Iowa Old Press

Decorah Public Opinion
Decorah, Winneshiek co. Iowa
Wednesday, November 15, 1922

Hallman Buys Decorah Cafe
Eugene Hallman purchased the Decorah Cafe on East Water street frm Messrs. Edwin, Haugen and Emil Brown last week. Mr. Hallman has closed his restaurant in the St. Cloud basement and moved his goods to the Decorah cafe.

McKinney Boys in Waterloo
Harold and Vere McKinney came up from Waterloo Saturday and spent Sunday here with their mother. They have taken up their old position with the Moore-Seig Construction Co. of Waterloo. They returned to that city Sunday.

Oil Indications in Canoe
Sever Alstad, formerly of Decorah, but who now runs the Springwater Mill in Canoe township, found some clay material while digging a foundation on his place last week that has every indication of oil. The stuff is reddish in color, and burns up well. Samples are on display in our office window.

Mrs. A.C. Baker Ill
Mrs. A.C. Baker departed Saturday for Waterloo to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Waterman. Mrs. Baker's health has been very poor for some time past, and her condition has been alarming to the family and many friends. Mr. Baker went down yesterday to be with her.

District Court
The November term of the district court for Winneshiek county will open in Decorah next Monday, Nov. 20th, with Hon. Judge Taylor on the bench. The court calendar contains a large number of cases. The following causes are noted for trial:
In probate - estate of Christena Gunderson, deceased, claim of Gilbert Lunby for proof
Ben Nefstad vs John Nefstad
Gust Sheggrud vs Ruth Wood
E.W. Cutting vs karoline Kipp et al
F.H. Nagel vs Wm. Larson
Nels Nelson vs Gunder Tinderholt
J.H. Logsdon vs H.J. Beatty
Elma Gates vs Bert Gates

Mrs. C.H. Bromley Home
Mrs. C.H. Bromley arrived home Friday from Chicago, where she had been for some time taking treatments for rheumatism in a large hospital. The treatments have helped wonderfully, and she is able to walk about without the aid of crutches.

Miss Jessie McKay Dead
The sad news came to Decorah friends last Saturday of the death of Miss Jessie McKay, who passed away that evening at 6:30 o'clock. She had been an invalid for the past three years, and had been making her home for some time past with her sister at Spencer, Iowa, where she passed away. Whether or not the remains will be brought to Decorah for interment is not known at this writing. The deceased was a member of the Eastern Star of Decorah, and she had hundreds of warm friends here who will be grieved to hear of her death. She is survived by three brothers and two sisters. - Later: We have been informed that the funeral services and burial were held yesterday at Spencer from the home of her sister, Mrs. Bowman.

Mrs. Henry Brandt Dead.
Mrs. Henry Brandt passed away last Thursday at the Cresco hospital, her death being due to diabetis, and she also underwent the amputation of one of her legs in an effort to save her life. Mrs. Brandt was 53 years of age and was born in this county, the family home being four miles north of Decorah on the middle Hesper road. The funeral services were held Saturday. The bereaved husband and children have the sympathy of many friends in the loss of this beloved wife and mother. Mrs. Brandt was a woman who had many friends and was held in high esteem by all and her sad death brings sorrow to all.

Local Items
-Miss Mathilda Johnson was a shopper from Ridgeway last Friday afternoon.
-Mrs. J.B. Schermierhorn arrived from Minneapolis Monday to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Baker.
-Prof. C.W. Strom left for Chicago Sunday morning to consult a throat specialist.
-Mrs. Ed Herwig, son Milton and Miss Othelia Lubke went to Castalia Friday to visit their sister, Mrs. Will Anderson.
-Miss Nelle Jewell went to Elkader Tuesday to act as judge in a declamatory contest there last night.

-Mr. and Mrs. Will O. Rima, of this city, are rejoicing over the arrival of an eight pound boy, born to them last Friday, Nov. 10.
-Olaf Tolstad received the news Sunday that a baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Teeter at Charles City. The mother will be remembered as Miss Rudy Tolstad.

-Mr. and Mrs. George Marcy returned home to Lehigh, Iowa after several days visit with his brother, Mr. Harrison Marcy and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Gust Johnson, Mrs. Sig Nanson, Mrs. Clara Hovey and daughter, Esther, spent Friday with Mrs. Hovey's mother, Mrs. C.M. Hanson of Ridgeway.
-Mrs. Ethel Fitzsimmons went to Iowa City yesterday to consult a specialist.
-Albert Prastmark arrived home Friday from Brooklyn, N.Y., where he had been taking a course in learning to operate typesetting machines.

