Iowa Old Press

Sioux Valley News
Correctionville, Woodbury, Iowa
Thursday, Sept. 6, 1906

North Riverside Man Prefers to be Called M'Nally instead of Kelly
Under New Law Clerk of the Courts May Give a Man a New Surname Without the Courts Acting in the Matter
Tells His History.

Sioux City Journal - The first man to take advantage of the new law adopted by the Thirtieth general assembly of Iowa making it more easily possible to change the surname, appeared in the office of the clerk of the courts yesterday afternoon and asked to have his name changed. Not for more than a year has a
similar request been made in Woodbury county. The applicant was Joseph John Kelly. He will hereafter be known as Joseph John McNally, for no longer is it necessary for the court to pass upon this question. With the writing up of the record in the office of the clerk of courts the man's name was changed and immediately thereafter his formal petition was passed on to the county recorder so that in all of the property records of the
county his name might appear differently. Under the new law for changing ones name it is necessary for the applicant to file a formal petition with the clerk of the courts setting out certain details for proper recording. The personal description of the applicant is given, even to the exact height, the color of hair and eyes, the age and all other characteristic features. He must give a brief history of his life and all the places of residence during his life, together with the number of years spent at each place. If he owns any real estate it must be listed and described in detail. This statement of facts must be made under oath and signed by the applicant together with the affidavit of some resident freeholder. Mr. McNally resides at 1611 Nebraska street. He was born in Dubuque, Ia, and has since lived in Minnesota and Iowa. When but a small child he was adopted by
Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Kelly and since that time has gone by the name of Kelly. His parents name was McNally.

[transcribed by C.J.L., July 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County