charge, which was placed against her following her confession before the grand jury, she received letters threatening her life. Witnesses also received threatening letters.

The shooting last night took place shortly before eleven o’clock. When the police arrived a “calm” had settled upon the Oxberger home, and no arrests were made. The persons who fired the shots were unknown to the officers.

[transcribed by L.Z. Jan 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County