Iowa Old Press

Decorah Public Opinion
Decorah, Winneshiek co. Iowa
Wednesday, December 6, 1922

Drawn on United States Jury
The United States District Court starts Dec. 19 at Dubuque. Lew Halse of Decorah is drawn as a juror, also Philip Hayes of Cresco, Rt 2 and S.A. Swenson of Postville.

Obituary of Perry Rima
Perry Christopher Rima, whose death was mentioned in these columns last week, was born in Howard county, Iowa, Nov. 25, 1860, a son of W.P. and Lois Rima, early pioneers of the state. They moved to Decorah when Perry was a boy of 14 years. Since that time Decorah had been his home. For many years the deceased was connected with butcher shops in Decorah, and was an expert at his trade. Owing to ill health he retired from the business, and for a number of years past had been a semi-invalid. He was a man who lived an honorable and upright life, and a more honest and straightforward citizen would be hard to find. If Perry Rima owed a man a dollar it was as certain to be paid as it is that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

The deceased was married twice, his first wife passing away only a short time after their marriage. The second wife passed away in 1918. He is survived by three brothers and two sisters, all of whom, with the exception of one sister, Mrs. Addie Newman, who resides in Wilbur, Washington, being residents of this city and present at the funeral. They are Ira, Charles, William and Mrs. Rose Bucknell. The funeral services were held from the home Friday afternoon at two o'clock. The services were conducted by Rev. Fred P. Fisher of the Methodist church, and interment was in Phelps cemetery.

Captures Many Wolves
McGregor, Iowa - Champion wolf hunter is Elmer McDowell, of McGregor, and his hunting field is northeastern Iowa, with occasional excursions over the border into Minnesota and across the Mississippi into southwestern Wisconsin. He has developed wolf hunting into paying proposition as a side line to farming and raising hunting dogs. In the ten years he has been pursuing the business, he has bagged 160 wolves with some fifty red and gray foxes and a bit of sport and some fairly good profit on the side.

Brought Here for Burial
Mrs. Caroline L. Hitchcock, widow of Charles H. Hitchcock, passed away Aug. 28, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.J. Clark at Leads, S.D. and the remains were brought to Decorah Saturday for interment in Phelps cemetery. the services Saturday at the grave were conducted by Rev. Wn. McVettie of Grace Episcopal church. The remains were accompanied here by her daughter, Mrs. Clark and husband.

The deceased was born in New York state about 84 years ago. She was married to Charles H. Hitchcock in Illinois and they came west in the early days, locating in Fremont township, Winneshiek county, where they resided for some time removing to Decorah when Mr. Hitchcock was elected sheriff in 1873. The husband passed away in 1898. Mrs. Hitchcock removed from Decorah 21 years ago, going to Leads, S.D. where she made her home with her daughter. For the past ten years she had been an invalid.

She is survived by two children, a daughter, Mrs. W.J. Clark and son Frank. She was a woman possessed of a noble character and was beloved by all who kknew her, and many old friends here are grieved to hear of her passing.

Those who assisted Mrs. Joe Ehler pick her 45 geese Monday were Mr. and Mrs.Mat Wiltgen, Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mundt, Mr. and Mrs. Heine Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. P.C. Rooney, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Broghammer, Mrs. Anna Daniels, Mrs. Will Helwig, Mrs. Frank Boeckman and Miss Phillie Wiltgen.

-Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Broghammer and son Leo, Rae Runkle and family spent Thanksgiving evening at the P.C. Rooney home.
-Hjelmer Kolseth of Decorah called at the John Moen home Tuesday.
-Joe Ehler is shredding with Jack Teepe.

Clay Hill
-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lukken and son and Mr. and Mrs. Ingvol Myrah and baby of Canoe and Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Spring Grove, spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kjome one day last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allert attended a funeral of a nephew in Monona Sunday. The young man was accidently shot while hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blum of Decorah stayed here during their absence.

Northern Canoe
-Mrs. Johnnie Reinsvold and son James returned home after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris.
-Monday evening about 25 friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, the occasion being Mr. Brown's 50th birthday.
-Mrs. George Henrickson of Decorah was a pleasant caller at E. Peterson's last Wednesday evening.

