Iowa Old Press

Decorah Journal
Decorah, Winneshiek co. Iowa
March 15, 1904

Bits of Local Information
-Mrs. Smith, of Calmar, was a Decorah visitor Thursday.
-Mrs. Ed. Rudolph has been on the sick list the past week.
-A.S. Myson departed yesterday for El Campo, Texas.
-Glenn B. May and O.M. Call, of Waukon Sundayed in Decorah.
-Miss Mabel Kratz came from Ridgeway Saturday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Geo. Schamel.
-Adolph Lee went to La Crosse yesterday for medical consultation. He was accompanied by his mother.
-George Sears Jr., of Ridgeway, was a Decorah visitor Friday night, getting further into the mysteries of Odd Fellowship.
-George Kimber of Burr Oak departed yesterday on a pleasure trip to the Pacific coast, which may extend throughout the summer.
-Attorney and Mrs. E.R. Acres and son departed several days ago for the south, Georgia, we understand, on account of the very poor health of Mr. Acres, who has been confined to his home all winter with throat and lung sickness.
-Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Bertoosa were called to Ridgeway last Friday to attend the funeral of an uncle, John Schield, who died Wednesday at the advanced age of 83 years. He had been a resident of this county over 40 years. He was a native of Switzerland.
-Mrs. Carpenter, of Fredericksburg, came last Friday on a visit to her son Earland Carpenter, who has been confined to his boarding house by sickness for two weeks. He accompanied her home today.
-John Sexton was down from Bluffton Tuesday.
-John Harter and wife were down from Locust Friday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Musser Friday, March 11th, a daughter.


At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Shegrude, in Frankville township, on last Wednesday evening, March 9, occurred the marriage of their daughter Miss Lottie to Mr. Edwin Haugen, of this city. The bride is one of Winneshiek county's best young ladies and has many friends in this city. The groom is one of Geo. P. Ode's corps of efficient clerks and a popular young man. Their many friends extend congratulations and best wishes.

Wednesday last, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. August Schrubbe, in Madison township, occurred the marriage of Miss Mary Schrubbe and Chas. Yarwood. The bride is one of the estimable young ladies of that part of the county, while the groom is a worthy and prosperous young farmer of that locality. The Journal extends congratulations and best wishes.

Jessie Thomas, sister of Fred Thomas, and daughter of the late Henry R. Thomas, died at Freeport last Friday morning from dropsy, after an illness of a few days. Miss Thomas was about 41 years old and for 20 years was a helpless invalid from a deranged mind. Her taking away can only be interpreted as a blessing to her. The funeral services were held at the M.E. church at Freeport Saturday afternoon and interment made in the family lot at Phelps cemetery. Of the immediate family all that now remain if Fred of this township, and a sister living at Atlanta, Ga.

Ridgeway - from the Review, March 11
-Dr. P.T. Lyon has purchased a fine hose and buggy, and has also added another room to his office.
-M.O. Libbey and Miss Vera Kimber drove over to Burr Oak last Friday to attend the funeral of Miss Kimber's grandfather.
-Seymour Fosse, who is playing with Carpenter's Orchestra, came Saturday to spend Sunday at home.
-Grandpa Schields died Tuesday afternoon. The funeral will be held from the Kratz church Friday.

Ossian - from the Bee, March 11
-Clem Zweibohmer, residing on rural rout No. 1 out of Calmar, is making preparations to build a new dwelling.
-While manipulating a sewing machine last Saturday, Mrs. F.A. Figge accidently ran the needle through one of her fingers.
-Word was received here a few days ago that John Banning had died at Spencer. He was the father of Mrs. H.W. Broadgate.

Calmar - from the Courier, March 11
-Clemence Zweibahmer, one of those prosperous farmers living south of Calmar is preparing to have a fine new dwelling erected.
-The funeral of Mrs. Barbara Mikesk occurred last Friday at Spillville. She died very suddenly on Wednesday.

[transcribed by S.F., September 2014]

Winneshiek County