Iowa Old Press

The Sioux City Journal, Sunday, July 28, 1901

Son of Woodbury County’s Ex-Senator Meets Instant Death

During the progress of a heavy rainstorm yesterday, Louis Lothrop, son of Capt. J. S. Lothrop, of this city, was struck by lightning and instantly killed on the farm of Alexander Elliott, about fifteen miles southeast of Sioux City.  Mrs. Lothrop was also struck at the same time, but the extent of her injuries could not be definitely ascertained.  It is thought, however, that she is not very seriously injured.

Mr. Lothrop was sitting near a window when the bolt struck him.  He had just returned from the farm of one of his neighbors, where he had been helping stack grain.  While there he saw the storm approaching and hurried home to make preparations for it.  He reached the house just in time to avoid it and was sitting by a south window watching the rain fall when he was struck.

The circumstances surrounding the death of Mr. Lothrop are especially sad.  Last winter his young baby died, and since then Mrs. Lothrop’s health has been very poor.  She was just well enough now to be around again.

Word of the accident was brought to the city yesterday by George Elliott.  He drove to the residence of Capt. Lothrop, 1326 Jennings street, where he found the captain sitting on the porch.  When informed of the accident, Mr. Lothrop was dazed and Mrs. Lothrop went almost wild with grief.  Mr. and Mrs. Lothrop left immediately for the scene of the accident.  Word was sent to Merton Lothrop, a brother of the dead man, at Kansas City, and to Miss Hattie Lothrop, a sister, at Dubuque.  Both will be here as soon as possible.

Louis Lothrop was the second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lothrop. He moved out on the farm of Alexander Elliott about three years ago, and has been very successful there.  He was very highly respected by his neighbors and all who knew him.  He was about 30 years of age.

No arrangements for the funeral have yet been made, but it will probably be at Sioux City.

[transcribed by L.Z. Oct 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County