Iowa Old Press

Rake Register
Rake, Winnebago co. Iowa
May 2, 1902

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Torkalson, a son on the night of April 28th. The young lad is welcomed with joy.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]


Thompson Courier
Thompson, Winnebago co. Iowa
May 8, 1902

Mr. and Mrs. John Eiel received the unhappy intelligence by telegram last Thursday of the death the day previous, April 30th, of their son Bliss, at Ural, Oklahoma. The deceased was a young man, only twenty years of age and had apparently been robust and healthy all his life until recently when he began to suffer from lung troubles.

The stork hovered over Thompson again Tuesday and chose as his alighting place one of our most beautiful homes. And he laid down a heavier burden than he usually carries, a bouncing twelve or thirteen pound boy. Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Thompson received the precious gift into welcoming arms and happy hearts.

Alta May Brooker was born near Thompson, Iowa, November 15, 1890. In and near Thompson has been her home since then, except for a few months spent in Forest City. Here at her home in Thompson she was taken ill of pneumonia a few days since. This disease, following as it did another illness, was more than she had strength to overcome. Death came May 5, 1902, at 3 a.m. She passed quietly away without having the slightest pain, having been conscious to the last and spoke with almost her last breath. Funeral services were
held from the church of which she was a member. They were conducted by Rev. E. Hutchingson, the pastor. Burial was in the Thompson Cemetery.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]


Thompson Courier
Thompson, Winnebago co. Iowa
May 15, 1902

A girl baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Erdal, who live near Amund, Sunday afternoon.

Anna Christina Nelson, who resided with her mother about five miles northwest of town, succumbed to that dread disease, consumption, Monday, May 4, 1902. It seems so very sad to think that one just blooming into
womanhood as was Miss Nelson, being about twenty years of age, should be called away, though such is life. Miss Nelson was born in Warren County, Ill., October 1, 1881. In 1891 she, with her parents moved to this county, where she had grown to womanhood. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Lemme, pastor of the Lutheran church, and the interment was made in Evergreen cemetery.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]


Thompson Courier
Thompson, Winnebago co. Iowa
May 22, 1902

A daughter was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Parrott, who live on Jas. Ellickson's farm south of town.

Mr. John Harvey and Miss Ella Nesje, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nesje, of Eden township, will be married today at Trefoldighed church in Eden township.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]


Rake Register
Rake, Winnebago co. Iowa
May 23, 1902

A little five pound daughter arrived at the Rake home, Saturday morning.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]


Rake Register
Rake, Winnebago co. Iowa
May 30, 1902

A new daughter arrived at the Wm. Woodwick home, and if she is well treated she intends to stay quite a number of years.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Winnebago County