Iowa Old Press

Decorah Journal
Decorah, Winneshiek co. Iowa
January 3, 1911

Obituary - Peter E. Haugen
Yesterday, Monday morning, Jan. 2, 1911, at 3:15 Peter E. Haugen, one of this country's old and respected residents passed away at his home in this city. Death was due to a complication of disease, heart trouble, diabetis, and bronchitis. Mr. Haugen had been sick the past year, but he had been confined to his bed only about two weeks.

His daughter, Mrs. A.E. Elickson, arrived here from Maltby, S.D., Saturday, driving 50 miles from their claim to the railroad station. Miss Marie Haugen also was present at his death.

Peter E. Haugen was born in Kggedahl, Norway, Nov. 24, 1833, and came to America with his parents in 1840. They first settled near Beloit, Wis. and in 1852 came to this county. So Mr. Haugen was one of the oldest settlers in Winneshiek county.

On Oct. 29, 1858, he married Miss Gunild Allen of Beloit, Wis., who survives hiim in very feeble health, so that now she is confined to her bed. The deceased is survived by two daughters also, Mrs. A.E. Ellickson of Maltby, S.D. and Miss Marie Haugen, of Decorah. Another daughter, Mrs. Andrew Himle, and a son, Engebret, died some years ago. Several children died in infancy.

In 1865, Mr. Haugen went into the machine business in Decorah. About four years later he began to buy grain in this city and in 1876 built a large elevator here. He conducted a marble shop for some time on the corner now occupied by Gjevre's grocery. In all Mr. Haugen was in business in Decorah about twenty years.

He also farmed at his place three miles south of Decorah on the Calmar road. Seven years ago he moved to Decorah and erected a substantial house on the corner of Maple Ave. and Francis street, which has been his home since. Mr. Haugen served a number of years as alderman in this city's council. During many years he was a prominent Democrat and about 20 years ago was nominated by the Democrats for the state senate. Altho this district (Howard and Winneshiek counties) was heavily Republican, he carried Winneshiek county and was beaten in the district by some 20 votes.

The funeral will be held at the house at one o'clock, Thursday and at the United Lutheran church at 1:30. Rev. Otto E. Schmidt will officiate and burial will be made in the Peter Haugen cemetery south of this city.

H.S.E. Renken Dead
After suffering ill health eighteen years and being under the doctor's care the past eight years, H.S.E. Renken passed away at his home in this city Sunday morning, Jan. 1, 1911, at 1:50. Death was due to a kidney disease that baffled medical skill.

Henry Siegfried Emil Renken was born in Germany, March 7, 1851, and came to this country with his parents when he was only a year old. They moved to Decorah in 1858. It was in Decorah, April 23, 1877, that Mr. Renken united in marriage with Anna M. Niemeyer, who survives him.

To them were born four children, of whom three survive, Will of Chicago, Mathild of Decorah, and Fred of Winona. The deceased is survived also by three brothers: Theodore of Los Angeles, Ed of Missoula, Montana, who is here now, and Renke of Denver. Mr. Renken's mother is living in Denver.

Mr. Renken was a contractor and in his health did business throughout this north middle-west. He was prominent in Democratic local politics and in the Masonic order.
The funeral, which will be held at the home tomorrow at 1:30, will be in charge of the Masons. Rev. McVettie will offer a prayer, but the rest of the services will be Masonic. The remains will be laid in the vault in the Phelps cemetery till spring. Will and Fred Renken are here for the funeral.

Rev. Huus Dead
Rev. Huus, who was pastor of the NOrwegian United LUtheran church of Decorah previously to Rev. Haugen, who preceeded the present pastor Rev. Schmidt, died in Silver lake, Thursday morning. Rev. Schmidt, Mrs. J.C. Tarvestad, and Miss Mary Loeken, of Decorah attended the funeral.

[transcribers note: the type face on the page with the obits was very difficult to read, especially numbers - there may be errors]


Frankville, December 31, 1910
-Paul Topel entertained his Sunday school class, also the Castalia Sunday school class at an oyster supper at his home Wednesday evening.
-A party of young people gathered at the Phil Brouilette home Tuesday evening.
-John Stock came down from Spencer to spend his Christmas vacation with home folks.
-A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Kneeskern Christmas morning.
-Earl Bowder of Postville was a business caller in Frankville Thursday evening.
-Earl Linnevold of Myron is a guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. Gerold Moore, this week.
-Earl Smith and Harold Spaun were Waukon visitors Saturday.
-Quite a large crowd from town attended the party at the Jake Rupp home on Washington Prairie Friday evening.

Freeport, January 2, 1911
-Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Coughlin and R.T Robinson spent New Year's Day with friends in Decorah.
-Miss Eva Stohr who spent the past week with home folks returned to Nordness Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Sweltzer of Lamark, Ill. arrived Sunday morning for a brief visit at the D.K. Leach home.
-Miss Thompson who teaches near here spent last week at her home near Spillville.
-Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Reynolds and Mrs. Linda Coughlin of Decorah were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Coughlin Christmas Day.

Protivin, December 31, 1910
-Miss Ardena Lewis is spending this week at Lawler visiting under the parental roof.
-Miss Mary B. Landa returned last Saturday from her visit at Rudd and Nora Springs.
-Miss Regina Huber spent the forepart of the week visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Bouska's.
-Helen Lukes was a Spillville shoper Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. John J. Klimesh and Alois Hoinb left today for Prairieburg, where they will visit relatives.
-Adolph Kovarik of Dumas, Texas, and Frank Kovarik of Lyle, Minn., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kalishek.
-John Junko of Lawler spent Sunday with home folks.
-Frank Polansky was a Spillville caller Thursday.
-Frank H. Chyle assisted the Calmar Mandolin Orchestra in a dance there Monday night.
-The Protivin Creamery Association has put up its supply of ice this week.
-Emil Polashek of Waucoma spent Sunday with home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Waters are grieving over the loss of their little babe which came to their home Friday night.