Calmar Township
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hauber are the proud parents of a baby girl.
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith, Nov. 21, his name is Robert Jacob.
-Walter Hove is recovering from a light attack of pneumonia.

-Brittendall is caring for his bees in his cellar this morning.
-Dr. Kibbie of Canton was called to Bluffton the past week to see Lew Brunner's two sons, Glen and Claude, who were sick.
-Mrs. Jane Elzea received a telegram from Minneapolis Monday saying her son James was sick with appendicitis. Come at once. She went at once.

Lansing Girl Inherits 40 Million
The Chicago Herald-Examiner one day last week contained a picture of Miss Delora Angell, heiress to forty millions, a daughter of Frank Angell, a well known Lansing boy. Miss Angell, who is 19, and heiress to the estate of her uncle, the late John W. Gates, announced her engagement on Thursday to Lester Norris, the village undertaker at St. Charles, Ill. Before going to St. Charles to live and after his marriage to a sister of Mrs. John W. Gates, Mr. Angell resided for several months in Lansing, where he was also born and grew to young manhood, and which he still fondly cherishes as home. Miss Angell's wedding is to take place next May. - Lansing Journal

[transcribed by S.F., July 2013]


Decorah Public Opinion
Decorah, Winneshiek co. Iowa
Wednesday, December 13, 1922

District Court
The November term of the district court adjourned here last week. In the case of the state of Iowa vs Nels Duff, charged with bootlegging, it was tried before a jury for several days, and the jury brought in a verdict of guilty, and the verdict was signed by Mrs. David Thompson, as foreman. Mrs. Thompson is the first woman in Winneshiek to be chosen as foreman of a jury. Mrs. Dan Wise was also on the jury. The men were C.S. Miner, Henry Wemark, J.M. Macal, Emil Gulbranson, J.A. Soukup, Williard Torgrimson, Walter H. Brandt, James Marron, Frank F. Schroeder and Ed Albertson. Duff is at liberty yet, and we understand is going to appel his case to the supreme court.

Attending Brothers Funeral
S. Larsen, the clothier, was called to Crookston, Minn., Friday, by the death of his brother Hans, who passed away there. The funeral was held Monday. The deceased was born in Winneshiek county, and had been located in Minnesota for a number of years farming and in the real estate business.

Passed Away in Minneapolis
Mr. W.G. True passed away at his home in Minneapolis on Nov. 29. He was the husband of a former Decorah girl, Miss Anna McAndrews, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McAndrews, and they were married in Decorah some thirty years ago. For many years he was a traveling salesman for the wholesale grocery firm of Geo R. Newell, and recent years operated a moving picture theatre in Minneapolis. The funeral services were held in Minneapolis Dec. 2d. He is survived by the bereaved wife and one son, George True.

James Meikle Obituary
James Meikle was born in Edinbuhy, Scotland, May 20th, 1837 and died at his home in Frankville, Ia. Dec 5th, 1922, aged 85 years, 5 months and 15 days. In early life he came with his parents to America and lived with his parents at Waupon, Wis. Later he resided in Waukesha, Wis. On the 6th of October 1859 he was united in marriage to margaret Bryce and to this union were born six children, three of whom are now living. Mrs. Maggie Carter of Bailey, Iowa; Mrs. Nellie Bray of Ludlow, and Miss Jessie of Frankville, who tenderly cared for their father during his long illness. There are also one sister, Mrs. Wm. Craig of Harlan, Wis., eleven grandchildren and four great grand children. Two sons and one daughter preceded their father in death, Lewis, Hugh and Eliza.

In 1867 Mr. Meikle and family came to Frankville and resided on a farm near the village through the winter months, but in March 1868 they moved to their own farm in Ludlow where they lived many years. They moved to their quiet village home in Frankville July 1st, 1900. Mrs. Meikle died on Jan. 4th, 1916 and since then he has been cared for by his daughter Jessie, until he passed away after four months of intense suffering which was patiently borne.

