Iowa Old Press

Sioux City Journal, March 31, 1893 Page 2 

Wedding at LeMars. LeMars, March 30. — Special: 

The wedding of Chas. A. Wernli to Miss Ella Bryan took place in the Congregational church in this city last night at 5 o’clock in the presence of a large number of the contracting parties’ friends. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. E. Snowden. A reception was held at the residence of the bride’s uncle, Geo. E. Richardson, where the bride has made her home for the past several years, immediately after the ceremony. The groom is the secretary of the Plymouth Roller Mill company, of this city. The bride is a charming young lady, who has made her home for several years with her uncle and aunt in this city. The newly married couple took the evening train for Chicago, where they will spend a short time visiting the World’s Fair city. Brakeman Fell and Was Killed. 

SPENCER, March 30. — Special: 

News has been received here from Milford that Gus Dunwell, brakeman on the Milwaukee train from here to Spirit Lake, fell from the train when approaching Milford, breaking his spine and died in twenty minutes after. His father and mother reside here. He was a single man. 

A Buchanan County Pioneer Dead. 

INDEPENDENCE, March 30. — Special: Jesse Ozias, aged 86, one of the oldest residents of Buchanan county, died last night in this city of blood poison. He leaves a large and prosperous family. The funeral services will be held tomorrow under the auspices of the I. O. O. F. lodge. 

Two Shelby County Suicides. 

SHELBY, March 30. — Special: John Squires, of Persia, this county, committed suicide yesterday by lying on the railroad track. His body was horribly mangled by a freight train. He is supposesd to have committed the deed because of trouble between himself and his wife. Fred Seire, a German 20 years old, committed suicide by hanging near here yesterday. Homesickness is said to have been the cause. 

Found Floating in Rock River. 

ROCK RAPIDS, March 30. — Special: A satchel containing a tin box in which was found a day book, ledger, bank book, a number of notes, mortgages and letters, belong to J. C. Root, of Estherville, Io., was found floating in Rock River here this morning by Thomas Donahue, who turned it over to the Lyon County bank for safe keeping. A pair of rubber boots were found with the satchel. The authorities of Estherville were notified of the occurrence, but no answer has been received.  

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County