Word comes from the Evergreen neighborhood of the death of Mrs. Coats at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Webster, at that place. Mrs. Coats was for many years a resident of Frankville, but since the death of her husband about eleven years ago, she has made her home with her daughter.

Clay Hill, Dec. 31, 1910
-G.T. Pearson of Decorah was a business caller in this vicinity last Monday.
-Frank Hanson was sawing wood in this vicinity last week.
-Ed Bolsen and wife attended the funeral of the infant baby of Mr. and Mrs. John Solem of Canoe Ridge last Monday.
-Albert Grinna was in and near Riverbend last week dehorning cattle.
-Mrs. Florence Olsen of Decorah visited her mother Mrs. Bleka last week.
-Sadie Dinger visitied friends in Cresco Saturday.
-Florence Foss returned home Saturday after a week's visit with relatives in Lime Springs.
-The young folks of this vicinity enjoyed themselves at a party given by Lizzie and Hattie Gross Friday eve.
-Mrs. Bennie Jewell visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Elliot last Thursday.
-Mabel and Williard Haas of Franklin Prairie attended the party here Friday eve.
-Ida Larsen of Canoe Ridge visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. E.C. Bolsen several days last week.
-Phoebe Sorenson visited friends in Riverbend several days last week.
-Clem Stortz and wife of Franklin Prairie wee guests at the John Seegmeiller home las Sunday.
-Arthur Anderson of Decorah visited relatives on the Hill a few days last week.

Ridgeway, Dec. 31, 1910
-Newton Damon was down from Cresco last Friday on business.
-Dr. Sather came down from Fosston, Minn. to join his wife in a visit with M.R. Ringeon family.
-Mrs. Werhan and mother, Mrs. Segrist returned Tuesday from Decorah where they spent Christmas with hthe D. Horan family.
-Julia Thompson returned to Decorah Wed. after spending the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson.
-John Aaker of Velan, N.D. arrived Sat. to spend the holidays at the home of his mother, Mrs. D.O. Aaker.
-Arthur Beers returned to Anamosa Saturday being called here by the illness of his mother.
-Mrs. Theo Arneson of Cedar Rapids was called here by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Beers.
-Mrs. L.A. Lowe and daughter Josie came over from Waukon Friday to spend the winter at the Dr. J.C. Lewis home.
-Nellie Hathaway spent Chrismas in Fayette with the Thompson family.
-Berthilda Steensland went to her home in Saude last Saturday to spend her Christmas vacation.
-Sadie Koch arrived home last Saturday from an extended visit with her sister at Strawberry Point.
-Hilmer Guttormson has returned to Tacoma, Washington where he is weighmaster for the Milwaukee.

Kittel Sanderson passed away on Christmas Day at the home of his son Ben, aged 89 years, six months and eleven days. The funeral services were held Thursday from the United Lutheran Church. Rev. Wadgenstein of Saude officiating.

Mrs. Geo. Beers, after a lingering illness, passed away at her home east of town, Saturday, Dec. 24, 1910. Funeral services were held from the Madison Church on Tuesday, Rev. Thos. Nilsson officiating.

Ft. Atkinson, Dec. 31, 1910
-Francis Pavlovec and a gentleman friend of Charles City spent the holidays with her mother.
-Geo. Wiest Sr. left for Cincinnati, Ohio to visit relatives.
-Jim Puffer, wife and baby spent the fore part of last week at the Einwalter home.
-Paul Krumm and family of Calmar spent Christmas at the Herman Krumm home.
-John Skoda of Foresight, Montana is visiting relatives this week.

Calmar, Dec. 31, 1910
-Rev. Galbreth and family of Fayette were visiting here part of the week. A reception was held at the home of Wm. Millward Tuesday evening in honor of the Rev. and family.
-Mrs. Hurlbut was a Decorah visitor Monday.
-Harry Lutz is laid up with a sore foot from playing basket ball.
-A fine baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meyer one day last week.
-John Becker, who is working for J.J. Mashek spent Christmas at his home in Littleport.
-Dennis Gilmartin of Timber Lake, S.D. came home for his vacation.
-Mrs. Dr. Heflin and son, Paul, returned home from Ohio Thursday, where Mrs. Heflin was called by the death of her father.
-Chas. Englehart from Lily, S.D. stopped off here to visit his sister, Mrs. Emil Buck after which he went to his home at St. Olaf, Iowa.

A pretty wedding occurred Saturday, Dec. 24th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Overholt, when their daughter, Maude E., was united in the bonds of holy wedlock, with Clyde D. Lodwig, son of Wm. T. Lodwig of Oelwein, Iowa. The service was beautiful in its simplicity. Without misic or other preliminaries, promptly at twelve o'clock noon, the bride and groom together, accompanied by Overholt and Emma [illegible], took their places on the west side of the parlor, and responded to the questions of the service as readyby Rev. William Galbreth, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church. The bride was attired in a beautiful blue silk dress. The groom wore a neat suit of black. After receiving congratulations, all gathered in the dining room and partook of the delicious dinner prepared in Christmas style. After a few days visit with friends, the happy couple will take up the residence in Waterloo, where the groom has a position as teamster, and where he has a home already furnished to receive the bride.

[transcribed by S.F., December 2013]

Winneshiek County