Editor Ed Medary of the Waukon Democrat and his son George and wife, of Denver, Col., were Decorah visitors Saturday, while on their way by auto to Chatfield, Minn., to visit Mr. Medary's daughter.

Miss Ingeborg Waage returned home from Kirksville, Mo., Monday on a visit to her mother and her many friends. She also visited her brother, Rev. K.O. Waage and wife at Little Fork, Minn., and brother John near Minneapolis.

-Mrs. E. Fisk and daughter Jean returned to Faribault, Minn., after an extended stay with her mother, Mrs. E.J. Gilbert.
-Born, Monday, Nov. 6, 1922 to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gannon of Lafayette, Ind., a girl. Mrs. Gannon will be remembered here as Miss Mae Malloy.
-Mrs. Steen Johnson and children, Clarence and Dorothy, went to Cresco Saturday where they were called by the death of Mrs. Johnson's niece, Mrs. Matt Askiaskam.
-Rev. Stewart of Waukon and Rev. Hogan of Decorah were guests of Rev. M.J. Tailtgen, D.D. Wednesday.
-Mrs. Charles Pfahler and daughter of Postville visited the A.F. Dessel family Wednesday.
-Henry Miller of Necker, No. Dak., came this week to spend the winter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller and family.
-A deal was closed last week whereby Sam Schoerbeil and Cornell Riveland traded properties. Mr. Riveland became the owner of the Schoerbert six acre tract and Mr. Schorebel became the owner of Mr. Riveland's dwelling and property on Brook street.

The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Heck, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Heck of Ossian and Mr. Richard C. Derler, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Derler, of Milwaukee, Wis., was solemnized with a nuptial mass at eight o'clock Tuesday morning, Nov. 7th, 1922, at St. Agnes church, Los Angeles, Cal., Rev. Ott reading the Mass. Mr. Derler and his bride will spend their honeymoon on Santa Catalina Island and after December 15th will be at home at 118 north Grand, San Pedo, Los Angeles, California.

-Miss Blanch Everett of Strawberry Point, spent the past week at the Glen Letchford home.
-F.T. Bulman spent Wednesday at the home of his mother, at English Bench.
-Miss Gertrude Ludeking went to Waukon Saturday to attend the funeral of her aunt Miss Minnie Ludeking.

-Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hanken, Sunday, November 13 (sic), 1922, a baby boy.
-The C.O. Daniels family have been entertaining the La Grippe.

-The embrodiery club met at the home of Mrs. G.R. Neunswander on Thursday afternoon.
-Word was received here last week that Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arthur Gannon of Lafayette, Ind., are the proud parents of a baby girl.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schultz of Luana are the proud parents of a baby girl born Friday, November 10.
-Mrs. Katie Lang went to Luana Friday to help care for her new grand daughter.

-Lewis Sobolik made several trips with a load of people from here to Calmar Tuesday.
-Geo. F. Beevar and mother made a shopping trip to Spillville Saturday a.m.
-Joe Moser from Calmar was fixing the pump at the James Janechek place.
-Christ Johnson shipped a carload of cattle to Chicago Sunday.

-August Bergman has been husking corn on his father's place the past week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Patt Gallagher were to Bluffton election day, ate dinner with Brittendalls.
-Henry Crawford chopped wood for Fred Lenheart a few days.
-James Weldon butchered a hog the other day for his own use.
-Edd Fuch has rented a farm out near Bonair and has commenced to move already.
-Charles Burgess was re-elected supervisor by a big majority. Everybody seemed to be well pleased.

Canoe Valley
-The remains of Mrs. Henry Brandt who died at the Cresco hospital on Nov. 9, was laid to rest at the Russell cemetery on Nov. 11.
-The Olson Bros. got the job to dig the grave for Mrs. Brandt on Saturday forenoon.

Looking Glass Prairie
-Walt Darrington was having his car repaired Thursday.
-Miss Agnes Burreson who is teaching the Kenyon school spent Wednesday and Thursday night with home folks.

Burr Oak
-The many friends of Mrs. Mary Ward will be pleased to hear that she is recovering from her serious illness and is able to sit up several hours each day.
-Mrs. Viola Gates left here Wednesday for West Liberty, where she will spend several weeks visiting her grand daughter, Mrs. Ralph Miller.
-Born Oct 31st to Mr. and Mrs. Will Nelson, a son. Congratulations.

