Iowa Old Press

Buffalo Center Tribune
Buffalo Center, Winnebago co. Iowa
May 8, 1903

Buffalo Center and Vicinity
-Miss Bertha Larson has been sick with an attack of the grip.
-Mrs. Eddy has been quite sick again and confined to her bed for several days.

George Carman won the pair of shoes given away at the bowling alley last week for the highest score over 200 made during the week. His score was 228.

Bert Robinson left Tuesday for Canby, Minnesota, to remain some time at the home of his mother and near which place he owns land. He still continues quite ill and at the time of his departure was unable to walk alone.

-During a thunderstorm recently, lightning struck Taliek Eiel's barn, east of town, killing three head of cattle.
-Dr. C.J. Amble will be at Johnson hotel to examine eyes and fit glasses on May 15 and 16.

Claude Melvin arrived home from Chicago Wednesday. He reports Mrs. Melvin considerable improved when he left. Blood poisoning has set in and her arm is badly swollen. She is expected home Saturday, but may not come until sometime next week.

B.J. Johnson has sold his barber shop in the rear of the First National bank building to R. Huminston and F. Miller, of Bancroft, who took possession Tuesday. Mr. Johnson has not as yet decided what he will do in the future and for the present will remain here.

The following relatives were in attendance at the funeral of William Patterson: Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Thomas, father and mother of Mrs. Patterson; Sylvester Thomas, her bother; and Mrs. D.E. Leister, her sister, all of Cedar Falls; and James and Anthony Patterson, brothers of the deceased, of Hudson, Iowa.

E.E. Secor returned home Thursday. He has been gone several days endeavoring to get a trace of his brother, S.S. Secor, of Winnebago City, Minnesota, who left home a week ago last Saturday and whose grip was found in Milwaukee.

It seems Mr. Secor had registered at the hotel and, putting the grip in his room, came out, locked the door, put the key in his pocket, left the hotel and that was the last seen of him.

Mr. Secor said upon his return that not a single trace of [his brother] could be found, they they have some expert detectives at work on the case and it is to be hoped they will soon find a clue that will lead to his discovery. It is feared that he has been dealt with by foul play.

The News in Iowa
-Willie Connell, the young son of Samuel Connell, of Keokuk, was instantly killed by taking hold of a live wire near the electric plant.

-Matt Hunter was sentenced to 25 years' imprisonment by Judge Parsh at Osceola for the murder of Homer Holland, a college athlete of national reputation. The murder occurred at Mt. Ayr a year ago. Hunter and Holland were rivals in love and had quarreled during a game of poker in which Hunter claimed Holland had defrauded him. He procured a weapon, sought Holland, and cooly shot him down on the street. He was convicted of murder in the 2nd degree, receiving a life sentence. A new trial was granted, resulting in a second conviction in the same degree last week.

-The badly decomposed remains of a man found in the ice harbor at Dubuque disclosed the fact that they were those of Michael Morgan, who came to that city from Allamakee county. On November 7 he disappeared. When last seen he had considerable money which he had just received, but only twenty-seven cents were found in his clothes. When last seen he was walking toward the river with two strangers and it is believed they murdered him.

[transcribed by S.F. March 2015]


Iowa Old Press
Winnebago County