He never murmured or complained, but put his trust in God and often expressed his gratitude for all that was done for him. Mr. Meikle was an industrious and successful farmer for many years. He was held in high esteem by all who knew him because of his upright life. On Jan. 9th, 1869 he united with the Presbyterian church at Frankville and remained a faithful member until he was called away to be forever with the Lord. Funeral services were held in the Community church on Friday afternoon, with Rev. J.C.B. Peck officiating, interment was made in the village cemetery.

Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. James Carter of Bailey, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs Joe Hassilinger of Harlan, Wis.; Mrs. Esey Meikle, Rev. Van Nice & Chas. Regan of Waukon; Mr. and Mrs Eldo Lang of Castalia; Mr. and Mrs Chas Kerr, Mr. and Mrs Paul Topel, Maggie Mitchel, John Lydon, Gene Owens and daughter Alice of Postville; Mr. and Mrs J.A. Peck, Mrs. Jas. Drew, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Schattuck of Decorah.

-The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Water sympathize with them in the loss of their baby daughter, born to them at the Waukon hospital December 2nd.

-Chester Bjonerud who went to Forman, N.D., some time ago to be married returned home with his bride one day last week. They will make Calmar their future home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Petite visited their daughter, Mrs. D.A. Crady and family Sunday from Calmar.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Denny and family from Jackson Junction were Sunday guests at E.F. Swehla's home. They came up here by auto.

-Dr. C.D. Horton, wife and daughter, Glee, leave Tuesday for California for a several weeks visit with their daughter, Mrs. Gola Gough.
-Mrs. Melvin Orke went to Knoxville yesterday to get her husband who has been a patient at the Legion Hospital. They will arrive home tonight.
-Word was received here announcing the marriage of Miss Genevieve Broiher, sister of Mrs. T.H. Huinker, to Mr. Marion Pierce of Casper, Wyoming.

The many friends here of Rev. Bleken were shocked to hear of his death on Thursday at the hospital at Minneapolis. His wife passed away about eighteen months ago and three children are left alone to mourn the loss of their father. They are Margaret, Winnefred and Hans, who have our heartfelt sympathy. The remains will be brought here for burial.

-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kuhn, a son, recently.
-John Ludwig passed away at his home Sunday, Dec. 3, after being ill for some time. The funeral took place Wednesday morning.

-The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welper was christened Betty Harriet, Sunday afternoon by Rev. Havoneros.
-Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griswold and baby Dorothy, Leonard Rowe and Merrill Street, autoed down from Preston Saturday evening and spent sunday with home folks.
-Mr. and Mrs. Peter Torgenrud and baby moved to Decorah on Monday last, where Mr. Tovrgenrud has accepted a position in the Peter Johnson and Sons garage.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charley Halsey and family moved into the house vacated by Torgenrud, for the winter months.

The beautiful weather on Sunday gave a great many the opportunity to attend confirmation services in the N.L. church. There were 19 confirments this year. They were: Luella Brenna, Leon Smith, Idella Welch, Jessie Smith, Stella Foltz, Ingvold Sanden, Pauline Usgaard, Owen Molstad, Tilla Ramlo, Clarence Anderson, Stella Soberg, Melvin Aasum, Esether Allen, Leander Henningsgaard, Tilford Ellingson, Paul Erickson, Norval Burreson, Otto Erickson, William Aakre. It was a fine class and did credit to Rev. Havneros teachings. The church was beautifully decorated with oak leaves. The offering netted the budget $104.71.

Burr Oak
-Mr. and Mrs. Ted Emmons have moved to Decorah where they intend to spend the winter at the G.W. Glise home.
-On account of the poor health of Mrs. Logsdon, Mr. Ben Logsdon has rented his farm and moved to Decorah.
-Mrs. Dan Price who has been a great sufferer from an attack of rheumatism the last few weeks is some better at this time.
-Mrs. Elizabeth Sanaker who has been quite poorly for several weeks is improving slowly.

