Iowa Old Press

The Decorah Journal
Decorah, Winneshiek co. Iowa
Tuesday, September 5, 1911

Returned from Norway
Orlando Ingvoldstad returned on Thursday after spending a year in Europe. He studied at the university of Christiana, Norway and traveled in england, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and France. He comes home more impressed than ever with the beauty of Decorah, Iowa, U.S.A.

Maine Victim Buried
Thousands of people were at Red Oak, Iowa, last Thursday, including Governor Carroll and his staff, Chief Justice Deemer of the supreme court and federal Judge Walter I. Smith, to attend the funeral of Lieutenant Merritt, U.S.N., killed when the battleship Maine was blown up in Havana harbor in 1898. Merritt was the only officer killed on the Maine and his body was recognized when recovered ten days ago by the Annapolis class ring on his finger. The body was buried in the family lot and local national guardsmen fired a salute over the grave.
[transcription note: Lt. Darwin R. Merritt, Asst. Engineer of the Maine]

Waukon Man U.S. Champion
Local marksmen in army circles have been attaining honors for themselves and Waukon in late years by bringing back trophies and medals and championship records from state contests, but the biggest honor of all has been attained by Sergeant Charles M. King of this city, who at Camp Perry, Ohio, last week won the individual rifle championship of the United States. He also won the president's trophy match, another signal honor. His reward will be gold medals and several hundred dollars in prize money.

King was in competition with over 100 of the best marksmen in the army and navy. His score was 285 out of a possible 300 points and was made at different distances up to 1,000 yards. His score is the highest ever attained. He is still at Camp Perry with the Iowa team.

Sergt. King is but 24 years of age and works at the blacksmith trade when home. He has been one of Co. I's expert riflemen ever since his enlistment several years ago and has sided in winning the numerous regimental and company trophies held by Company I during late years. He also holds the championship of the Iowa National Guard which he won a few weeks ago. - Waukon Democrat

Chas. Hanson Killed
Charles Hanson, who constructed the plant of the Decorah Gas Co. in this city, and who has a considerable acquaintance here, was accidentally killed Thursday at Dexter, Iowa. He was there erecting a gas plant and was killed while [illegible] in his work. The Des Moines papers say his death was due to an explosion. The plant was not yet in operation so the explosion must have been from gasoline or other explosives.

Mr. Hanson leaves a widow and two children, one about five and the other about three years of age. The family lived at Woodbine, Ia., where the funeral was held Sunday. Jas. Reardon of the Decorah Gas Co. went down to attend the funeral.

Sever Julian Brorby was born in Clayton county, Iowa, October 4th, 1872, of parents, Jacob and Oline Brorby. He came to Decorah with his widowed mother in 1886. In January, 1909, he went to Colorado and spent two years at a sanitarium near Denver in an effort to conquer an attack of pulmonary tuberculosis. Finding no relief, he returned to Sioux Falls, S.D., to the home of his sister, Mrs. Edward Larson, to the care of his mother, where he passed away peacefully on Sunday, August 27th, 1911. Interment was had at Sioux Falls, Wednesday, Aug. 30, 1911. He leaves his mother, four sisters and four brothers to mourn his loss.

Leaves for South America
A.F. Porter of this city leaves this evening for the east to make arrangements for a scientific expedition to South America. At Williamsport, Pennsylvania, he will join his friend, John Geddis, who will accompany him on the trip. They will spend a month in preparation and on Oct. 1st will sail for Georgetown, British Guinea, South America. The purpose of the expedition is to secure rare specimens of moths, beetles, butterflies and birds. From Georgetown the steamer goes up the river about 100 miles. Thereafter most of the trip will bee made in canoes. Messrs. Porter and Geddis' companions will be Indian guides and carriers of luggage. The party will travel in the jungles in order to get specimens hitherto unknown or very little known.

R.F. Tyler in Convention
R.F. Tyler returned yesterday afternoon from Des Moines where he went as delegate of the Winneshiek rural mail carriers to the state association's convention.

Gjevre Captures Tarantula
Not since the time of the Jacobs fruit store in the building now occupied by Mrs. Altha Daubney's millinary has a tarantula been captured in this city, till Friday when one fell off a bunch of bananas in Adolph Gjevre's grocery store and was executed with a broom. Mr. Gjevre has the tarantula preserved in alcohol and it stands in a beautiful jar on his cigar stand.

Local News - Happenings of Interest Gathered for the Benefit of Our Readers
Henry Herwig went to Sumner last Tuesday.

Hans Olson went to Minneapolis yesterday.

Miss Mae Schaub visited Cresco friends the past week.

Miss Ella Wangsness of Ossian visited in Decorah the past week.

Miss Nettie McIntosh left yesterday to visit in Dubuque.

L.E. Sutton and family of Canto, route 2, were here Friday for the fair.

Pete Klein came down from Winona Wednesday to visit his mother and sister.

Miss Mae Foss left Friday for her home in Chicago after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Carolan in Bluffton.

Mr. Eberhart and family returned to Elkader Friday after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanson north of town.

E.C. Bailey was in Waukon one day the past week, returning with Mrs. Bailey and their daughter, who had been visiting there.

Frank Orr and family and Mrs. Musser autoed up from Monona on Wednesday to visit Mrs. E.A. Duffy and to attend the fair.

Miss Dora Schneider, daughter of the former German Methodist minister here, arrived Saturday from Klemme, Iowa, to visit her sister, Mrs. Fred Schrubbe.