The Halloween social held at the A.C. parsonage, Oct. 31, was a decided success despite unfavorable weather ocnditions, about 50 being present, Mrs. Maude Ward as the Gipsy Fortune Teller in her Grotto under the stairs was excellent in her work. Mrs. Ethel Pierce in a Ghosts costume throughout the evening furnished wierd music at the piano. Apples, doughnuts and lemonade were served as refreshments, closing with the toasting of marshmellows in the basement, which had been decorated for the occasion.

-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valenta and daughter of Lankin, No. Dakota, arrived here last week from extended stay.
-Albert Anders, a prosperous farmer living west of town is building a large barn on his farm.
-Mrs. Frank Dvorak of near Ridgeway has lately moved into the Benesh house purchased by Frank Wagner. She has rented the place so her children can attend school.
-Anton Balik, our furniture dealer, delivered some furniture at the home of Robert Wheatman near Decorah.

Frank Balik of the United States Marines arrived home Friday from Quantico, Va., for a few weeks vacation. He has been in this service the past four years and his enlistment period has just about expired.

-Several friends gathered at the home of Mrs. C.M. Hanson Friday afternoon, to join in celebrating her seventy-fifth birthday. Those from out of town were Mrs. Ole Hovey and daughter Esther, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Johnson and Mrs. S. Hanson of Decorah.
-H.B. Libbey passed away Friday morning at the home of his niece, Mrs. Chas. Gill, with whom he made his home for many years. Mr. Libbey was eighty-nine years of age.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2013]


Decorah Public Opinion
Decorah, Winneshiek co. Iowa
Wednesday, November 22, 1922

Death of Mrs. D.O. Aaker
Mrs. D.O. Aaker, a beloved and highly respected pioneer mother of this community passed away at her home on Vernon street last Saturday morning at five o'clock, after a short illness, having been taken ill about a week previous to her death. Mrs. Aaker was apparently recovering but suffered a sudden setback and her death was a shock to her relatives and many friends.

Christense Ellefson was born in Capron, Ill., Nov. 24, 1849, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ellefson, who lived for years near Ridgeway. If the deceased had lived until Friday of this week she would have reached her seventy-third birthday. She was united in marriage on May 12, 1869 to D.O. Aaker, who preceded her in death some years ago. The family home was at Ridgeway for a number of years where Mr. Aaker was in business.

The children who are left to mourn are three sons and one daughter, J.T. Aaker and Dr. O.A. Aaker, both of Velva, N.D.; C.D. Aaker, Monot, N.D.; and Mrs. O.A. Anderson, of Decorah, who made her home with her mother. the sons were all here in attendance at the funeral. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 1:30 from the home and 2:00 o'clock from the F.N.E.L. church. Rev. I.B. Torrison officiated and interment was in the Lincoln cemetery south of Ridgeway.

Married Thursday Evening
Last Thursday evening at the Methodist church parsonage in this city occurred the marriage of Mr. Carl O. Haugen to Mrs. Bertha Olene Gunderson. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. Fisher. The bridesmaides were Misses Pearl and Luella Johnson and the groomsmen were Mr. Oscar Olson and Mr. Theo. Storla. The bride has been a resident of Decorah for the past year and has made many friends here and is held in high esteem by all. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. O.A.P. Haugen and is one of Winneshiek county's best young men, who has a legion of friends, and stands high in the estimation of all. Mr. and Mrs. Haugen will make their home on the groom's farm six miles north of Decorah where the best wishes of a host of friends goes with them.

Married at Big Canoe Church
Last Wednesday at the Big Canoe church, Rev. Tolo officiating, occurred the marriage of Mr. Torlief M. Rickansrud to Miss Martha C. Bidne. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Bidne, of Highland township. She graduated from Decorah high school a year ago last June and since then has been one of the popular teachers of the county, and is highly esteemed in a large circle of friends. The groom came from Waterville in Allamakee county, and for several years past was a student at Luther College, graduating last June. He is a young man of sterling worth and character and well liked by a host of friends. The happy young couple departed from Decorah on the night train Wednesday for Munich, N.D. where the groom has accepted the position of principal in the public schools. Their many friends join with us in extending congratulations and best wishes.

