Iowa Old Press

Buffalo Center Tribune
Buffalo Center, Winnebago co. Iowa
July 23, 1909

Buffalo Center and Vicinity
-J.W. Woodcock started his hay crew at work last week. He will cut about 1500 acres this year.
-Emmet Flynn had his house rodded with the celebrated copper cable rods. Will Sterling put them on last week.
-Harry Gilbert has quit working in C.G. Pritchard's clothing store, and left Saturday for Waterloo for a visit with his brother Will.
-Lizzie Schultz is working in G.M. Carman's restaurant.
-Kenneth Paine is now assisting in the corner drug store.
-Minnie, two-yer-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harin Jutting, is seriously ill of bowel trouble.
-The four-months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Russ is quite sick with bowel and stomach trouble.
-The little two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Frey, northeast of town, got one of the fingers of his right hand badly crushed in a plow Wednesday.

Secor & Sparks have purchased the unimproved quarter section of land just east of John Stewart's farm. They buy for speculation and will no doubt, turn it at a good profit.

-Anthony Bolsinger expects to start his threshing rig next week.
-B.F. Drake expects to begin operating his threshing outfit next week for the fall run.
-F. Fisher, of Forest City, has taken J. Jensen's place as agent for the Fort Dodge Creamery Co. at this place.

J.A. Putnam, carrier on route one, is taking his annual fifteen days' vacation allowed by the government. Mrs. Putnam is acting as substitute while Jim stays at home and takes care of the baby.

Earl Harkness left Saturday for Kalispell, Montana, to register for the Flat Head Indian reservation opening. Cliff Collins intended to go with him, but has given up the trip.

-Marion, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Guyer, ran a nail trough her foot Wednesday evening inflicting a serious and very painful wound.
-Willie, six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tiemeier, lost three fingers from his right hand by getting the same caught in a hay fork pulley Thursday of last week.

Fred John Badje, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Badje, living five miles south of Germania, was killed by lightning while riding on a load of hogs to Germania Saturday evening. Together with his father he formerly resided south of Buffalo Center. The deceased was born at Holland, Iowa, March 7, 1891. He leaves four brothers, two sisters, two half-brothers, three half-sisters, a father and step-mother to mourn his untimely departure, his mother and one brother being dead. The funeral was held in the Lutheran church at Germania, Wednesday, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Snyder. Burial was in the cemetery near there. The deceased was a highly respected young man and the bereaved ones have the sincere sympathy of all.

R.F.D. Notes - The County Over
-Anton Olson dragged the roads this week.
-Howard Bratton is working for E.H. Stonecypher.
-Arthur Owenson is having his house treated to a fresh coat of paint.
-P.A. Hankeos has installed a telephone in his house. He is on the east Beaver line.

Wm. Jurgens and son Joseph drove to Kanawha, Hancock county, last week to attend the funeral of Mr. Jurgens' cousin, who lived south of there in Wright county.

Peter Kruger and a Mr. Scholl, of George, Iowa, were visiting friends and relatives northeast of town last week. Mr. Kruger is step-father to Mrs. Henry Adams.

-Mrs. Emery Snyder was a Thompson visitor the first of the week.
-Miss Ethel Secor left last week for St. Paul for a visit at the home of an aunt.
-Gus Steinhoff and a force of men commenced George Faber's fine new farm residence Tuesday.
-Meino, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Limberg, continues critically ill of scarlet fever, with slight hopes for his recovery.
-There is a new son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.Q. Smith, southwest of town, born Saturday afternoon, July 17. Mother and child are getting along nicely and A.Q., well he's wearing the smile that won't come off.

-Iowa State News-

August Staak, an ex-union soldier, aged 65, was found dead in a sitting posture in his chair in his office in the rear of his residence at Carroll, having expired from heart trouble. Having ate supper, he went to the office, executed an insurance policy, and sat down in the chair near the door to rest, where he was found by his wife dead. He was born in Germany in 1844.

Inmates of the State Industrial School for Girls at Mitchellville were bitterly opposed to the appointment of a woman to succeed Supt. F.P. Fitzgerald, and have declared that "they don't want to be bossed by a woman." For this reason the work of Miss Hattie R. Garrison may be doubly hard at the commencement of her work.

Mrs. Vera De Noje, the actress recently arrested in Seattle upon a charge of fraudulently bringing into America, $35,000 worth of Chinese furniture, has been identified as a former Iowa girl. She was the daughter of Mrs. Higginbotham, who married Newton Searles, a plasterer at Maxwell, Ia., in 1893.

Chester E. Edwards, the 23-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Edwards of Lorimer, died at his home in that city as the result of typhoid fever.

Word was received of the death of James Locke at the old soldiers' home in Leavenworth, Kan. Mr. Locke has the distinction of being the first white child born in Union county. He has lived here all his life.

[transcribed by S.F. September 2012]


Iowa Old Press
Winnebago County