-Nels K. Eidsvik departed Tuesday for Bergen, Norway, where he will visit his parents and other relatives.
-Mrs. Jos. Remke, Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. Anna Gehling went to New Hampton to attend the funeral of Mrs. Anthony Rosanka.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2013]


Decorah Public Opinion
Decorah, Winneshiek co. Iowa
Wednesday, December 20, 1922

John Nefstad Dead
John Nefstad, a former well known resident of Decorah passed away at Minneapolis last Thursday, after a three weeks illness. The deceased was born here in this county 68 years ago and for many years was one of the county's prominent farmers, going to Minneapolis several years ago to reside. The remains were brought here Monday for interment, the funeral being held yesterday from the F.N.E.L. church, Rev. Torrison officiating and interment was in the Union Prairie cemetery. He is survived by two sons and three daughters, Elmer and Bennie, of Canada, and Tena, of Minneapolis, and Clara and Josie, of Los Angeles. All of the children excepting the latter two were in attendance at the funeral.

Married in New York City
Mrs. E.R. Haines, of Decorah, received the news Saturday evening of the marriage of her sister, Miss Ruth Stiles to Mr. L. Gravem, the marriage taking place in New York City on Saturday. The bride is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Stiles, and for the past twelve years has been a resident of New York City in the employ of the Western Union Telegraph Company, having learned telegraphy in Decorah. In New York she held a position of telegraph operator in the Plaza hotel. She grew to young womanhood in Decorah and has a host of warm friends here, who will join with us in extending congratulations and best wishes. While the husband of her choice is a stranger to us, we understand he is a very prominent young business man and for some time past has been connected with mining operations in New Mexico and England.

Opens New Shining Parlor
Tom Benton has resigned his position in the Henwig & Kennard barber shop, where he has been employed the past six years and has opened a shining parlor in the west room of the Winneshiek hotel building, where he will install a complete and up to date shining parlor with several chairs. He will also sell cigars and candy. Tom has been a hustler since coming to Decorah, and it looks like his new venture is going to prove a success, and Tom will always be found on the job calling "next".

Odd Fellows Elect
The Odd Fellows lodge held an election of officers last Tuesday night, electing H. Jansen, N.G.; Chris Qualley, V.G.; M.D. Wells, Fin. Sec.; B.O. Marsh, Treas.; Mel Griffith, Rec. Sec.; W. Tobiason, trustee.

American Legion Elects
The Anton Bernatz Post No. 63, American legion, held an election of officers last Wednesday night, and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Dr. J.D. Hexom, Commander
E.P. Shea, Vice Commander
Harold Thompson, Adjutant
Raymond Hjerleid, Treasurer
Dr. A.C. Conrad, Post Chaplain
Chas. Atfillisch, Post Historian
Harold Swenson, Sergeat at Arms
Executive committee - Oscar Norgard, N.A. Nelson, Howard Whitney

Decorah Pioneer Oil Co. Elects
The Decorah Pioneer Oil and Gas Co. held a meeting and an election of officers at the Rest Room last Friday evening. A good attendance was out and a nice report was made of the activities. All the old officers were re-elected as follows:
Rev. Paul Koren, President
B.E. Jewell, Vice President
Miss Mary Gossman, Sec.-Treas.
Directors - N.R. Groff, Dr. Kessel, Paul Koren and C.E. Fagg.

Death of Sarah Vigen
Miss Sarah Vigen passed away at her home here Saturday after an illness of 14 weeks. The deceased was born in Pleasant Twp. 68 years ago on Oct. 20, a daughter of the late Knute Vigen and wife. She was a sister of the late K.W. Knutson. She is survived by three nephews and three nieces, Chas. Egge and Mrs. A.R. Smith, Iowa Falls, and Carl, Gladys, Esther and Erling Knutson, of Decorah. The funeral services were held yesterday from the Synod church, Rev. I.B. Torrison officiating and interment was in the Norwegian cemetery.