Obituary of Miss Jessie McKay
The Spencer, Iowa, Herald, gives the following particulars of the death and burial of Miss Jessie E. McKay, mention of whose death at Spencer was made in these columns last week.

Miss Jessie E. McKay, a resident of Spencer for the past two years and a sister of Mrs. W.N. Bowman of this city, passed away Saturday morning, November 11, 1922, after an illness of many years. Her death occurred at the home of her sister, where she had been making her home during the time she had been in Spencer. Funeral services were conducted, Tuesday afternoon, November 14, 1922, by Rev. E. Merle Adams at the Bowman home and burial was made in Riverside cemetery.

Miss McKay was born at Decorah, Iowa, on December 5, 1868, being at the time of her death 53 years, 11 months and 6 days of age. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus McKay. Her father who was a soldier in the civil war, passed away twenty-seven years ago and after her father's death she lived with her mother, caring for her during the declining years of her life. For twenty years she devoted her time and strength to the tender care of her mother. During the past few years she has been a constant sufferer and bore her affliction with fortitude and ever the hope of recovery.

Besides her sister, Mrs. W.N. Bowman, she is survived by another sister, Mrs. Evan Bowen, of San Diego, California, and three brothers, Arthur McKay of Long Beach, California, Charles McKay of Los Angeles and Frank McKay of Minneapolis.

Pioneer Newspaper Man Dead
Brother Dana Mead, of the Cresco Plain Dealer, is mourning the loss of his beloved father, F.J. Mead, who passed away, Tuesday, Nov. 14, at Cresco, at the age of 88 years, 7 months and 14 days, and the sympathy of the newspaper craft in this section of Iowa is extended to him. The deceased started in the newspaper business in 1859, publishing the New Oregon Plain Dealer, and from 1860 until 1918 he was active in the publishing of the Cresco Plain Dealer. The funeral services were held Thursday. Rev. W. McVettie of Grace church, Decorah, officiated, assisted by Rev. E.D. Wells.

Dorothy Rosenthal Arrived Friday
The C.H. Rosenthal household has been rejoicing since last Friday, Nov. 17, when a sweet baby girl arrived, who has received the name of Dorothy. Of course the proud young father has been stepping high and grocery customers at F.J. Rosenthal & Sons have been receiving most profuse attention.

Married Last Wednesday
The marriage of Mr. Arthur L. Kraby to Miss Louise Marie Barth was solemnized last Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the F.N.E.L. church parsonage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Torrison. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd Tovson. The bride is a popular and highly esteemed young lady, a daughter of Mr and Mrs. Frank Barth, of near Hesper. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kraby, of Decorah, and is a fine young man, well liked by everybody. The happy young couple will make their home on a farm on Clay Hill.

Married Yesterday
Yesterday evening at five o'clock at the home of Rev. K.O. Eittreim in West Decorah occurred the marriage of Mr. Gustave O. Eittreim to Mrs. Trina Reisetter, both of Radcliffe, Iowa. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Eittreim, the groom's brother. Out of town guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Ole Eittreim, of Des Moines. The newlyweds will made their home on a farm near Radcliffe.

Died from Injuries
News came the first of the week to Mr. and Mrs. P.B. Halvorson of Decorah, that their little grandson, ten years old, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Halvorson, of Dillo, Mont. had died from the efects of injuries received in an auto accident two weeks ago. His mother also suffered a broken hip. Mr. and Mrs. halvorson and son in company with a Mr. Thompson, a candidate for sheriff had been out on a campaign trip to Miles City. They were on the return trip home. The driver had not traveled over the road before, and in driving over a small bridge without a railing, he hit the corner of the bridge and the car tipped over. The party, seven in all, were pinned underneath, the little boy receiving a fractured skull, dying five days after the accident.

Local Items
-Mrs. J. Draper left for Mason City Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Arneson.
-Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Shawl and her mother, Mrs. F. Paviosky were shoppers from Conover Thursday.
-Miss Nettie Thompson left Saturday afternoon for Castalia where she is going to start teaching Monday morning.
-Dr. Aakre returned to Velma, N. Dak., Tuesday morning after being here for the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Aakre.
-Mrs. J.J. Farrell returned to Minneapolis Tuesday after a weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Will Jenisch and Mary and Kate Holland and brother Joseph and family.
-Miss Lena Kittlesby left for Northfield Saturday to visit her sister Agnes who expects to leave for China again in a few weeks, as a missionary.
-Sanford Grant arrived home Sunday from Clarion, Iowa, where he was operating a linotype machine.
-Mrs. Thomas Nelson leaves tomorrow for Thompson, Iowa, to visit her brother, William Olson and family.
-Mr. George M. Johnson of Okobojo, S. Dak., has been here for a few days visiting his mother, Mrs. Ragnild Johnson. He returned home Saturday morning.
-Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Qualley left yesterday for Santa Anna, Calif., where they will spend the winter with mrs. Qualley's sister, Mrs. J.K. Heggen.

