Iowa Old Press

The Sioux City Journal, Thursday, October 15, 1914




Darkened House on East Fifth Street Contains Revelers Who Do Honor in Nuptials—Ceremony at Dakota City.

Rose Cremer and “Nebraska Eddie” McCavren, who were held by the police as suspects in connection with the murder of Ray Dingman at Sixth and Steuben streets September 16, were married yesterday at Dakota City, Neb., and last night entertained nearly fifty friends at 1503 East Fifth street in celebration of the wedding.

Behind closed blinds the revelers danced, partook of keg beer, and sang hilarious songs.  Lamps were burned out or broken before the celebration ended. The keynote of the affair was given by Mrs. Cremer in a “toast,” delivered from a post on an emptied beer case.

Mrs. Cremer was the “woman in the case” in connection with the Dingman shooting.  Dingman had been in a party of which the Cremer woman, McCavren, Dingman’s brother and others were members.  After a search of two days the police found “Nebraska Eddie” at Fourth and Steuben streets and arrested him.  The police declared that members of the party were protecting the man who shot Dingman.  Their evidence at the coroner’s inquest, while contradictory in parts, was not sufficient to fasten suspicion definitely upon anyone, so both were released from custody. Mrs. Cremer recently was divorced from her husband.

The Sioux City Journal

Monday, October 26, 1914 


Former Murder Suspect and New Wife in Again.

“Nebraska Eddie” McCavren and his wife, Rose Cremer McCavren, held some time ago as suspects in the Dingman murder case, were arrested early yesterday in a raid on a house near Fourth and Steuben streets.  The McCavrens were taken a short distance from the spot where Ray Dingman was mysteriously shot to death two months ago.

W. J. Casey, 30 years old, also was found in their place.

The McCavrens, since their marriage three weeks ago, have been running a resort for idlers, police declare.  Charges of vagrancy will be filed against them tomorrow morning.

[transcribed by LZ, Sep 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County