Iowa Old Press

Sioux Valley News
Correctionville, Woodbury co., Iowa
Thursday, May 11, 1893


A Gray Haired Bigamist
SHENANDOAH, Ia., May 8 - W.A. Hills, who has been living here with his woman who passed as his wife, is under arrest charged with bigamy and is confined in the jail at Clarinda in default of bail. The complaining witness is a lady claiming to be Clara Belle Hills, and that she is the wife of the accused. Hills and wife No. 2 have been living in Shenandoah some time and there was no suggestion that they were not what they appeared. Many think the woman is really innocent, and was herself deceived. She was married to Hills at Gallatin, Mo., on October 3, 1892, but first met him at Hastings, Ia., in February of the same year. She is 21 years old, and to all appearances a woman of refinement and taste. Hills is 50 years old, with hair quite gray, and does not look like a man hardened in crime. The evidence is very strong against him, as both wives had the original marriage certificates. Much sympathy is felt for both of the women.

Valuable Horse Flesh.
CRESTON, Ia., May 8 - H.S. Boal, son-in-law and agent of Buffalo Bill, came here from Chicago and purchased of L. Bank Wilson his fine imported English hackney stallion, Top Shot. He will be placed at the head of Colonel Cody's stud at his North Platte ranch. The price is not given, but it is understood to be the largest ever obtained for that class of horses in the blue grass region of Iowa.

Held for Murder.
CRESTON, May 8 - J.L. Pease, of Lenox, Ia., who was held to answer for complicity in the murder of Brakeman Tom Reynolds two weeks ago, by Judge Davis, of the superior court, was taken before Judge H.M. Touner, of the district court. The judge held that the evidence was sufficient to hold him, but as the "proof was not evident nor the presumption great" he admitted him to bail in the sum of $2,000.

Succeeds His Father
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia., May 8 - Dr. John M. Ristine, has been appointed chief surgeon of the Cedar Rapids and Northern road, to succeed his father, who held the position for eleven years before his death. Dr. W. Mumi has been appointed division surgeon to fill the piece left vacant by Ristine's promotion.

Gave Bedford Two Years and a Half.
CHEROKEE, Ia., May 8 - In the district court of Cherokee county Judge Van Wagenen sentenced Homer Bedford to two and a half years in the penitentiary for the seduction of Annie Anderson of which he was found guilty.

Dropped Dead While Driving
MAURICE, Ia., May 8 - Frank Burlehart, a liveryman, dropped dead while driving to the Northern depot for freight on Saturday. He leaves a wife and an aged father.

[transcribed by C.J.L., May 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County