Iowa Old Press

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co., Iowa
May 5, 1903

Paul A. Thurlow Shoots John G. Krueger Near Madison. 

Madison, S.D., May 3.—Special: John G. Krueger, of Faulkton, was killed last night by Paul A. Thurlow, ten miles south of Madison. Thurlow had married Krueger’s daughter, Emma, the day previous. Krueger came with threats to kill Thurlow, who he had never seen. Emma Krueger was a normal school student and Thurlow a prosperous farmer. Krueger’s objection to the marriage was that he was a German Lutheran and Thurlow a Baptist. Krueger attacked the young man with a revolver, and nine shots were fired, four taking effect and killing Krueger. Thurlow was pounded on the head with a revolver, but escaped Krueger’s bullets.

[transcribed by LZ, Nov 2022]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County