Iowa Old Press

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co., Iowa
Wednesday, November 13, 1895

Missouri Valley Poultry Show.
Missouri Valley, Nov. 12.-The Boyer Valley Poultry and Pet Stock association will hold its third annual exhibition here November 26 to 28. The former exhibitions of the association have been very successful from a breeder’s standpoint, and it is expected the coming one will prove so. Theo. Hewes, of Trenton Mo., a judge of national reputation, will score the birds. C. S. Greenfield, of Portsmouth, is president, Fred Divelbess, of Missouri Valley, secretary, and Dr. E. T. Giddings, of Missouri Valley, treasurer.

Young Lawyer Goes Insane.
Clinton, Nov.12.-Special: Attorney Douglas Darling, a bright and popular young lawyer, has suddenly become insane and was taken to the asylum at Independence for treatment.

[transcribed by L.D., November 2014]

The Sioux City Journal, Sunday, Nov. 24, 1895 


Good Words for Capt. Lothrop from Two Representative Papers.

Dubuque Times:  Republicans and citizens of Dubuque generally, together with his old soldier friends of this city, will note with pleasure the election of Capt. J. S. Lothrop, of Sioux City, as a member of the state senate.  Few men are better or more favorably known in the north half of the state of Iowa than Capt. Lothrop, and here in Dubuque we regard him as one of our own.  During his residence here, while holding the office of collector of internal revenue under President Harrison, he made very many warm friends among the business men of our city, who, without regard to party affiliations, will be glad to learn of his political success.

Senator Lothrop is a man of unquestionable ability.  As a lawyer he stands among those at the head of his profession, with thirty years experience in practice in the states of Illinois and Iowa.  As a debater on the stump or elsewhere he has few equals, and, while an ardent Republican, he has never been accused of being abusive or illiberal. He has never before held a legislative office, but has been in active politics all his life, and is familiar with legislative work.  He is, withal, an untiring worker, and his colleagues in the senate will find him an able and ready assistant.

From conviction the sentiments of Senator Lothrop upon the liquor question are in the direction of prohibition, but his experience in the revenue office has tended to modify his views concerning the matter, and his position in the senate will most likely be conservative.

The friends of the Senator, those who know him best, with confidence predict that among the many strong men whom the state has placed in the legislature, the member from Woodbury county will be found to occupy no second place.

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Spirit Lake Beacon:  The state senate will have an able and useful member in the person of Capt. J. S. Lothrop, the senator from Woodbury county.  Capt. Lothrop has had a large experience in the practice of law, was for several years collector of internal revenue, is an orator of more than ordinary power, and a citizen imbued with patriotic motives and a disposition to perform the best possible service.  With this equipment the Sioux City senator will prove an able representative of the interests of the northwest and of all the state, and a power for good government.

[transcribed by LZ, Oct 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County