Barton and Charlie Warner went to McGregor Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jayne.

R.F. Gibson went to St. Paul on Friday to spend three weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Ruby.

Misses Allie and Clara Hoyt spent Sunday in Fayette with the former's brother, Fred Hoyt.

Miss Cecil Thomas left Wednesday for Milbank, S.D., where she resumes teaching in the public school.

Oscar Norgaard is taking a vacation from work in the Winneshiek Co. State Bank. Friday he went to Northwood, N.D., to visit his sister, Lillie.

Miss Priscella Bridge concluded her visit with her sister, Mrs. Ward Freeman, Wednesday and returned to Wakpain, S.D. where she teaches in the Indian school.

Henry Telford of Saskatoon, Canada, was in Decorad between trains Wednesday. It is 23 or more years since he left Decorah. He worked for Ed Riley in the lumber yard.

A.J. Sharp and Will Kennedy made a trip to Dana, Sask., Canada, last week.

Miss Jessie Miller of Sioux City left last Tuesday for Minneapolis after visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMullen went to New Hampton last Tuesday to visit Mr. McMullen's parents.

Al Wooley returned Wednesday from Fillmore, Ia., where he has been engaged in work on a church.

Mrs. O.R. Pomeroy returned to Gay's Mills, Wis., last Tuesday after visiting her sister, Mrs. H.M. Cummings.

Mike Barth and Will Seegmiller were among Locust's representatives in Decorah yesterday.

H. Hiram Ward of Sioux Falls, S.D. spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.W. Ward.

Miss Ruth Helwig left yesterday for Indianapolis, where she resumes violin study in the conservatory of music. Mrs. Helwig accompanied her to Calmar.

Neighborhood News - Happenings Gathered from Neighboring Communities

Revana, Sept 1 -
-Milton Riggs, accompanied by Polly and Jennie Riggs of Castalia, visited at E. Decou's Friday.
-August Peck and family spent Sunday at the H. Lang home near Frankville.
-P. Barthelma Jr., was a passenger for Caledonia, Minn. Monday, returning Wednesday.
-Goodman Oyloe of Nordness visited at the S.M. Ness home this past week.
-Sven Tonson delivered hogs at Decoah Saturday.
-Among those who attended the fair at Decorah the past week were P. Barthelma and son, Leo; Edith Decou; H. Lansing and wife; Louis and Evelyn Schweinfus; Mr. and Mrs. F. Schroeder; Frank and Dora Lansing; George Cremer; H. Schroeder and daughters Mary, Emma and Anna; John and Regina Barthelma; Mr. and Mrs. Ole Anderson; S.M. Ness and daughter, Tonnie.

Centennia, Sept 2 -
-Herman Goeke and wife and Mrs. Krumme and daughter of Ludlow were guests at the Fred Rekward home Tuesday.
-Little Raymond Daniels is on the sick list.
-Mrs. Walker Decou who has been visiting in Missouri Valey came home Saturday, accompanied by her daughter, Macie and baby.
-Theodore Rose was a business caller at the A.W. Oxley home on Sunday afternoon.

Lincoln, Sept 1 -
-One of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Qualley's little boys had the croup last week.
-Two of John Reinhart's sheep wer ekilled by wolves while he was away visiting.
-Steve Johnson returned from his trip to Minnesota.
-Miss Leydia Kratz, who is sewing at the dressmaking trade in Cresco, spent Sunday at home.

Kendallville, Sept 1 -
-Mr. Flynn had the misfortune Tuesday to get one finger and the thumb on his right hand taken off in the threshing machine. He is doing well.
-Chas. Curtiss and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl.
-Fred Todd and family are preparing to leave soon for South Dakota to live on his claim.
-Mrs. Young and Floosie Handke went to Cresco Thursday. Her son, Alva, went with them to Cresco at which place he takes the train for Waucoma where he will visit his cousins.

Ridgeway, Sept 1 -
-Miss Elizabeth Lewis came over from Waukon last Saturday and is visiting Miss Iga Gunderson.
-The Misses Dorothy and Eleanor Parker of Fayette came up to visit their grandparents, mr. and Mrs. W.H. Klemme.
-Mrs. George Haasa of Bode, Ia., arrived last Saturday to visit her son, Dr. Haasa, and other relatives.
-W.H. Klemme is having an acetylene lighting plant installed in his residence.
-K. Alfson returned Monday from South Shore, S.D., where he visited his daughter, Mrs. Julia Ellingson.

Calmar, Sept 2 -
-Mesdames Collins and J.Sanders were called to Minneapolis to attend the funeral of Mrs. Collins' sister.
-Ole Stromsodt came down from Starbuck to attend the funeral of Andrew Stromsodt.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ingwal Stromsodt have moved into the Hammer residence again. Mrs. Andrew Stromsodt and children will occupy the old Stromsodt place.
-J.J. Dvorah of Windmere, N.D. is visiting his folks here.
-Mr. Munkel is laid up with a badly swollen hand resulting from a bad bruise.
-Lawrence Oelke of Farmersburg autoed up Sunday for a visit with his uncle, Mr. Buck.

Protivin, Sept 1 -
-Mrs. Henen Lukesh and daughter, Albina, visited the Frank Valvodas' home Friday.
-Mrs. Anton Shores and Miss Regina Zahapky were Cresco shoppers Saturday.
-Mrs. Mary Snopenk and son, Chas. returned home Monday from a visit at New Hampton.
-Chas Chyle was a Jackson Junction caller Thursday.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2014]

Winneshiek County