-Mr. E. Rosa left for Dubuque today to visit home folks during Christmas.
-Mrs. E.J. Curtin arrived home last night from visits in Des Moines and Chicago.
-Miss Agnes Swenson arrived home from Cedar Falls today to spend the Christmas vacation.
-Mrs. Nora Nehlis, Mrs. W.N. Allen, and Mrs. Ellaman Moen and daughter, were shoppers from Ossian.
-Miss Jerome Huinker, Miss Marie Luzum and Miss Hattie Luzum were shoppers from Calmar.
-Mrs. Iver Johnson left for Chicago this morning to spend Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Julia Melbe.
-Miss Tina Nefstad returned to Minneapolis today after being here for the funeral of her father, Mr. John Nefstad.
-Mrs. Cecelia M. Geer departed for Rockford, Illinois to spend the holidays with her sister, Emma H. Shuttelworth.
-Mrs. Ida C. [?Iverson] left for Ortonville, Minn., this morning to visit her sister, Mrs. Will Cummings and brother, Mr. Willard Tweet.

Harry Tyler returned home Tuesday to Long Beach, Cal., after a visit here with his mother and brother, Bert. On the way home he will visit his sister, Mrs. D.J. McKay, at Rush City, Minn., and a brother, G.W. at Sioux Falls, S.D. He has been located in California for 19 years and is one of the coast's best musicians.

-Miss Louise Amy is expected tomorrow from Cleveland, Ohio, where she teaches, to spend Christmas and New Years with her mother, Mrs. Dr. Amy.
-Miss Virginia Soukup returned this afternoon from Mount St. Joseph College, Dubuque to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Soukup during Christmas.
-Mr. Jacob Hoel of Toten, Norway, who has been visiting Dr. Stabo for several days left for St. Paul to visit Rev. and Mrs. Stub.

-Jim Wagner met with a serious accident Monday evening. One of the horses broke lose and while Jim attempted to quiet it and tie it in the stall, the horse reached down and bit off parts of the last three fingers of his left hand.
-Mrs. Helen Shevik and daughter, Mrs. Steve Hrushka of Calmar and James Shevik of Decorah, attended the funeral Wednesday of Anton Shevik.

John H. Ludwig passed away Sunday, Dec. 3rd, 1922 at his home west of town after a lingering illness. He was born April 13th, 1861, in Winneshiek county, and in 1894, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Shimek at St. Wenceslaus church at Spillville. To this union two children were born, Anna, Mrs. Frank Barloon and son Adolph, who now survive. Besides his wife and children the deceased leaves to mourn, his brother, Matt, Albert and Frank, and sisters Mary, Mrs. J.P. Kuhn; Barbara, Mrs. Jacob Busta, and Anna, Mrs. Anton Kuhn. The funeral took place Wednesday, Dec. 6th at 10 o'clock at the St. Wenceslaus church. Rev. Broz performing the obsequies. Anton Balik, funeral director. The following acted as pall bearers: Anton Kuhn, J.P. Kuhn, Jacob Busta, James, Joseph and Thomas Shimek. May he rest in peace.

Pioneer Settler Passes Away
On Monday, 4:30 P.M., December 11, 1922, occurred the death of Anton Shevik; at the advanced age of 88 years, the cause of death being apoplexy of the brain, no doubt being due to old age. The deceased was born at Prague, Europe, in 1834, and there he spent his early life. There also in 1863 he married Miss anna Kucera, with whom he lived happily till his death, 50 years, and whom he leaves in her age to mourn his loss. To them eight children were born, five dying in infancy, and a son James who preceded his father in death 15 years ago. Aloys who lives on the home farm two miles west of town and daughter Rose at home.

In 1867 he and wife emigrated to America, coming at once to Spillville and settling on his farm. There the family nderwent the usual hardships of pioeer farmers life and there the deceased did his full share in bringing up his children into upright and industrious young men and women.

In 1911 he left his son Aloys to manage his farm and he and wife moved to their present residence in Spillville where later their daughter Rose joined them. Mr. Shevik was one of the most active and industrious old men that ever lived in this neighborhood. He was happy only when he was usefully employed and even on the day of his death, he was busy out doors until the angel of death touched him there. His industrious life is certainly a shining example to those of this generation of young men who desire long life and happiness.