-Mrs. Cornell Riveland returned home Wednesday from Buffalo, No. Dak., after three weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.O. Bakken.

The remains of Mrs. Mart Aslaskan of Cresco were brought here Tuesday for burial. Those from out of town who attended the funeral were Mrs. A.G. Bree, Fraverton, Alberta, Canada; Mrs. John Knudsvig, Montivedo, Minn.; and Mr. and Mrs. Erick Rogness.

Thursday, at Dubuque, Iowa, occurred the marriage of Harry Bothel of Ossian to Miss Agnes David of Monona. Miss David was a nurse at the Postville hospital. They will make their home in Ossian.

-Mr. and Mrs. Amel Koch, son Roy and Robert Vopava assisted Fred Falck at stacking fodder and corn husking recently.
-Mr. Wesley Kratz, Theo. Kratz and Elmer Schild assisted Win Kratz at delivering hogs to Cresco Saturday.
-Mrs. W.E. Wiedeman left last week for Newport, Kentucky, to visit her mother, Mrs. Stackle, and also at the home of her son, Roy.
-About 15 neighbors assisted Andrew Grey at husking corn Friday while Mr. Grey is at the Mercy hospital at Cresco.
-Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Kratz had a grave stone erected on the grave of their deceased son, Freddie.
-Adolph Sanderson is quite ill at this writing.

Canoe Valley
-On last Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock, Carl Haugen and Bertha Sorenson were married at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. Fisher.
-Gust and Clarence Olson were building a new hog house on their old homestead this last week.

-Mrs. Ben Kluwa and baby of Calmar came up Tuesday to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Phillip.
-A baby was born to the gypsy mother in Conover during Saturday night. She now has a big family of nine kiddies.

-Mrs. Hjelmer Kolseth of Decorah spent a few days of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Moen.
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mundt and children Mildred and Leslie went to Postville today where Mildred and Leslie will have their adenoids and tonsils removed.

Burr Oak
-Miss Hazel Glendenning is staying at the Josie Cox home, caring for Harold, who has been quite ill with typhoid fever.
-Mrs. John Rollins and daughter Gelnar returned home after spending several weeks at Des Moines where Gelnar has been taking treatments at the sanitorium.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gilbertson on Saturday, Nov. 19th, a son. Congratulations.

-Ernie Ward put his bees in the cellar for the winter the latter part of the week.
-Dr. Kibbie of Canton was called to Bluffton this morning to see little Ruth O'Brien who is sick.
-Mr. Taylor is working on the road down by Rupert Greenslade's.
-Sammy Cassel took stock to market Saturday.

Thursday afternoon, November 16 at 1 o'clock at the Hesper Lutheran church the wedding of Miss Emma Elvene Aasum to Clarence E. Iverson was soleminized by Rev. Ivar Havneros. The church was tastefully decorated in white and green. To the softly played strains of Mendelssohn wedding march the bride and groom, with bridesmaid, Miss Palma Tingelsdal and best man, Carl Aasum entered the church. The bride was tastefully dressed in white messaline and georgette and veil trimmed with smilax. The groom and best man wore the conventional blue suits. The bridesmaid wore a tasteful dress of white taffeta canton crepe.

After the ceremony about 200 guests gathered at the hospitable farm home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ellen Aasum and enjoyed an "old tyme" wedding. The bride is the only daughter of Mrs. Ellen Aasum and the groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Iverson of Mabel, Minn. The home was tastefully decorated in pink and white streamers with white bells. A sumptious four course lucheon was served at 3:30, followed by a delicious midnight supper, at which the bride passed around the wedding cake. The guests enjoyed themselves until the wee small hours. Best wishes of a long and happy wedded life.

-Mr. and Mrs. S. Sjurson are the happy parents of a son born November 18, 1922.
-Rev. and Mrs. D.C. Jordahl, Mrs. Steen Johnson, Mrs. M.E. Brekke and Mrs. C.T. Trytten, went to Decoarh Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. B.O. Aaker, a former Ridgeway resident.

