Iowa Old Press

Rake Register
Rake, Winnebago co. Iowa
August 1, 1918

Lars Sogge was born in Surendalen, Norway, and reached an age of about 36 years, at the time of his sudden and untimely death. He came to America 8 years ago thru the help of Bastian Nelson, who will be remembered being in this vicinity for quite a number of years. Mr. Sogge thus far had not taken out any citizen papers. He made his home chiefly in this vicinity with the exception of about one year that he was in N. Dak. The only relatives he had in America is an aunt in Wisconsin. A cousin to Lars from that family was here at the funeral. He was a quiet unasuming man of good habits and one would know that he was around only by seeing him. The remains are laid to rest in Liberty Cemetery northwest of town.

-This town is 19 years old.
-John Mauss was out a number of half days to help P.J. Okland shock grain.
-A.A. Rake and Arnt Erickson built a new garage building for Clement Olson, in which he can keep his Ford touring car and the Ford truck.
-A letter from Chas. Collins in which he says that he is doing as well as he can, but will not be able to be in Rake for at least a month from now.
-It appears that Bricelyn is without a physician. They had two, but one is drafted and the other one enlisted into the Medical Corps of the army service.
-Carl Knudtson and Anfin Halvorson left Friday for Camp Dodge to get a chance to see Otis Knudtson before the Division moved away from there.
-Mrs. S.K. Erdahl and daughter Mayme, left Tuesday for their S.Dakota home after having enjoyed a long visit here with friends and relatives.

Southeast News
-Lucy Mylan is visiting at Ole Millang's this week.
-Mrs. Fjone and Mrs. Elliffson visited their brother Sam at Camp Dodge last week.
-Mrs. E.G. Sickels and little girl are visiting at the H.C. Beaver home.

Condensed Iowa News
-Howard Wiese, a Burlington boy, was a member of the crew of the cruiser San Diego, sunk by a submarine recently. He wired home his safe arrival in port. All but eight of the fifty-nine men reported missing after the sinking of the armored cruiser San Diego, off Fire Island, N.Y. have been accounted for.
-Three boys, Walter Moe, 11, and Roy Moe, 15, and Frank Roberts, 12, all of Des Moines, were drowned recently in the Raccoon river, near South West Eighteenth street bridge in Des Moines. None of them could swim.
-Miss Lizzie Mitchell of near Waukon recently sold forty-seven head of 2-year-old cattle and received the sum of $6,440. She purchased these cattle herself about three months ago and placed them on her farm and it is claimed she cleared $3,000 on the deal, and all say she is entitled to the title of cattle queen of Allamakee county. She also purchased a Ford to go to and from her farm in.
-Mrs. Helene Miller of Liscomb received a telegram recently from the war department saying her son, William C. Miller, had been killed in action in France July 6. His name in the casualty list probably will read William Marsh, as Miller changed his name because of so many other Millers in the service. Miller was married and has a wife and four children living at Greene.
-Miles W. McBeth, son of Rev. Paul H. McBeth, of Des Moines, was severely wounded in action, according to a war department telegram to his mother.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2010]

Iowa Old Press
Winnebago County