The funeral took place Wednesday Dec. 13 at St. Wenceslaus church and cemetery. Rev. Broz performing the obsequies. The following neighbors or friends of the deceased bore his remains to the grave: Jos. Kruchek, Fr. Kuboushek, Jos Ptachek, J. Triska, Frank Bily and Fr. Ondrushek. Mr. Shevik deank the full cup of that mixture of joy and sorrow, sweetness and bitterness which we call human life. May the Lord reward his length of service here with life in eternity.

-Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Spaun left the first of last week for Boloxi, Miss., to spend the winter months.
-Sherman Bollman and Ray Waters were business callers in Waukon Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brandt and little daughter, and Arthur Brandt, attended the Chas. Gordon sale near Postville Friday.
-Morgan Brouillet; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brouillet and son Vernon of Decorah spent Sunday at the Phil Brouillet home.
-Little cleoyne Crawford was taken very sick about mid night Thursday and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irwing Crawford took him to Waukon where he was operated on Friday morning, at last report he is getting along nicely.
-The remains of Mrs. Geo. E. Bovenisor of Waterloo were brought here on Saturday for burial in the village cemetery. She passed away Thursday evening after a prolonged illness.
-Cards were received here announcing the birth of a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crawford of Armour, South Dakota.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2013]


Decorah Public Opinion
Decorah, Winneshiek co. Iowa
Wednesday, December 27, 1922

Oldest Iowa Odd Fellow
The distinction of being the oldest Odd Fellow in Iowa belongs to William C. Adsit, of Cherokee, Iowa, who was made an Odd Fellow in Decorah in 1857. A Cherokee dispatch in the daily papers has the following concerning Mr. Adsit:

To be 90 years old and hale and hearty would seem to be distinction enough for one person, but it is not enough for William C. Adsit, of Cherokee. Along with that distinction he enjoys the distinction of being the oldest Odd Fellow in Iowa, both in age and in years of membership in the order, for he has been an Odd Fellow almost 66 years.

Mr. Adsit on his 90th birthday or the 12th inst. was tendered a reception by the Odd Fellows' lodge here. He was made an Odd Fellow at Decorah, Iowa, Jan. 5, 1857. In all of the intervening years he has been a consistent lodge attendant, held all of the offices to be bestowed in a local lodge, and numerous times has attended grand lodge sessions. For many years he engaged in farming, which he abandoned for the boot and shoe business. He retired from active business some years ago, but continues to be exceptionally active for one of his years.

According to the above then, Geo. Draper, of Decorah is the second oldest Odd Fellow in point of years of age and membership, as he was initiated in the Decorah lodge of Odd Fellows on Dec. 28, 1858, when he was 26 years of age, and he is now in his 90th year. Like Mr. Adsit he has been a consistant lodge attendant, and right up to date never misses a meeting.

Lincoln News
-Mr. Robt. Vopava, Mr. Chas. Hornberger, Amel Koch and son Roy, assisted Fred Koch at wood sawing Tuesday.
-Mr. Joe Vopava and son Edwin delivered two loads of hogs to Ridgeway Monday.
-Henry Anderson purchased a horse from Albert Sobolik recently.
-Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hovarka and son Clarence and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tupy spent last Sunday with Mrs. Rosie Mzik and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haakenson and daughter Gale pleasantly entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peters, daughter Lovene of Cresco; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koch, son Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rossman and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Falck and daughters Ollie and Opel; Mr. Rooy Koch and sisters Leona and Lizzie; Miss Mable Devorak, Mr. Daniel Blackburn and Mr. Walter Peters.

Notice of the Appointment of E.R. Haines as administrator of the Estate of John Bratbakken, deceased, late of Frankville Township, in the County of Winneshiek, state of Iowa, deceased intestate. Dated December 12, 1922.

Notice of the Appointment of Elmer Ringoen, Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Torkelson, deceased, late of LIncoln Township., in the County of Winneshiek, state of Iowa, deceased intestate. Dated December 11, 1922.