-Mrs. M.A. Sorenson has the sympathy of her many friends by the death of her mother, Mrs. Megordon, who passed away at the Sorenson home after a few days illness, due to pneumonia. The remains will be taken to Waukon, Iowa, today for burial.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2013]


Decorah Public Opinion
Decorah, Winneshiek co. Iowa
Wednesday, November 29, 1922

Elks Memorial - Annual Lodge of Sorrow to be Held December 3
The annual memorial services of Decorah lodge No. 443, B.P.O. Elks will be held at the Elks Home here on Sunday, December 3. The memorial address this year will be delivered by Mayor F.W. Conover. Since the organization of the lodge in Decorah 23 years ago forty-three members have passed away, five during the present year:
Alfred Dotseth
Otto T. Hokaasen
A.O. Blagsvedt
Peter Meyer
J.W. Daubney

The following are the deceased brothers of Decorah lodge:

Frank Bartel
S.E.J. Halverson
Ernest Hegner
Albert Severson
Dr. G.A. Geist
Dan Shea
Ole O. Blagsvedt, SR
W.E. Beddow
Peter Roney
A.F. Anundsen
O.M. Anderson
D.C. Graham
W.W. Leith
J.F.B. Portman
Dr. F.W. Daubbey
Joseph P. Wangler
C.B. Lennon
S.L. Collins
Charles Trzcinski
Wm. H. Muller
Edward Rossley
K.W. Knutson
A.C. Hagemeier
Geo. Brunner, SR
Al Palzer
Walter Curtin
H.H. Teslow
Peter J. Klein
Dr. S.P. Dahl
A.W. Freeman
L.L. Hamre
G.L. Johnson
Aaron K. Sweitzr
H.J. Hiller
Dr. O.J. Blessin
Dr. C.L. Topliff
Frank Maltby
W.H. Richie
C.B. Oliver
A.W. Woooley
L.S. McEwen
Ross E. Bright
C.E. McKinney
Alfred Dotseth
Otto T. Hokaasen
A.G. Blagsvedt
Peter Meyer
J.W. Daubney

The officers of Decorah lodge No. 443 are as follows:
Exalted Ruler - H.B. Winter
Est. Leading Knight - B.O. Marsh
Est. Loyal Knight - Geo. B. Hislop
Est. Lecturing Knight - B.M. Graham
Secretary - F.M. Hughes
Treasurer - B.J. McKay
Chaplain - H. Schremser
Esquire - Chas. Altfillisch
Tyler - J.L. Rastetier
Inner Guard - Phil Losen
Trustees - Mint Barthell, Bert Lennon, H. Davidson

Old Resident Buried Here
The funeral of Johannes Andressen took place here Saturday afternoon at the F.N.E.L. church. Mr. Andressen was connected with Luther College for 18 years and is remembered as "Johannes" by hundreds of Luther College men. The services were conducted by Rev. B.J. Larson, of Stoughton, Wis., manager of the Stoughton's Old People Home where Mr. Andressen has had his home for a number of years. Dr. Oscar L. Olson and Rev. I.B. Torrison also spoke. Members of the Luther college chorus were present and sang "Den Store hvide Flot."

Mrs. A.C. Baker Dead
Maude A. Baker, wife of A.C. Baker, of Prospect Place, Decorah, Iowa, passed on a 1 o'clock Sunday morning, Nov. 26th, after a lingering illness of some months, Brights disease being the chief cause, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.T. Waterman, of Davenport, Iowa.

Maude A. Davis was born in Lewiston, Maine, Oct. 12, 1862. She was the third child of Otis F. and Sophiah Garcelon Davis of that city. On April 30, 1883, she was united in marriage with A.C. Baker, and made their home at Castalia, Iowa, where their family of five children were born. Twenty five years since they removed to Decorah which has since been their summer home.

Of those nearest to mourn her passing are her husband, two daughters and three sons, Mrs. W.T. Waterman of 911 Colege Ave. Davenport, Iowa; Mrs. M.W. Daubney of Long Beach, Cal.; Capt. H.A. Baker, of Okmulgee, Okla.; Arthur A. Baker of Detroit, Minn.; and Lieut. Russell D. Baker, of Guthrie Center, Iowa. She is also survived by a brother, Stephen G. Davis, of Ogema, Minn., and four sisters, Harriet O. Davis of Ipswich, Mass.; Mrs. Rodney Swift, of Auburn, Me.; Mrs. J.C. Conner of Glenville, Neb. and Susie A. Davis of Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Baker was the first to pass on of these nearest to her.

