Iowa Old Press

Sioux City Journal
Sioux City, Woodbury co., Iowa
February 2, 1895

W.M. Stephens a Maquoketa Banker is the Purchaser
The Evans Block, corner of Fourth and Iowa Streets(Sioux City) has just changed hands, Mr. Evans selling to Wm M. Stephens of Maquoketa, Jackson co, Iowa. This property comprises the building and lot, having frontage on Fourth street of forty four feet and on Iowa street on hundred feet. The building is a handsome stone front on both streets, four stories above the basement, containing with store rooms and offices in all some thirty five rooms, all well furnished, with elevator, steam heat, and all modern improvements. This property cost Mr. Evans something over $60,000, but having been largely interested in South Dakota, he prefers to realize rather than to hold the property. Mr. Stephens exchanges some farm lands in Jackson county Iowa and other property located in Lanmark and Leaf River, Ill. paying the difference in cash. The consideration in the deed is $30,000. Mr. Stephens does not expect to give the property his personal attention, but the relative of his, Charles Stephens will take care of the property which will be put in perfect repair and with some additional improvements will make it a No. 1 investment. The property at present is only paying $200 a month. He says this can easily be doubled, as the best part of the building through lack of attention is now vacant. W.M. Stephens is the cashier of the Jackson County Bank at Maquoketa and at present, a member of the state legislature from Jackson county and the mayor of Maquoketa. He is personal friend of Capt. W.S. Belden clerk of the courts and of F.M. Fort and E.P. Fair, attorneys of this city. Mr. Stephens will not remove to Sioux City at present, as he says he would rather be mayor of Maquoketa than governor of the state of Iowa

[transcribed by M.J.M., April 2009]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County