Iowa Old Press

Sioux Valley News
Correctionville, Woodbury co. Iowa
July 27, 1893

West Union, Ia., July 22 -- There is a genuine curiosity on the farm of Thomas Knudtson, in Allamakee county, in the shape of several acres entirely occupied by ants. They have built immense mounds, as large as haycocks, three feet high. the ants are of a large brown variety.

West Union, Ia., July 22 -- News has just been received of an exceedingly remarkable accident that befell Henry Oldham, of Mitchell county. While pitching hay from a load he lost his balance and fell, striking upon a three-tined pitchfork. Two of the tines straddled his neck, the middle one passing through, just missing the hjugular vein. The young man seized the handle and drew the fork out. The would bled some, but has caused no pain, and he went to work again at once. Physicians assert that his escape from death was almost miraculous, as it would be practically impossible to put an instrument through where the fork tine went without fatal results.

Mayor of Guthrie Center is Under Arrest in Denver, Colo.
July 22 -- Chief of Detectives Hopkins received a letter Wednesday from Sheriff McLarren, of Guthrie Center, Ia., asking that J.C. Frampton be held in jail until requisition papers can be obtained. He is now in the county jail on the charge of forgery. Frampton is at present mayor of the little town of Guthrie Center. There he conducted a piano business and, it is said, swindled many people. he left for Denver on June 30, taking with him $150 borrowed under false pretense. He will probably be turned over to the Iowa authorities and the charges against him here be dismissed.

Family Troubles the Cause.
West Union, Ia., July 22 -- Fred Thoma, a wealthy retired farmer residing near Postville, committed suicide Wednesday. He was found in his orchard dying, having taken poison. He was 60 years of age. Domestic unpleasantness the cause.

Deputy Veterinary Surgeons.
Des Moines, July 22 -- The following is a list of the deputy surgeons forwarded to the state board of health by Dr. M. Stalker, state veterinary surgeon: L.A. Thomas, Atlantic; J.H. Platt, Montezuma; John McBerney, Charles City; G.A. Johnson, Sioux City; W.E. Watson, Keokuk; T. Stuart, Council Bluffs; John Wright, Davenport; E.E. Sayers, Algona; T.A. Brown, Chariton, E.H. Graves, Madrid, and J.G. Howell, Des Moines.

Killed his Wife.
Independence, Ia., July 22 -- During a family quarrel Thursday, Martin May a section boss on the Great Western, near Aurora, shot and killed his wife.

Ed Ferry and Elmer Wolford left Monday evening for Correctionville, where they joined some other young men and proceeded to the harvest fields of Dakota.

C.D. Sanborn has been improving the slack time of the past week in putting a brick wall under his grain scales, and also putting down a new platform.

C.P. Fredendall made his daughter, Miss Ola, a beautiful present recently in the shape of a $400 Schubert piano.

Fred Bullock, of Douglass township, returned Friday from Ida Grove, where he had been attending the Normal institute.

[transcribed by S.F. May 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Woodbury County