Notice of the Appointment of Nels O. Bendickson, Executor of the Estate of John Bratbakken, deceased, late of the city of Decorah in Decorah twp., in the County of Winneshiek, state of Iowa, deceased testate. Dated December 1, 1922.

McCall Issues Fine Calendar
John McCall, the automobile man, has issued a very fine, artistic calendar for 1923. The picture on the calendar is a local one, a handsome scene showing the Dugway along the west side of the city park.

Out of the Hospital
William Malli, the thirteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Malli, who was accidentally shot on Thanksgiving day at the Joe Holland farm when he and some young boy companions were shooting at a target, left the hospital today and is well on the road to recovery. His life was dispaired of at first, but his constitution was stong and the doctors succeeded in bringing him through. Dr. Kuhn, one of the physicians attending him says, "it surely was a remarkable case" and naturally is highly pleased at the outcome.

Brought Here For Burial
The remains of Mrs. May Holmes Meriweather were brought to Decorah last Friday for interment, she having passed away at her home in St. Jacob, Illinois on Dec. 19. The deceased was a daughter of Wm. Holmes and wife, and was born at Ottaway, Minn., in 1871, the family coming to Decorah in 1876. Later they went to Minnesota to live. The deceased is survived by her mother, who resides with Dr. and Mrs. A.F. Barfoot here, and the bereaved husband, Dr. Alfred P. Meriwether, who accompanied the remains here. Two brothers, Robert Holmes, of Park River, N.D., and Tom Holmes of Farmington, Minn., were also here for the funeral which was held from the Episcopal church Friday, Rev. Wm. McVettie officiated and interment was in Phelps cemetery.
[transcription note: spelling of Meriweather & Meriwether as in original text]

Local Items
-Mrs. Frank Pavlosky was a shopper from Conover Friday.
-Editor T.F. Schmitz was a Decorah visitor from ossian Friday.
-Mr. Curtis Bollman returned from Iowa City last week to visit his parents during the Christmas holidays.
-Prof. David T. Nelson left Wednesday for his home at Mayville, N.Dak., to spend Christmas and New Years at home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Griffith left Friday for Volga City to visit during the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. GA. Leete.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Bruvold of Glenwood Twp. a nine pound baby boy, Saturday, Dec. 16th.
-Harry Hess arrived Friday from Des Moines to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess.
-Mrs. Mary Tokvam and daughter Cora, left Sunday for Mason City to spend Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. E.J. Hoare.
-Mrs. C.J. Weiser and son Hubert arrived home Friday from Ashville, N.C. where Hubert attends school, to spend the holidays here.
-Earl Christen came up from Waukon Sunday and spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Christen.
-Editor Jno. K. Griebel, wife and children of Elkader, spent Christmas here with his parents and brother.
-Mrs. W.S. Dunning and daughter, Eleanore, left for Huron, S. Dak., Thursday to visit during the holidays with the former's sister, Mrs. E.A. Mingeau.
-Manager J.J. Foran, of Grahams store, accompanied by his wife, went to Elkader Sunday to spend Christmas with his mother.
-Henry Usgaard, of Davidson, Sask., Canada, arrived Wednesday night on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lars Usgaard, of Canoe Twp., and his siter, Mrs. Edwin Haugen, of Decorah.

-Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Bollman, Mr. and Mrs. I.R. Hughes and Mrs. Ema French were among the Postville shoppers Thursday.
-Irving Crawford was over from Waukon Tuesday and reports Cleoyne is getting along nicely.
-The F.T. Bulman family enjoyed a visit with relatives from Waukon and English Bench Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. CF. Letchford of Decorah came Sunday for a few days visit.
-Glen Letchford and family autoed to Strawberry Point Saturday.
-Walter Van Wey was over from Postville Sunday to visit home folks.
-Miss Grace Sheggrud is at home from school duties at Washington Prairie for two weeks vacation.

-James Palvosky arrived home one day last week from Mitchell, S.D., to spend the holidays with his parents here.
-Jerome Jancheck and his mother autoed to Calmar Wednesday on a shopping trip and a visit with relatives.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2013]

Winneshiek County