Iowa Old Press

The Sioux City Journal, August 12, 1895 

Oto Leader: 

Capt. J. S. Lothrop, of Sioux City, was in town the first of this week.  Mr. Lothrop is a candidate for state senator, subject to choice of the Republican county convention, August 22. He has been a resident of Woodbury county twenty years, which time he has been a firm Republican and has worked hard for the success of the party.  He is a gentleman who is well qualified and worthy in every respect for that office.  He has never before asked the people for an elective office and his friends feel that he is justly entitled to the honor which he seeks.

Correctionville News:

Sheriff Davenport was in town Thursday.  He has been over the county considerably and finds no opposition to his candidacy. * * *Once in a while the country editor is recognized.  Bro. Bevens, of the Anthon Press, was nominated by the populists for representative, but that was perhaps because they knew there was not possibility of his being elected. * * *Capt. J. S. Lothrop, of Sioux City, was in town Thursday making a survey of the political field with reference to his candidacy for the Republican nomination for state senator.  Mr. Lothrop is an old time resident of  Woodbury and has many friends who are enthusiastic for his success.  He has held positions of honor and trust and has always proved himself worthy of the confidence reposed in him.  His wide acquaintance over the state would prove of great advantage to him in the state senate, and give him an influence that a stranger could not hope for.  Woodbury county will make no mistake in sending Mr. Lothrop to the senate.

[transcribed by L.Z. Oct 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County