Iowa Old Press

Thompson Courier
Thompson, Winnebago co. Iowa
April 3, 1902

-Twin babies, a boy and a girl, were born to Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Oehler Monday evening.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Goslin, a twelve pound girl on Wednesday last. All are doing well at this writing.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]


Rake Register
Rake, Winnebago co. Iowa
April 4, 1902

Mr. Oscar Sjostrom and Miss Mary Nelson were married in the Liberty church last Monday by Rev. Sandivg. The wedding dinner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holverson.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]


Thompson Courier
Thompson, Winnebago co. Iowa
April 10, 1902

Harold Haroldson and Miss Carrie Olson, both of whom live just north of Leland, were married at the church two miles west of Leland at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, April 3rd.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]


Thompson Courier
Thompson, Winnebago co. Iowa
April 24, 1902

Mr. Bert B. Sveen and Miss Dina Kjendlie, both of whom live four miles northeast of town, were married at the home of Rev. Malmin yesterday afternoon.

Dr. True was called away from his dinner rather abruptly Monday. But he has been so happy since that he not only has no regrets for having missed at the time the "pie the mother made" but he has scarcely given a thought to the necessity of eating since. It was all on account of the pretty baby girl with whom his wife presented him at high noon that day. It has been no easy time for Doc and with the two mammas here to attend to everything, he has been able to give his whole time to the anticipation of paternal joy.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]


Rake Register
Rake, Winnebago co. Iowa
April 25, 1902

Last Wednesday Miss Betsy Flo and Peter J. Peterson were united in marriage at Dell, Minn., by Rev. C.J. Sandvig.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Winnebago County