Iowa Old Press

Sioux City Journal
Sioux Ciy, Woodbury co., Iowa
Friday, August 12, 1921

Lived on Farm Near Leeds for Forty-Eight Years.

Mrs. Jane Kavanaugh, 83 years old, who came to Sioux City in 1873, died at her farm home two miles north of Leeds, Thursday morning, of senility. Mrs. Kavanaugh was a native of Ireland. When she came to the United States forty-eight years ago with her husband, Edward Kavanaugh, they settled in Sioux City. During the time that Mrs. Kavanaugh had resided here, she had lived at the farm north of Leeds.

She is survived by two sons, Edward jr., and Nicholas of Sioux City; three daughters, Mrs. Mary Cole, of Stewart (sic-Stuart), Neb; Mrs. Elizabeth Beaulieu, of Hinton, Ia., and Mrs.. Margaret Finnegan, of Armstrong, Ia. Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at St. Michael’s Catholic church. Interment will be in Mt. Calvary cemetery.

A Resident of Sioux City for Thirty-Three Years.

Mrs. Della Ingraham Smith, 57 years old, a resident of Sioux City for thirty-three years, died at her home 1112 Eighteenth street, Thursday morning, of complication of diseases. Mrs. Smith had been in failing health for the past few months. Sunday she was stricken ill and from that time her recovery was believed impossible.

Mrs. Smith came to Sioux City in 1888, with her husband, Fred M. Smith, one year after their marriage in Black Hawk county. Since that time she has been a continuous resident of Sioux City. Mrs. Smith was born in Black Hawk county, September 5, 1864. She was married to Mr. Smith November 9, 1887.

Besides her husband, she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. E. W. Downs, of Minneapolis, Minn. Funeral Services will be held at the home Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.

[transcribed by L.Z., January 2019]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County