The final rites take place at the home of her daughter Mrs. Waterman, Dean Hare, rector of Trinity Cathedral officiating, at 11 a.m. the 28th. The remains will be followed to Decorah by her entire family where burial will take place in the Phelps cemetery at 10 a.m. the 29th of November. In the death of Mrs. Baker the entire community here mourns as she was a woman of noble character, and beloved by everybody. She was a devoted wife and mother and to those who are left to mourn her passing most sincere sympathy is extended.

A Pioneer Mother Passes
Mrs. Andrew B. Anderson, beloved mother of Andrew Anderson the well known Decoah horse buyer, passed away last Wednesday, Nov. 22, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Moen in Cresco. If she had lived until the 4th of next May she would have reached her 93d birthday.

The deceased was born in Norway and was married there to Andrew B. Anderson. They came to this country in 1867, settling in Fremont township, the family home being here for 55 years. Seven children were born to the union, four of whom survive. They are Albert Anderson, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Andrew Anderson, Decorah; Mrs. John Rygg and Mrs. Frank Moen, Cresco. The husband and father passed away eighteen years ago. The deceased was a good wife and mother and was beloved by everybody during her long life here.

The funeral services were held Friday from the Lutheran church in Fremont township. Rev. Norman, of Cresco, officiated.

Perry Rima Dead
Perry Rima was found dead in his bed this morning at the home of his brother Charles on Oak street. He had not been well yesterday and had the services of a physician. this morning at nine o'clock his brother went to his room to see how he was and found him dead. The deceased has been in a crippled condition for a number of years and has suffered much. He was born in 1860 in Howard county and had made his home in Decorah since boyhood. For some time past he conducted a peanut and pop corn stand on the corner of the Grand Opera House. At this writing arrangements have not been made for the funeral. We will give a more complete obituary in our next issue.

Death of James Nolan
James Nolan passed away last Thursday night at ten o'clock at the home of his brother Thomas, who resides on the former Kornmeyer place south of the city. He was taken ill Tuesday night and sank rapidly until the end. The deceased was born in Bluffton township 63 years ago on the 19th of June, and his home had been in this community practically all his life, with the exception of 6 or 7 years spent in Fillmore county, Minnesota. He is survived by two brothers, Thomas and Patrick. The deceased was a well known farmer and had many friends here, and all will be sorry to hear of his death. The funeral was held Saturday from St. Benedict's Catholic church. Rev. Father Hogan officiated and interment was in the Catholic cemetery.

A Pioneer Mother Passes
Ridgeway - Mrs. Jorgen Kaasa, for many years a resident of Ridgeway, passed away at her home at Bode, Iowa, on Tuesday, November 21, 1922.

Sarah Espeseth was born March 14th, 1842, in VIR, Norway. In 1857, she immigrated to America, locating in Chicago. She was united in marriage to Jorgen Kaasa in 1859. Ten children were born to this union, three of whom died in infancy. One son Walter died in 1894, while attending Luther College at Decorah, at the age of twenty years. Another son, Edward passed away in 1916, after ten years of successful work as professor at the Lutheran Ladies Seminary at Red Wing, Minn. The husband of the deceased died in 1898, at the old home in Lincoln township.

In 1909 the deceased moved to Bode, Iowa, where she has since made her home. Mrs. Kaasa was a good mother and a kind neighbor and her solicitudes for her friends and loved ones did not diminish with old age. She was always a staunch supporter of the Norwegian Lutheran church and a never tiring worker in its services.

Those who survive and were here in attendance are: Mrs. L.O. Lillegaard of Chicago; Mrs. John Clade of Haynes, N.D.; Mrs. Peter Anderson, Draper, South Dakota; Miss Ella Kaasa at home, Bode, Iowa; and Dr. L.J. Kaasa of Lake Mills, Iowa; also a niece Miss Hannah Espeseth, Bode, Iowa. Others here from out of town were Erling Kaasa of Decorah, where he attends college; and Mrs. Ed Kaasa of Red Wing. The funeral services were held on Friday, November 24th from the Lincoln church at Ridgeway, Rev. D.C. Jordahl officating, and interment made at the Lincoln cemetery.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2013]

Winneshiek County