Iowa Old Press

The Sioux City Journal
July 24, 1919

Mrs. May Burzette Asks Court to Appoint Administrator.

Scarcely had the body of her dead husband cooled, than Mrs. May Burzette, wife of Donald Burzette, the gunman killed in Tuesday’s police battle, filed an application in the district court to have an administrator appointed for his estate.

Burzette, alias De Franz, was shot at 5:30 o’clock Tuesday morning.  Before noon his wife sought out an attorney and commenced proceedings to claim his money.  The application for the appointment of an administrator was filed in the afternoon and the letters of administration were signed by Judge John W. Anderson shortly afterward.

In her application, Mrs. Burzette states that she is the sole heir to the estate which she estimates approximates $1,000.  When the bodies of the three gunmen were searched, it was found that each of the men possessed a roll of nearly $1,000 in bills.  It is believed that Mrs. Burzette is attempting to gain possession of this money before it is disposed of in another manner.  The money was obtained from various victims which the gang has robbed in the past few weeks, it is believed. 

Watched Sioux City Brewery for the Anti-Saloon League.

Donald (“Red”) Burzette, killed by Detective James Britton, was identified yesterday as a former spotter in the employ of the Anti-Saloon league.

Henry Meyers, formerly secretary of the Sioux City  Brewing company, visited Samuels Bros. morgue yesterday and positively identified Burzette as the man who had been a spotter seven or eight years ago.

Burzette’s duties while working for the brewery company, under the direction of the Anti-Saloon league officials, were to give out information as to whether any sales were being made to parties within the state of Iowa.  After the state went dry, December, 1915, the brewery was allowed to manufacture beer, but had to dispose of it outside the state.

“C. A. Flathers” Is Believed to Belong to Burzette Gang.

With the arrest of “C. A. Flathers,” 35 years old, by State Agent Risden and Patrolman Barrett yesterday, six alleged members of “Red” Burzette’s gang of cutthroats are safely in custody, and with the notorious leader dead, but two are now at liberty.  Both are known and descriptions of both men, together with rewards for their arrest, have been spread broadcast.  Their arrest is imminent.

“Flathers,” according to state agents, is in reality a brother of “Tex” Maynard, seriously wounded Tuesday morning in a gun battle in which Detective Britton and the outlaw leader met death.

The other suspects are William Konvay, C. E. Storey, Max Berg, “Tex” Maynard and James Davis, the latter two being under police guard at St. Vincent’s hospital.

Storey and Berg were taken to Minnesota yesterday by Sheriff Frank Wiggins, of Rock county, where they face indictments for several robberies.

[transcribed by LZ, Sep 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County