Iowa Old Press

Sioux City Journal, Sunday, May 4, 1902

Iowa is Allowed the Sum of $456,417 by the Government.
Captain’s Share of Proceeds Will Be Considerable—He Has Made a Hard Fight in the Case, Having Worked on It Many Months.

Capt. J. S. Lothrop yesterday received official notice from the United States War Department at Washington that he has won a complete victory in prosecuting Iowa’s war claim against the federal government, and that it has been allowed the sum of $456,417.89.  this within $115.40 of the original amount claimed.  The federal communication is as follows:
Treasury Department—Office of Auditor for the War Department, April 30, 1902.—Hon. J. S. Lothrop, Attorney for State of Iowa, Sioux City, Io.—Sir;  The claims (Nos. 139,193 and 139,773) for reimbursement of expenses incurred in procuring funds to aid the United States in raising the volunteer army during 1861 and subsequent years have been allowed in the sum of $456,417.89, and settlement certificate No. 18,597 has this day been transmitted to the division of bookkeeping and warrants, secretary’s office, to be referred to congress for an appropriation.  The balance of these accounts, arising from the difference of amount claimed, namely, $115.40, has been disallowed for reasons that the same arises through errors in the computations of the claims, as submitted by the state.  Respectfully,  J. E. Rittman, Auditor.

Capt. Lothrop’s victory in this important case will be the occasion of sincerest congratulations from his friends.  His fee for prosecuting the claim has not yet been determined by the state executive council, but without question it will be a liberal sum and the largest fee earned by an Iowa attorney in a good many years.

The state of Iowa is also to be congratulated upon the allowance of this large sum of money.  Coming at this time of extraordinary appropriations and rather a scant treasury surplus, it will solve the problem that has been confronting the state treasurer.  The allowance will make possible the prompt payment of all bills in connection with Iowa representation at the Louisiana Purchase exposition and enable the work of completing the state historical building in Des Moines to be pushed to an early completion.  Other contingent appropriations will also now be taken care of.

Capt. Lothrop has been at work upon this war claim for more than a year.  He had a hard fight at first to induce the executive council to take it up, but he finally succeeded, and he was given the commission examine the records to determine definitely what sums were due the state for expenses incurred in procuring funds to aid the United States in raising the volunteer army during 1861 and subsequent years.  He prepared the claim with the utmost care, transcribing in many instances entire records.  The case was so thoroughly presented that the claim made by the state has been allowed in full amount save for $115.40, an insignificant sum.

The claim was not at any time submitted to the court of claims.  It was presented to the treasury department and then referred to the auditor for the War Department, who has for several months been examining it.

Just when the large sum of money will be turned into the state treasury is uncertain.  It must be provided for by an appropriation of congress.  An immediate effort will be made to have the sum included in the general deficiency bill.  Senator William B. Allison will be communicated with at once in regard to the matter.

[transcribed by L.Z. Oct 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County